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113 lines (80 loc) · 3.27 KB

Getting started

Installing your doc directory

You may already have sphinx sphinx installed -- you can check by doing:

python -c 'import sphinx'

If that fails grab the latest version of and install it with:

> sudo easy_install -U Sphinx

Now you are ready to build a template for your docs, using sphinx-quickstart:

> sphinx-quickstart

accepting most of the defaults. I choose "sampledoc" as the name of my project. cd into your new directory and check the contents:

home:~/tmp/sampledoc> ls
Makefile      _static
_build                _templates      index.rst

The index.rst is the master ReST for your project, but before adding anything, let's see if we can build some html:

make html

If you now point your browser to :file:`_build/html/index.html`, you should see a basic sphinx site.


Fetching the data

Now we will start to customize out docs. Grab a couple of files from the web site or svn. You will need :file:`getting_started.rst` and :file:`_static/basic_screenshot.png`. All of the files live in the "completed" version of this tutorial, but since this is a tutorial, we'll just grab them one at a time, so you can learn what needs to be changed where. Since we have more files to come, I'm going to grab the whole svn directory and just copy the files I need over for now. First, I'll cd up back into the directory containing my project, check out the "finished" product from svn, and then copy in just the files I need into my :file:`sampledoc` directory:

home:~/tmp/sampledoc> pwd
home:~/tmp/sampledoc> cd ..
home:~/tmp> svn co\
A    sampledoc_tut/cheatsheet.rst
A    sampledoc_tut/_static
A    sampledoc_tut/_static/basic_screenshot.png
A    sampledoc_tut/
A    sampledoc_tut/Makefile
A    sampledoc_tut/_templates
A    sampledoc_tut/_build
A    sampledoc_tut/getting_started.rst
A    sampledoc_tut/index.rst
Checked out revision 7449.
home:~/tmp> cp sampledoc_tut/getting_started.rst sampledoc/
home:~/tmp> cp sampledoc_tut/_static/basic_screenshot.png \

The last step is to modify :file:`index.rst` to include the :file:`getting_started.rst` file (be careful with the indentation, the "g" in "getting_started" should line up with the ':' in :maxdepth:


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2


and then rebuild the docs:

cd sampledoc
make html

When you reload the page by refreshing your browser pointing to :file:`_build/html/index.html`, you should see a link to the "Getting Started" docs, and in there this page with the screenshot. Voila!

Note we used the image directive to include to the screenshot above with:

.. image:: _static/basic_screenshot.png

Next we'll customize the look and feel of our site to give it a logo, some custom css, and update the navigation panels to look more like the sphinx site itself -- see :ref:`custom_look`.