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Cluster Kyma installation
Getting Started


This Getting Started guide shows developers how to to quickly deploy Kyma on a cluster. Kyma installs on a cluster using a proprietary installer based on a Kubernetes operator. The document provides prerequisites, instructions on how to install Kyma on a cluster and verify the deployment, as well as the troubleshooting tips.


NOTE: The public IPs and DNS records for Istio Ingress and the Remote Environments gateway must exist prior to the Kyma installation. The Kyma installer does not support clusters on AWS as the provider does not support static IP assignment during ELB creation.

The cluster on which you install Kyma must run Kubernetes version 1.10 or higher.

To install Kyma, you need the following data:

  • The IP address for Kyma Ingress
  • The IP address for Remote Environments Ingress.
  • The domain name such as
    • points to Remote Environments Ingress IP address
    • * points to Kyma Ingress IP address
  • The wildcard TLS certificate for your cluster domain that you can generate with Let's Encrypt
  • The certificate for Remote Environments.

NOTE: See the Application Connector documentation for more details.

Configure the Kubernetes API Server following this template:

"apiServerConfig": {
    "--enable-admission-plugins": "Initializers,NamespaceLifecycle,LimitRanger,ServiceAccount,MutatingAdmissionWebhook,ValidatingAdmissionWebhook,DefaultStorageClass,ResourceQuota,PodPreset",
    "--runtime-config": "batch/v2alpha1=true,,",
    "--cors-allowed-origins": ".*",
    "--feature-gates": "ReadOnlyAPIDataVolumes=false",
    "--oidc-issuer-url": "",
    "--oidc-client-id": "kyma-client",
    "--oidc-username-claim": "email",
    "--oidc-groups-claim": "groups"
"kubeletConfig": {
    "--feature-gates": "ReadOnlyAPIDataVolumes=false",
    "--authentication-token-webhook": "true",
    "--authorization-mode": "Webhook"


  1. Create the kyma-installer Namespace.

Run the following command:

kubectl create ns kyma-installer
  1. Fill in the installer-config.yaml.tpl template.

The Kyma installation process requires installation data specified in the installer-config.yaml file. Copy the installer-config.yaml.tpl template, rename it to installer-config.yaml, and fill in these placeholder values:

  • __TLS_CERT__ for the TLS certificate
  • __TLS_KEY__ for the TLS certificate key
  • __REMOTE_ENV_CA__ for the Remote Environments CA
  • __REMOTE_ENV_CA_KEY__ for the Remote Environments CA key
  • __EXTERNAL_IP_ADDRESS__ for the IP address for Kyma Ingress
  • __DOMAIN__ for the domain name such as
  • __REMOTE_ENV_IP__ for the IP address for Remote Environments Ingress
  • __K8S_APISERVER_URL__ for the API server's URL
  • __K8S_APISERVER_CA__ for your API Server CA
  • __ADMIN_GROUP__ for the additional admin group. This value is optional.
  • __ENABLE_ETCD_BACKUP_OPERATOR__ to enable or disable the etcd backup operator. Enter true or false.
  • __ETCD_BACKUP_ABS_CONTAINER_NAME__ for the Azure Blob Storage name of etcd backups. You can leave the value blank when the backup operator is disabled.

NOTE: As the etcd backup feature is in development, set __ENABLE_ETCD_BACKUP_OPERATOR__ to false and leave __ETCD_BACKUP_ABS_CONTAINER_NAME__ blank.

When you fill in all required placeholder values, run the following command to provide the cluster with the installation data:

kubectl apply -f installer-config.yaml
  1. Bind the default RBAC role.

Kyma installation requires increased permissions granted by the cluster-admin role. To bind the role to the default ServiceAccount, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f resources/cluster-prerequisites/default-sa-rbac-role.yaml
  1. Deploy tiller.

To deploy the tiller component on your cluster, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f installation/resources/tiller.yaml

Wait until the tiller Pod is ready. Execute the following command to check that it is running:

kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep tiller
  1. Deploy the Installer component.

To deploy the Installer component on your cluster, run this command:

kubectl apply -f installation/resources/installer.yaml -n kyma-installer
  1. Trigger the installation.

To trigger the installation of Kyma, you need a Custom Resource file. Duplicate the installer-cr.yaml.tpl file, rename it to installer-cr.yaml, and fill in these placeholder values:

  • __VERSION__ for the version number of Kyma to install. When manually installing Kyma on a cluster, specify any valid SemVer notation string. For example, 0.0.1.
  • __URL__ for the URL to the Kyma tar.gz package to install. For example, for the master branch of Kyma, the address is

Once the file is ready, run this command to trigger the installation:

kubectl apply -f installer-cr.yaml
  1. Verify the installation.

To check the progress of the installation process, verify the Custom Resource:

kubectl get installation kyma-installation -o yaml

A successful installation ends by setting status.state to Installed and status.description to Kyma installed.


To troubleshoot the installation, start by reviewing logs of the Installer component:

kubectl logs -n kyma-installer $(kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l name=kyma-installer --no-headers -o jsonpath='{.items[*]}')