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180 lines (132 loc) · 2.3 KB


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180 lines (132 loc) · 2.3 KB


API reference

Relational plots

relplot scatterplot lineplot

Distribution plots

displot histplot kdeplot ecdfplot rugplot distplot

Categorical plots

catplot stripplot swarmplot boxplot violinplot boxenplot pointplot barplot countplot

Regression plots

lmplot regplot residplot

Matrix plots

heatmap clustermap

Multi-plot grids

Facet grids

FacetGrid FacetGrid.map_dataframe

Pair grids

pairplot PairGrid PairGrid.map_diag PairGrid.map_offdiag PairGrid.map_lower PairGrid.map_upper

Joint grids

jointplot JointGrid JointGrid.plot JointGrid.plot_joint JointGrid.plot_marginals

Style control

set axes_style set_style plotting_context set_context set_color_codes reset_defaults reset_orig

Color palettes

set_palette color_palette husl_palette hls_palette cubehelix_palette dark_palette light_palette diverging_palette blend_palette xkcd_palette crayon_palette mpl_palette

Palette widgets

choose_colorbrewer_palette choose_cubehelix_palette choose_light_palette choose_dark_palette choose_diverging_palette

Utility functions

load_dataset get_dataset_names get_data_home despine desaturate saturate set_hls_values