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CORS & Proxying

When you're working with external APIs while developing in your browser, chances are you'll be running into issues with CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). The following will introduce some of the most viable options how to cope with CORS-related issues.

What is CORS?

CORS is a W3C spec for cross-domain communication in the browser. To learn more about CORS either head over to the HTML5 Rocks Tutorial or this Ionic Blog article.

If CORS is not correctly set up, your browser will throw errors like this one:

XMLHttpRequest cannot load The
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains the invalid value ''.
Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access.

What to do?

When facing issues with CORS, we recommend to proceed in this order. There are more detailed explanations below this initial overview.

  1. Properly implement CORS in the API.
  • Only possible if you are in charge of the API's development or have some way to provide feedback to the creators. If that's possible: do it and remove the problem at its root. The HTML5 Rocks Tutorial on CORS is a good starting point if you want to implement it in its intended form.
  1. Bypass CORS, choosing one of the following options:
  • CORS plugin [How?]. Like this one.
    • PRO: quick setup
    • PRO: can disable CORS for multiple endpoints
    • CON: we had some issues with advanced features of CORS, like custom headers, that we couldn't resolve
  • Built-in mutliple proxies feature [How?] of the generator.
    • PRO: completely get around CORS
    • CON: can proxy only one endpoint
    • CON: requires code changes (replace the endpoint with an URL pointing to the proxy, what you might forget when building/deploying)
  • Disable CORS in Chrome [How?]
    • PRO: completely get around CORS for all endpoints
    • CON: need to start Chrome from the command line
    • CON: insecure browsing in that instance of Chrome

CORS plugin

  1. Head over the the plugin page and install it.
  2. Remove the wild-card pattern *://*/* for safe and error-free browsing on other sites.
  3. Add your API endpoints as a pattern: e.g.**/*.
  4. Enable the plugin.


Built-in multiple proxies

When you freshly generate a module using the generator, there will be a Test Proxy button on the debug page that can be found at http://localhost:3000/#/main/debug.


As you can see in the debug-ctrl.js, the DebugCtrl issues a request to this URL when the button is tapped.

this.proxyRequestUrl = Config.ENV.SOME_OTHER_URL + '/get';

Depending on the environment that is used this will result in either of the two URLs.

[GET] http://localhost:3000/postman-proxy/get => for the dev environment (default)
[GET] => for the prod environment

The latter is the actual end point. If you try it with the following watch command you'll get an error on tapping the button:

gulp watch --no-open --env=prod # load prod environment
XMLHttpRequest cannot load The
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains the invalid value ''.
Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access.

And when you run this watch command which defaults to the dev environment, the button click still gives an error:

gulp watch --no-open # defaults to dev environment
GET http://localhost:3000/proxy/get 404 (Not Found)

Of course, because you have to configure and start the proxy first.

Proxy configuration

You find an initial configuration of the proxy in the package.json. The syntax is fairly simple and quite self-explanatory.


  "generator-m-ionic": {
    "proxies": [
        "proxyMapFrom": "/postman-proxy",
        "proxyMapTo": ""
        "proxyMapFrom": "/another-proxy",
        "proxyMapTo": ""

There's two URLs that are being proxied in this example, both are proxied to

localhost:3000/postman-proxy ~>
localhost:3000/another-proxy ~>

You can add as many proxies as you like.

Start the proxy

In order to start the proxy with your gulp watch:

gulp watch --proxy

That's it. That simple. Additionally you might set the proxy as a default for your watch task using gulp defaults, so you don't have to type the URLs every time you start the watch task.

gulp defaults --set="watch --proxy"

Disable CORS in Chrome

If all else fails it's still possible to start Chrome with disabled CORS. Important: browsing in that instance is not secure! In order to start Chrome without CORS you need to start it from the terminal with --disable-web-security and --user-data-dir. More info on this in this stackoverflow question.

If you're using this a lot it's probably useful to alias the paths to Chrome or Canary in you .bash_profile:

alias chrome="/Applications/Google\\ Chrome"
alias canary="/Applications/Google\ Chrome\\ Chrome\ Canary"

Then you can just type:

canary --disable-web-security --user-data-dir="$HOME/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome Canary/"

You could also alias the whole thing.

The --user-data-dir is required in newer versions of Chrome when --disable-web-security is used. If you want to keep all your user data when launching with web security disabled just point that argument to the location of your user profile as I did above.