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SuperNNova validation: Classify known Ia's

  1. Download csv from TNS website. (Search for recent Ia's)
  2. Query database to see what SNN classified these as

The docs indicate that "usually" class0 indicates a Ia and class1 indicates non-Ia, but this will depend on how the model was trained.

I checked by classifying a objects recently reported to TNS as Ias.

Results indicate the opposite of expected. Will check with Anais.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import pandas as pd
from broker_utils import gcp_utils

# get objectIds from TNS csv
f = 'tns_search_SNIa.csv'
df = pd.read_csv(f)
ztfdf = df.loc[df['Disc. Internal Name'].str.startswith("ZTF")]
objectIds = list(ztfdf['Disc. Internal Name'].unique())

# query bigquery
project_id = os.getenv('GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT')
dataset = 'ztf_alerts'
table = 'SuperNNova'
query = f"""
    SELECT *
    FROM `{project_id}.{dataset}.{table}`
    WHERE objectId IN ('{"','".join(objectIds)}')
bqdf = gcp_utils.query_bigquery(query).to_dataframe()
cleandf = bqdf.sort_values('candid', ascending=False).drop_duplicates(subset='objectId', keep='first')

date = "20211017"
fout = f"snn_results_{date}.png"
cleandf.hist(['prob_class0', 'prob_class1'], sharex=True)
plt.xlabel("SuperNNova result")
plt.suptitle("recent SNIa's reported to TNS")


Classify known Ia - Original Test

The docs indicate that "usually" class0 indicates a Ia and class1 indicates non-Ia, but this will depend on how the model was trained.

I (Troy) checked by classifying a recent observation of the known Ia that I recently pulled from file storage to send to Ella (SN_2021rhu aka ZTF21abiuvdk, ZTF21abiuvdk_lightcurve.png and compare with Alerce).

Results indicate the opposite of expected... SN_2021rhu is assigned to class1 with high confidence.

Adding this to my list of questions for Anais about the trained model.

import main
from broker_utils import data_utils, gcp_utils

snIa = 'ZTF21abiuvdk'
fname = '/Users/troyraen/Documents/broker/ella/avros/ZTF21abiuvdk.1664460940815015004.ztf_20210723_programid1.avro'

alert_dict = data_utils.decode_alert(fname)
snn_dict = main.classify_with_snn(alert_dict)
# output is:
{'objectId': 'ZTF21abiuvdk',
 'candid': 1664460940815015004,
 'prob_class0': 0.04458457976579666,
 'prob_class1': 0.9554154872894287,
 'pred_class': 1}

Again on Sept 5 with all observations

import main
import os
import pandas as pd
from broker_utils import data_utils, gcp_utils, schema_maps
schema_map = schema_maps.load_schema_map('ztf', False)

snIa = 'ZTF21abiuvdk'
bucketid = 'ztf-alert_avros'
localdir = f'/Users/troyraen/Documents/broker/troy/troy/SNN/{snIa}'
gcp_utils.cs_download_file(snIa, bucketid, localdir)

dfs = []
for f in os.listdir(localdir):
    dfs.append(data_utils.decode_alert(f'{localdir}/{f}', 'df', schema_map))
df = pd.concat(dfs)

model_path = '/Users/troyraen/Documents/broker/snn/broker/cloud_functions/classify_snn/ZTF_DMAM_V19_NoC_SNIa_vs_CC_forFink/'
# step through the formatting and classification from cloud fnc
# output is:
{'objectId': 'ZTF21abiuvdk',
 'candid': 1707409520815015012,
 'prob_class0': 0.010303422808647156,
 'prob_class1': 0.9896966218948364,
 'predicted_class': 1}