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Consumer Simulator

The consumer simulator is a Python module that pulls alerts \* <consumersimnotes> from a Pub/Sub subscription and republishes them to a topic. By publishing to your broker instance's "alerts" topic you can bypass the consumer and feed alerts into your instance at a controlled rate. This is the only way to control the flow of incoming alerts and is especially useful in testing.

See also: test-an-instance


The consumer simulator is part of the pgb-broker-utils Python package. Install it with:

pip install pgb-broker-utils

Code Examples

See also: Arguments and Options

from broker_utils import consumer_sim as bcs

survey, testid = 'ztf', 'mytest'  # replace with the keywords for your instance
instance = (survey, testid)

# Publish 10 alerts simultaneously, 1 time
alert_rate = (10, 'once')
bcs.publish_stream(alert_rate, instance)

# Publish alerts at the average rate of an active ZTF night for 30 minutes
alert_rate = 'ztf-active-avg'
runtime = (30, 'min')
bcs.publish_stream(alert_rate, instance, runtime=runtime)

# Publish alerts at the average rate of 30 alerts/sec for 15 minutes,
# at a publish rate of 1 batch/min
alert_rate = (30, 'perSec')
runtime = (15, 'min')
publish_batch_every = (60, 'sec')
bcs.publish_stream(alert_rate, instance, runtime=runtime, publish_batch_every=publish_batch_every)

# Connect to the instance's own reservoir, creating a closed loop of alerts
sub_id = f'{survey}-alerts-reservoir-{testid}'
alert_rate = (10, 'once')
bcs.publish_stream(alert_rate, instance, sub_id=sub_id)

# Pull from an arbitrary subscription and publish to an arbitrary topic
sub_id = 'your-subscription-id'  # replace with a valid subscription
topic_id = 'your-topic-id'  # replace with a valid topic
alert_rate = (10, 'once')
bcs.publish_stream(alert_rate, sub_id=sub_id, topic_id=topic_id)

Arguments and Options

  • alert_rate: (int, str) or str. Required. Desired rate at which to publish alerts.
    • if (int, str):
      • int (1st arg). Number of alerts to be published per unit time.
      • str (2nd arg). Rate unit. One of:
        • once
        • perSec
        • perMin
        • perHr
        • perNight = per 10 hrs
    • if str: One of:
      • ztf-active-avg = (300000, 'perNight'). The approximate average rate of an active night from ZTF.
      • ztf-live-max = (200, 'perSec'). The approximate maximum incoming rate seen in the live ZTF stream.
  • instance: (str, str) = (survey, testid). Optional, default None. Keywords of the broker instance. Used to determine the subscription and topic. If None, both sub_id and topic_id must be valid names. If both instance and sub_id/topic_id are passed, sub_id/topic_id will prevail.
  • runtime: (int, str). Required unless alert_rate unit is once. Desired length of time the simulator runs for.
    • int (1st arg). Number of units of time the simulator runs.
    • str (2nd arg). Run time unit. One of:
      • sec
      • min
      • hr
      • night = 10 hrs
  • publish_batch_every: (int, str). Optional. Default (5,'sec'). The simulator will sleep for this amount of time between batches.
    • int (1st arg). Number of units of time the simulator sleeps for.
    • str (2nd arg). Sleep time unit. One of:
      • sec
  • sub_id: str. Optional. Name of the Pub/Sub subscription from which to pull alerts. If None, instance must contain valid keywords, and then the production instance reservoir {survey}-alerts-reservoir will be used.
  • topic_id: str. Optional. Name of the Pub/Sub topic to which alerts will be published. If None, instance must contain valid keywords, and then the topic {survey}-alerts-{testid} will be used.
  • nack: bool. Optional. Default False. Whether to "nack" (not acknowledge) the messages. If True, messages are published to the topic, but they are not dropped from the subscription and so will be delivered again at an arbitrary time in the future.

Note: The actual publish rate and total number of alerts published may not be exactly as requested since alerts are published in batches with a (1) fixed number of alerts per batch, and (2) fixed batch publish rate. Both numbers are determined by the input arguments, but some rounding occurs.

How Does the Consumer Simulator Work?

The consumer simulator simply pulls messages from a Pub/Sub subscription and republishes them to a Pub/Sub topic at given rate for a given length of time. By connecting to a "reservoir" subscription <broker/run-a-broker-instance/consumer-simulator:Reservoir Subscriptions> that contains suitable alerts, and publishing to your instance's alerts Pub/Sub topic, you can bypass your instance's consumer and control the flow of alerts entering your broker.

Many options are available; see Arguments and Options.

The simulator publishes alerts in batches, so the input arguments get converted to appropriate values. Therefore, the actual total number of alerts published, publish rate, and length of run time may not be exactly equal to what the user requests. Rounding occurs so that an integer number of batches are published, each containing the same integer number of alerts. If you want one or both to be exact, choose an appropriate combination of variables.

Reservoir Subscriptions

Every broker instance has a Pub/Sub subscription with the name stub "alerts-reservoir" that is a subscription to its "alerts" topic. Every alert entering the instance ends up in this reservoir where it is held until pulled (and acknowledged) or for 7 days, whichever comes first.

You can pull alerts from the reservoir of any instance to which you have access. By default, the consumer simulator pulls from the production instance of the survey associated with the topic to which it is publishing, since it is assumed to contain the largest number of suitable alerts. You can check the number of alerts in a reservoir ("unacked message count") by viewing the subscription in the GCP Console (see here <broker/run-a-broker-instance/view-resources:Pub/Sub topics and subscriptions>).

If you pull from the reservoir of the same instance to which you are publishing, you create a closed loop. In this way, you can access an infinite source of non-unique alerts. Of course, this requires that you have previously fed alerts into your broker instance by some other method so that your reservoir is not empty.

Another way to access an infinite source is by "nack"-ing messages, which tells the subscriber "n"ot to "ack"nowledge the messages, meaning they do not get dropped from the reservoir.

* The consumer simulator actually does not care what the contents of the Pub/Sub messages are. It can be used to pull messages from any subscription and publish them to any topic.