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TLMulti is an R package to conduct multienthic polygenic risk scores (PRS). This algorithm borrows to the main ideas of transfer learning proposed in 2020 by Li et al.( to extend Lassosum proposed by Mak et al. in 2017 ( The main challenge is that the majority of public genome-wide association study (GWAS) data has been conducted in European population. The accuracy of PRS prediction in non-European populations is diminished due to much smaller sample size of GWAS. TL-Multi treats the European population as informative auxiliary data and borrows the information to improve the learning performance of target population (e.g., non-European). TL-Multi only requests the summary statistics from European and the target populations and individual-level data from the target population. TL-Multi aims to improve the PRS prediction performance of the target population.


You can install the development version of TLMulti from Github via the devtools package. I suppose using the remotes package would work as well.

Before installation of TL-Multi, you are also requested the below packages:

install.packages(c('lassosum', 'mvtnorm'), dependencies=TRUE)

Or you can also install by the source file:

install.packages("path/TLMulti_0.1.0.tar.gz", repos=NULL)


#define a function to simulate phenotype

pheno_generation <- function(Ne, Na, Nt, Za, Ze, Zt, ratio, rho, h2){

  M <- dim(Za)[2]  # number of SNPs
  m <- ceiling(M*ratio)  # number of causal SNPs

  set <- sample(1:M, m)  # index for causal SNPs

  beta_e <- rep(0, M)  # coef for european
  beta_a <- rep(0, M)  # coef for asian

  b <- rmvnorm(m, sigma = matrix(data = h2/m*c(1, rho, rho, 1), nrow = 2))
  beta_e[set] <- b[,1]
  beta_a[set] <- b[,2]

  pheno_e <- as.vector(Ze%*%beta_e+rnorm(Ne, 0, sqrt(1-h2)))  # phenotype for european
  pheno_a <- as.vector(Za%*%beta_a+rnorm(Na, 0, sqrt(1-h2)))  # phenotype for asian
  pheno_t <- as.vector(Zt%*%beta_a+rnorm(Nt, 0, sqrt(1-h2)))  # phenotype for test

  return(list(pheno_a=pheno_a, pheno_e=pheno_e, pheno_t=pheno_t))


Ne = 10000
Na = 2800
Nt = 1249

G = snp_attach('./HK_impute/HK.chr1-22.impute_QC.rds')
Geur <- snp_attach("ukb_imp/ukbbk.rds")
temp = table(Geur$map$rsid)
temp2 = names(temp)[temp>=2]

Geur$genotypes = Geur$genotypes[Ne,!(Geur$map$rsid %in% temp2)]
Geur$map = Geur$map[!(Geur$map$rsid %in% temp2),]

common_snp = intersect(Geur$map$rsid, G$map$marker.ID)

map_hk = G$map[(G$map$chromosome %in%chr_asn) & (G$map$marker.ID %in% common_snp),]

ga = G$genotypes[,(G$map$chromosome %in%chr_asn) & (G$map$marker.ID %in% common_snp)]
ge = Geur$genotypes[,(Geur$map$chromosome%in%chr_eur)& (Geur$map$rsid %in% common_snp)]

Ge = ge
Ga = ga[1:Na,]
Gt = ga[(Na+1):(Na+Nt),]

Ze <- apply(Ge, 2, normalize)  # normalized genotype for european
Za <- apply(Ga, 2, normalize)  # normalized genotype for asian
Zt <- apply(Gt, 2, normalize)  # normalized genotype for test

map <- map_hk

sample_t <- rep(FALSE, nrow(G$genotypes)); sample_t[(Na+1):(Na+Nt)] <- TRUE  # sample of test

pheno = pheno_generation(Ne, Na, Nt, Za, Ze, Zt,
                          ratio = 0.01, rho = 0.2, h2 = 0.5)

pheno_a <- pheno$pheno_a
pheno_e <- pheno$pheno_e
pheno_t <- pheno$pheno_t

XTX <- t(Zt)%*%Zt/Nt
snplist <-map$marker.ID
rownames(XTX) = snplist
colnames(XTX) = snplist
snplist =  data.frame(snplist)

ss_e <- big_univLinReg(X = as_FBM(Ze), pheno_e)  # GWAS for EUR
ss_e <- cbind(map, ss_e)
names(ss_e) = c("chr", "rsid", "genetic.dist", "bp", "effAllele", "refAllele",
                "beta", "se", "z")
ss_e$pvalue = 2*pnorm(-abs(ss_e$z))
ss_e$n <- Ne

ss_a <- big_univLinReg(X = as_FBM(Za), pheno_a)  # GWAS for ASN
ss_a <- cbind(map, ss_a)
names(ss_a) = c("chr", "rsid", "genetic.dist", "bp", "effAllele", "refAllele",
                "beta", "se", "z")
ss_a$pvalue = 2*pnorm(-abs(ss_a$z))
ss_a$n <- Na

info_LD = 'EUR.hg38'
tar_LD = 'ASN.hg38'
PATH_TO_DATA = './HK_impute/HK.chr1-22.impute'

sample_r = NULL
sample_t = sample_t
cluster = NULL

pheno_t_table <- G$fam[sample_t,c(1,2)]

colnames(pheno_t_table) <- c('FID','IID')
pheno_t_table$pheno <- pheno_t # FAM for test

tar_pheno = pheno_t_table

pre = prepare_data(ss_e, ss_a, pheno = tar_pheno, ref.bfile.aux = PATH_TO_DATA, test.bfile.aux =PATH_TO_DATA,
                        ref.bfile.tar =PATH_TO_DATA, sample_t,
                        test.bfile.tar=PATH_TO_DATA, LDblocks.aux = 'EUR.hg38',
                        LDblocks.tar = 'ASN.hg38', keep.test = sample_t,
                        keep.ref = NULL)

ss_tl = ss_tl(v_e = pre$validate.aux, out_e = pre$output.aux, snplist,
              ss_a = ss_a, XTX = XTX)

result = PRS_tf(ss_tl, pheno = tar_pheno, ref.bfile = PATH_TO_DATA, test.bfile = PATH_TO_DATA,
                                LDblocks  = 'ASN.hg38', keep.ref = NULL, keep.test = sample_t)


Tian, P., Chan, T. H., Wang, Y.-F., Yang, W., Yin, G., and Zhang, Y. D. (2022). Multiethnic polygenic risk prediction in diverse populations through transfer learning. Frontiers in Genetics, 13.