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myscaledb-client is an async/sync http(s) MyScale client for python 3.6+ supporting type conversion in both directions, streaming, lazy decoding on select queries, and a fully typed interface.

MyScale is a vector database built on the top of ClickHouse. We forked and modified aiochclient to support vector related queries, and also add a synchronous client. Since MyScale is compatible with ClickHouse, myscaledb-client can be also used as a ClickHouse client.

Use myscaledb-client for a simple interface into your MyScale deployment.


myscaledb-client works on Linux, OSX, and Windows.

It requires Python >= 3.6 due to the use of types.


You can install myscaledb-client with pip or your favourite package manager. We recommend you to install it with command:

$ pip install myscaledb-client

Add the -U switch to update to the latest version if myscaledb-client is already installed.

To use with aiohttp install it with command:

$ pip install 'myscaledb-client[aiohttp]'

Or myscaledb-client[aiohttp-speedups] to install with extra speedups. By default, aiohttp is included if not specified.

To use with httpx install it with command:

$ pip install 'myscaledb-client[httpx]'

Or myscaledb-client[httpx-speedups] to install with extra speedups.

Installing with [*-speedups] adds the following:

  • cChardet for aiohttp speedup
  • aiodns for aiohttp speedup
  • ciso8601 for ultra-fast datetime parsing while decoding data from MyScale for aiohttp and httpx.

Quick Start

The quickest way to get up and running with myscaledb-client is to simply connect and check MyScale is alive. Here's how you would do that:

# This is a demo using AsyncClient.
# AsyncClient can give you a higher degree of concurrency, it requires an understanding of asynchronous programming and provides higher performance.

import asyncio
from myscaledb import AsyncClient
from aiohttp import ClientSession

async def main():
    async with ClientSession() as s:
        async with AsyncClient(s) as client:
            alive = await client.is_alive()
            print(f"Is MyScale alive? -> {alive}")
            res = await client.fetch(query="select now()")
            for record in res:

if __name__ == '__main__':
# This is a demo using Client.
# Client works in sync mode and is simple to use.

from myscaledb import Client

def main():
    client = Client()
    alive = client.is_alive()
    print(f"Is MyScale alive? -> {alive}")
    res = client.fetch(query="select now()")
    for record in res:

if __name__ == '__main__':

This automatically queries a instance of MyScale on localhost:8123 with the default user. You may want to set up a different connection to test. To do that, change the following line:

client = Client()

To something like:

client = Client(url='http://localhost:8123')

Type Conversion

myscaledb-client automatically converts types from MyScale to python types and vice-versa.

MyScale Type Python Type
UInt8 int
UInt16 int
UInt32 int
UInt64 int
Int8 int
Int16 int
Int32 int
Int64 int
Float32 float
Float64 float
String str
FixedString str
Enum8 str
Enum16 str
Decimal decimal.Decimal
Decimal32 decimal.Decimal
Decimal64 decimal.Decimal
Decimal128 decimal.Decimal
IPv4 ipaddress.IPv4Address
IPv6 ipaddress.IPv6Address
Nothing None
Tuple(T1, T2, ...) Tuple[T1, T2, ...]
Array(T) List[T]
Nullable(T) None or T
LowCardinality(T) T
Map(T1, T2) Dict[T1, T2]

Connection Pool Settings

myscaledb-client uses the aiohttp.TCPConnector to determine pool size. By default, the pool limit is 100 open connections.

You can find more sample code to operate MyScale in the :ref:`reference`. Continue reading to learn more about myscaledb-client.