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Chef Solo Guide

steveandroulakis edited this page Apr 30, 2013 · 52 revisions

This is a brief, informal guide on running chef-solo on a server with the MyTardis recipe. This deploys a recipe on the machine that's executing this and doesn't require a chef server (Hosted Chef or other).

Confirmed working on these images (built from NeCTAR, tested on 17 Jan 2013)

Option 1: Deploy on your local machine with Vagrant

Follow the Vagrant getting started guide up to the point of adding the lucid32 box, then follow the commands below.

git clone
cd mytardis-chef/
cd vagrant/lucid32/
vagrant up

The server will be available on localhost:8000.

Note: This also works on CentOS 6 / Ubuntu Precise 64. vagrant box add centos6 then follow the instructions above (except cd vagrant/centos6/ or vagrant/precise64 instead of lucid32).

Use vagrant ssh then cd /opt/mytardis/current and bin/django createsuperuser to create a MyTardis administrator.

Run unit tests with cd /opt/mytardis/current then bin/django test --settings=tardis.test_settings (make sure MyTardis is not running with stop mytardis first)

Option 2: Install on a server (non-vagrant chef build)

Non-vagrant setup appropriate for installation on Amazon EC2, NeCTAR, or anything else you have root to.

Note: If your NeCTAR cloud node is complaining about not being able to resolve its hostname then fix it first before running this guide (add hostname to /etc/hosts). This is a NeCTAR cloud issue.

Ubuntu Lucid:

sudo true && curl -L | sudo bash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core
mkdir -p /var/chef-solo
cd /var/chef-solo
git clone
cd mytardis-chef/
chef-solo -c solo/solo.rb -j solo/node.json -ldebug

CentOS 6:

Currently broken in recent builds due to bug

sudo rpm -Uvh
sudo yum install ruby ruby-devel ruby-ri ruby-rdoc ruby-shadow gcc gcc-c++ automake autoconf make curl dmidecode
cd /tmp
curl -O
tar zxf rubygems-1.8.10.tgz
sudo ruby setup.rb --no-format-executable
sudo gem install chef --no-ri --no-rdoc
sudo yum install git
mkdir -p /var/chef-solo
cd /var/chef-solo
git clone
cd mytardis-chef/
chef-solo -c solo/solo.rb -j solo/node.json -ldebug

Server runs on http://SERVER_IP_ADDRESS

ssh into your server, then cd /opt/mytardis/current and bin/django createsuperuser to create a MyTardis administrator.

Run unit tests with cd /opt/mytardis/current then bin/django test --settings=tardis.test_settings (make sure MyTardis is not running with stop mytardis first)

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