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Basic react-voodoo doc

React Voodoo

React Voodoo mainly animate Dom Node via the "Voodoo.Axis" components. Theses Axis are scrollable / swipeable arrays of relatives tween.
It's also possible to push tween animation like in others libraries, but using Axes to manage animation allow way simpler maintainability & code.

The Main Voodoo Tweener object

The React Hook "Voodoo.hook()"

React Voodoo can be used via React Hooks style via the "Voodoo.hook" function.

When called, the hook function will return an array containing 2 objects :

  • The tweener instance in the first index
  • And a ViewBox component to be instantiated at the root of the animated Voodoo.Node(s)
const Sample = ( {} ) => {
	// Classic minimal method
	const [tweener, ViewBox]                   = Voodoo.hook();
	// Create a tweener with options
	const [twenerWithNameAndOptions, ViewBox2] = Voodoo.hook(
			// Give an id to this tweener so we can access it from the childs components
			name: "root",
			// max click tm in ms before a click become a drag
			maxClickTm: 200,
			// max drag offset in px before a click become a drag
			maxClickOffset: 100,
			// lock to only 1 drag direction 
			dragDirectionLock: false,
			// allow dragging with mouse
			enableMouseDrag: false
	return <ViewBox className={"container"}/>
// ...

Get / name a parent Voodoo instance

Function components can also access & connect to the parent Tweener instances

const Sample = ( {} ) => {
	// get the first tweener in parents
	const [parentTweener]                     = Voodoo.hook(true);
	// Create a tweener with options
	const [twenerWithNameAndOptions, ViewBox] = Voodoo.hook(
			// Give an id to this tweener so we can access it from the childs components
			name: "root"
	// get a named parent tweener 
	const [nammedParentTweener]               = Voodoo.hook("root")
	return <ViewBox className={"container"}/>
// ...

Voodoo Tweener APIs

The Voodoo Tweener expose simples API to react & manage Axes positions :

const Sample = ( {} ) => {
	const [tweener, ViewBox]    = Voodoo.hook();
	// get a named parent tweener 
	const [nammedParentTweener] = Voodoo.hook("root");
	 * once first render done, the tweener expose the following APIs / values :
	// The Axis actual position in :
	// tweener.axes.(axisId).scrollPos
	// The "scrollTo" function allowing to manually move the axes positions :
	// tweener.axes.(axisId).scrollTo(targetPos, duration, easeFn)
	// tweener.scrollTo(targetPos, duration, axisId, easeFn)
	// They can also be watched using the "watchAxis" function;
	// When called, the returned function will disable the listener if executed :
		e => tweener?.watchAxis("scrollY", ( pos ) => doSomething()),
	// By listening Axes from parent tweener we can orchestrate local animations / axes
		e => nammedParentTweener?.watchAxis(
			( pos ) => tweener.axes.myLocalAxis.scrollTo(pos, 0)
	return <ViewBox className={"container"}/>
// ...

Voodoo data structure formats

CSS-in-JS Style descriptors

We can use most of the CSS properties using the classic camel-cased CSS in JS syntax.

Additionally, Voodoo tweener add 3 optional client side only units ( will not work if used server-side ):

  • (float)box : 1box = (width or height) of the 1st parent ViewBox or with the asTweener decorator;
  • (float)bh : 1bh = height of the 1st parent ViewBox or with the asTweener decorator;
  • (float)bw : 1bw = width of the 1st parent ViewBox or with the asTweener decorator;

These units are calculated dynamically & updated when the windows trigger resize events

 * Voodoo.Node style property and the tween descriptors use classic CSS-in-JS declaration
 * exept we can specify values using the "box" unit which is a [0-1] ratio of the parent ViewBox height / width

const styleSample = {
	height: "50%",
	// the tweener deal with multiple units 
	// it will use css calc fn if there's more than 1 unit used 
	width: ["50%", "10vw", "-50px", ".2box"],
	// transform can use multiple "layers"
	transform: [
			// use rotate(X|Y|Z) & translate(X|Y|Z)
			rotateX: "25deg"
			translateZ: "-.2box"
			blur: "5px"

Tween / transitions descriptors

Axes animate Voodoo.Node basing the tween descriptors. Theses descriptors can be passed as parameter on the Voodoo.Node or on the Voodoo.Axis components with the target Node Id.

const axisSample = [// Examples of tween descriptors
		target  : "someTweenRefId", // target Voodoo.Node id ( ignored if the tween is passed as parameter on a Voodoo.Node as it will directly target it )
		from    : 0, // tween start position
		duration: 100, // tween duration
		easeFn  : "easeCircleIn", // optional easing function or id from [d3-ease](
		apply: {// relative css values to be applied 
			// Same CSS-in-JS syntax as the styles
			transform: [{}, {
				translateZ: "-.2box"
		from    : 40,
		duration: 20,
		// triggered when axis has scrolled in the Event period 
		// delta : a float value between [-1,1] is the update inside the Event period
		entering: ( delta ) => false,
		// triggered when axis has scrolled in the Event period
		// newPos, precPos : float values between [0,1] position inside the Event period
		// delta : a float value between [-1,1] is the update inside the Event period
		moving: ( newPos, precPos, delta ) => false,
		// triggered when axis has scrolled out the Event period
		// delta : a float value between [-1,1] is the update inside the Event period
		leaving: ( delta ) => false
Property Type Infos
target string, optional The id of the target Voodoo.Node component to be affected by this animation. If this property is not provided, the animation or interaction will be applied to the parent Voodoo.Node component.
from number, required The starting position of the animation.
duration number, required The duration of the animation.
easeFn string or function, optional The easing function to be used when applying the animation CSS values. This can either be the id of a function from the d3-ease library, or a custom easing function.
apply object, optional An object containing the CSS properties and values to be applied to the target element during the animation or interaction. The syntax for this object is the same as the style prop in a Voodoo.Node component.
entering function, optional A callback function to be triggered when the scrolling axis enters the period of the animation or interaction. The function will be passed a single argument delta, which is a float value between -1 and 1 representing the change in position within the period.
moving function, optional A callback function to be triggered while the scrolling axis is within the period of the animation. The function will be passed three arguments: newPos, precPos, and delta, which represent the current position within the period, the previous position within the period, and the change in position within the period, respectively. All three arguments are float values between 0 and 1.
leaving function, optional A callback function to be triggered when the scrolling axis leave the period of the animation. The function will be passed a single argument delta, which is a float value between -1 and 1 representing the change in position within the period.



In react-voodoo Tween axis are scrollable / swipeable arrays of relatives tween.
Voodoo.Axis creates a "virtual" axis that, when moving its position will tween Voodoo.Node styles according its tween descriptors.

Note that multiple axes orchestrating multiple tween can update the sames CSS properties on the same Voodoo.Node simultaneously.

const Sample = ( {} ) => {
	const [tweener, ViewBox] = Voodoo.hook();
	return <ViewBox className={"container"}>
			id={"scrollY"} // Tween axis Id
			defaultPosition={0} // default start position
			// Array of tween descriptors with theirs Voodoo.Node target ids 
			// size of the scrollable window for drag synchronisation
			// optional default length of this axis
			// optional bounds ( inertia will target them if target pos is out )
			bounds={{ min: 100, max: 900 }}
			// inertia cfg ( false to disable it )
					// called when inertia is updated
					// should return instantaneous move to do or null
					shouldLoop: ( currentPos ) => (currentPos > 500 ? -500 : null),
					// called when inertia know where it will end ( when the user stop dragging )
					willEnd: ( targetPos, targetDelta, duration ) => {
					// called when inertia know where it will snap ( when the user stop dragging )
					willSnap: ( currentSnapIndex, targetWayPointObj ) => {
					// called when inertia end
					onStop: ( pos, targetWayPointObj ) => {
					// called when inertia end on a snap
					onSnap: ( snapIndex, targetWayPointObj ) => {
					// list of waypoints object ( only support auto snap 50/50 for now )
					wayPoints: [{ at: 100 }, { at: 200 }]

Properties :

Property Type Infos
id string, required A unique identifier for the scrolling axis. This is used to reference the axis in other Voodoo components and functions.
defaultPosition number, optional The default starting position for the scrolling axis. This is a value representing the initial position of the axis. The default value is 0.
items array, optional An array of objects describing the transition to be applied while moving this axis position. Each object should have the properties described in Tween descriptors.
scrollableWindow number, optional The size of the axis window; this value and the axis size define the drag force. We can use it to synchronize the drag amplitude. If this prop is not provided, default is drag synchronization will not be enabled. The scroll "force" is determined as follow : (delta / ((xBoxRef (OR) ViewBox).offsetWidth)) * ( axis.scrollableWindow (OR) axis.duration )
bounds { min : (number), max : (number) }, optional An optional object with the minimal and maximal positions of this axis when moved by Voodoo.Draggable components
inertia object, optional The inertia options & hooks to use when moved by Voodoo.Draggable components.

Inertia descriptor provide the following options & hooks :

Property Type Parameters / format Infos
shouldLoop function, optional pos (float) : The next position before its application Should return an instantaneous move to do or null.
Use this function to create illusion of infinite scrolling.
wayPoints array, optional [{ at: (number) }, { at: (number) }, ...] List of waypoints object where inertia should snap ( only support auto snap 50/50 for now )
willEnd( targetPos, targetDelta, duration ) function, optional - targetPos (float) : The position where inertia will end if no further interactions happen
- targetDelta (float) : The distance of the position where inertia will end if no further interactions happen
- duration (number) : The duration of the inertia if no further interactions happen
Called when inertia know where it will end ( when the user stop dragging )
willSnap( snapIndex, targetWayPointObj ) function, optional - snapIndex (number) : The WayPoint index where inertia will end if no further interactions happen
- targetWayPointObj (object) : The WayPoint object where inertia will end if no further interactions happen
Called when inertia know where it will snap ( when the user stop dragging )
onStop( pos, targetWayPointObj ) function, optional - pos (float) : The axis position
- targetWayPointObj (object) : The WayPoint object where inertia ended if there
Called when inertia end
onSnap( snapIndex, targetWayPointObj ) - snapIndex (number) : The WayPoint index where inertia ended
- targetWayPointObj (object) : The WayPoint object where inertia ended
Called when inertia end on a snap


Component to connect the first child Html node to the Voodoo Axes / animations.

const Sample = ( {} ) => {
	const [tweener, ViewBox] = Voodoo.hook();
	return <ViewBox className={"container"}>
			id={"testItem"} // optional id
			style={styleSample}// styles applied before any style coming from axes : css syntax + voodoo tweener units & transform management
			axes={{ scrollY: axisSample }} // Scrollable tweens by axis with no target node id required ( it will be ignored )
			onClick={// all unknow props are passed to the child node
				( e ) => {
					// start playing an anim
						// make all tween target "testItem", "testItem")
						( tweenAxis ) => {
							// doSomething next
				Some content to tween
Property Type Infos
id string, required A unique identifier for the Node.
style object, optional Styles applied before any style coming from axes : css syntax + voodoo tweener units & transform management
axes object, optional An object of Axis Id to Arrays of tween.
Ex : {"axisId":[...],...}
tweener VoodooTweener, optional The tweener instance where the Node will be registered on
All tween & axes Id passed to the "axes" property will react to the given Voodoo Tweener instance axes
refProp string, optional The property name that will be passed too the child function component with the React Ref that will target the dom node on which the css animations will be applied


Component to scroll the Voodoo.Axis positions basing user dragging interactions. Voodoo.Draggable can move 1 axis by drag direction, it also propose an option to determine the "scroll force/scaling" by setting a reference dom node.

const Sample = ( {} ) => {
	 * Voodoo tweener instanciation
		// Classic minimal method
	const [tweener, ViewBox] = Voodoo.hook();
	return <ViewBox className={"container"}>
			id={"scrollY"} // Tween axis Id
			// Array of tween descriptors with theirs Voodoo.Node target ids ( like in axisSample )
			// make drag y move the scrollAnAxis axis
			// xAxis={ "scrollAnAxis" }
			// scale / inverse dispatched delta
			// xHook={(delta)=>modify(delta)} 
			// React ref to the box, default to the parent ViewBox 
			// scale is as follow : (delta / ((xBoxRef||ViewBox).offsetWidth)) * ( axis.scrollableWindow || axis.duration ) 
			// xBoxRef={ref} 
			yAxis={"scrollY"}// make drag y move the scrollY axis
			// yHook={(delta)=>modify(delta)}
			// yBoxRef={ref} 
			// mouseDrag={true} // listen for mouse drag ( default to false )
			// touchDrag={false} // listen for touch drag ( default to true )
			// button={1-3} // limit mouse drag to the specified event.button === ( default to 1; the left btn )
			// * actually Draggable create it's own div node
				Some content to drag
Property Type Default Infos
xAxis string, optional The Axis to be scrolled when user drag in the 'x' / horizontal direction
xHook function, optional A function receiving the delta from the drag gesture and that should return the delta to use to update the target Axis
xBoxRef React Ref, optional Parent ViewBox A React Ref tthat will target the Dom Node used to determine the "amplitude" of the scrolling basing its Node "width"
yAxis string, optional The Axis to be scrolled when user drag in the 'y' / vertical direction
yHook function, optional A function receiving the delta from the drag gesture and that should return the delta to use to update the target Axis
yBoxRef React Ref, optional Parent ViewBox A React Ref tthat will target the Dom Node used to determine the "amplitude" of the scrolling basing its Node "height"
mouseDrag boolean, optional false "true" to listen Mouse drags
touchDrag boolean, optional true "true" to listen Touch drags
button number, optional 1 The mouse button listened for drags

Tween descriptors helpers ( )

The package expose some tween & css utils

 * add any css val with multiple units
 * @param val1
 * @param val2
 * @returns {Array}
export function cssAdd( val1, val2, ...argz ) {

 * Multiply any css val with multiple unit
 * @param val1
 * @param val
 * @returns {Array}
export function cssMult( val1, val ) {

 * Apply an offset on all the given tween
 * @param items
 * @param start
export function offset( items, start = 0 ) {

 * Scale a tween collection to the specified duration
 * @param items
 * @param duration
 * @param withOffset
 * @returns {(T | {duration: number, from: number})[]}
export function scale( items, duration = 0, withOffset ) {

 * Reverse an array of tween ( order & values )
 * @param items
 * @returns {(T | {apply: (*|string), from: number})[]}
export function reverse( items ) {

 * Add specified target to all tweens
 * @param items
 * @param target
 * @returns {(T | {target: *})[]}
export function target( items, target ) {

 * Shift transforms of the specified tween array
 * @param items
 * @param shift
export function shiftTransforms( items, shift = 1 ) {

Instantiate using decorators : Voodoo.asTweener ( depreciated )

Return a react-voodoo tweener component composing the target React component

The resulting component will have the tweener hooks

import React  from "react";
import Voodoo from "react-voodoo";

		// max click tm in ms before a click become a drag
		maxClickTm: 200,
		// max drag offset in px before a click become a drag
		maxClickOffset: 100,
		// mouse scroll force
		wheelRatio: 5,
		// only apply 1 drag direction 
		dragDirectionLock: false,
		// allow dragging with mouse
		enableMouseDrag: false
export default class MyTweenerComp extends React.Component {
	 * Hook to determine if this component should apply a scroll event
	 * ( if not, the parent tweener / scrollable node will apply it )
	 * @param axisId
	 * @param delta
	 * return {boolean|undefined}
	componentShouldScroll( axisId, delta ) {
	 * Hook to change the targets order of scroll & drag events
	 * The returning array could also contain tween refs id & dom node id
	 * @param targets {array} array of node & react elements (default is all parents of the touch/mouse event)
	 * return {array}
	hookScrollableTargets( targets ) {
		return ["myTweenRefId", ...targets];
	 * did scroll event
	 * @param pos
	 * @param axisId
	componentDidScroll( pos, axisId ) {
	 * did resize event
	 * @param pos
	 * @param axisId
	windowDidResize( event ) {