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File metadata and controls

133 lines (89 loc) · 4.51 KB

Chemical Reactor

We consider a single first-order, irreversible chemical reaction in an isothermal CSTR

A \to B.

The material balances and the system data are provided in :cite:p:`Diehl2011` and is given by the nonlinear model


in which c_A\geq 0 and c_B\geq 0 are the molar concentrations of A and B respectively, and Q\leq 20 (L/min) is the flow through the reactor. The constants and their meanings are given in table below.

Reactor constants
value unit
feed concentration of A c_f^{A} 1 mol/L
feed concentration of B c_f^{B} 0 mol/L
volume of the reactor V_R 10 L
rate constant k_r 1.2 L/(mol min)
equilibrium (c_e^{A},c_e^B,Q_e) (\frac 1 2, \frac 1 2, 12)  
initial value (c_0^{A},c_0^B) (0.4, 0.2)  

To initialize the system dynamics a function that implements f(x,u), where x = (c_{A},c_{B})^T and u=Q has to be defined.

V = 10.
cf_A = 1.
cf_B = 0.
k_r = 1.2

def f(x,u):
    y = nmpyc.array(2)
    y[0] = x[0] + 0.5*((u[0]/V) *(cf_A - x[0]) - k_r*x[0])
    y[1] = x[1] + 0.5*((u[0]/V) *(cf_B - x[1]) + k_r*x[1])
    return y

After that, the nMPyC system object can be set by calling

system = nmpyc.system(f, 2, 1, system_type='discrete')

In the next step, the objective is defined by using the stage cost given by

   \ell (c_{A}(k),c_{B}(k),Q(k))&=\frac 1 2\vert c_A(k)-\frac 1 2\vert^2+\frac 1 2 \vert c_B(k)-\frac 1 2\vert^2+\frac 1 2 \vert Q(k) -12 \vert^2\\

Since we do not need terminal cost, we can initialize the objective directly using the following implementation.

def l(x,u):
    return 0.5 * (x[0]-0.5)**2 + 0.5 * (x[1]-0.5)**2 + 0.5 * (u[0]-12)**2

objective = nmpyc.objective(l)

In terms of the constraints we assume that

0 &\leq x_1(k) & < \infty & \quad & \text{for } k=0,\ldots,N \\
0 &\leq x_2(k) & < \infty & \quad & \text{for } k=0,\ldots,N \\
0 &\leq u(k)   & \leq 20  & \quad & \text{for } k=0,\ldots,N-1.

This can be realized in the code as follows:

constraints = nmpyc.constraints()
lbx = nmpyc.zeros(2)
ubu = nmpyc.ones(1)*20
lbu = nmpyc.zeros(1)
constraints.add_bound('lower','state', lbx)
constraints.add_bound('lower','control', lbu)
constraints.add_bound('upper','control', ubu)

Moreover, we consider the equilibrium (c_e^{A},c_e^B,Q_e) as th terminal condition for our optimal control problem, which is implemented as

xeq = nmpyc.array([0.5,0.5])
def he(x):
    return x - xeq
constraints.add_constr('terminal_eq', he)

After all components of the optimal control problem have been implemented, we can now combine them into a model and start the MPC loop. For this Purpose, we define

x(0) = (0.4,0.2)^T

and set N=15, K=100.

model = nmpyc.model(objective,system,constraints)
x0 = nmpyc.array([0.4,0.2])
res = model.mpc(x0,15,100)

Following the simulation we can visualize the results by calling


which generates the plot bellow.
