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23 lines (15 loc) · 923 Bytes

File metadata and controls

23 lines (15 loc) · 923 Bytes

Contributing to govips

First, thank you for supporting. I believe together we can make this one of the most useful Go libraries for image manipulation available.

Have an issue, idea or question?

Please create a new issue with as much information as possible.

If you're having installation problems, please include any and all output from your commandline.

Want to write some code?

I'd love it for you to take initiative and submit pull requests. It's extra awesome if your code has unit tests to support the change. Let's do this together! I'll add you to the list of contributors.

Strict linting

The Travis build currently checks strict format and linting, so be sure to add comments!

Run the tests

go test

Get in touch

Have a question not covered here? Feel free to email me at