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Setup WebLogic Domain on Kubernetes

Oracle provides WebLogic Kubernetes Operator to run WebLogic clusters in production or development mode and on Kubernetes clusters on-premises or in the cloud. The scope of this tutorial to show the steps to run a WebLogic cluster using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE).

This tutorial is based on the official Oracle WebLogic Kubernetes Operator domain creation guide.


Prepare the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator Environment

Set up the RBAC policy for the OKE cluster

In order to have permission to access the Kubernetes cluster, you need to authorize your OCI account as a cluster-admin on the OCI Container Engine for Kubernetes cluster. This will require your OCID, which is available on the OCI console page, under your user settings. Click Show next to the OCID label and part of the value.

alt text

Then execute the role binding command using your(!) user OCID:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding my-cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=<YOUR_USER_OCID>

For example:

$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding my-cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=ocid1.user.oc1..aaaaaaaa724gophmrcxxrzg3utunh3rg5ieeyyrwuqfetixdb3mhzesxmdbq
clusterrolebinding "my-cluster-admin-binding" created

Accept Licence Agreement to use store/oracle/weblogic: image from Docker Store

If you have not used the base image store/oracle/weblogic: before, you will need to visit the Docker Store web interface and accept the license agreement before the Docker Store will give you permission to pull that image.

Open in a new browser and click Log In.

alt text

Enter your account details and click Login.

Click Proceed to Checkout.

alt text

Complete your contact information and accept agreements. Click Get Content.

alt text

Now you are ready to pull the image on docker enabled host after authenticating yourself in Docker Hub using your Docker Hub credentials.

alt text

Set up the NFS server/worker nodes

The WebLogic domain must be installed into the folder that will be mounted as /shared/domain

At this time, the WebLogic on Kubernetes domain created by the WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator, requires a shared file system to store the WebLogic domain configuration, which MUST be accessible from all the pods across the nodes. As a workaround, you need to configure an NFS server on one node and share the file system across all the nodes.

Note: Currently, we recommend that you use NFS version 3.0 for running WebLogic Server on OCI Container Engine for Kubernetes.

Retrieve node's public and private IP addresses

Enter the following kubectl command to get the public IP addresses of the nodes:

$ kubectl get node

The output of the command will display the nodes, similar to the following:

NAME              STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION   Ready     node      9d        v1.9.7   Ready     node      9d        v1.9.7   Ready     node      9d        v1.9.7

To get private IP addresses you need to ssh into every node. This requires your private (RSA) key pair of the public key what you defined during OKE creation. Execute the following command for every node:


The private key provided and its name is id_rsa and located in the VirtualBox image's ~/.ssh/ folder.

If you used the provided public key during OKE setup then download the private key from here to ~/.ssh. Don't forget to modify the permission of the file. For example:

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa

For example:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa opc@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:DjSi+nQJRgnuapgQp/zA9HisHzHjbev+jnjrBluAboo.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:8f:80:de:8b:0c:6e:29:c3:9c:bf:ee:6a:79:63:38:39.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Oracle Linux Server 7.4
Last login: Sat Jun 16 10:51:32 2018 from

Retrieve private IP address executing this command:

$ ip addr | grep ens3
2: ens3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc mq state UP qlen 1000
	inet brd scope global dynamic ens3

Find the inet value. For example the private address in the example above:

Repeat the query for each node. Note the IP addresses for easier usage:

Nodes: Public IP Private IP
Node1 - NFS Server
Node1 - NFS server

Log in using ssh to Node1, and set up NFS Server:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa opc@
Oracle Linux Server 7.4
Last login: Sat Jun 16 10:51:32 2018 from

Change to root user.

[opc]$ sudo su -

Create /scratch/external-domain-home/pv001 shared directory for domain binaries.

[root]$ mkdir -m 777 -p /scratch/external-domain-home/pv001
[root]$ chown -R opc:opc /scratch

Modify /etc/exports to enable Node2, Node3 access to Node1 NFS server.

[root]$ vi /etc/exports

NOTE! By the default the NFS server has to be installed but stopped on OKE node. If the NFS is not installed on node then run yum install -y nfs-utils first as super user.

Add private IP addresses of Node2 and Node3.

"/etc/exports" 2L, 46C

Save the changes and restart NFS service.

[root]$ service nfs-server restart

Type exit to end root session.

[root]$ exit

Last step to prepare this node is to pull the store/oracle/weblogic: image from Docker store. Before issue pull command you have to login to Docker.

$ docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Login Succeeded
[opc]$ docker pull store/oracle/weblogic:
Trying to pull repository ... Pulling from
9fd8609e6e4d: Pull complete
eac7b4a33e34: Pull complete
b6f7d13c859b: Pull complete
e0ca246b2272: Pull complete
7ba4d6bfba43: Pull complete
5e3b8c4731f0: Pull complete
97623ceb6339: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:4c7ce451c093329784a2808a55cd4fc4f1e93d8444b8492a24148d283936add9
Status: Downloaded newer image for

Node1 preparation is done type exit again to end the ssh session.

[opc]$ exit
Node2 - NFS client

Log in using ssh to Node2 and configure NFS client:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa opc@
Oracle Linux Server 7.4
Last login: Sat Jun 16 10:51:32 2018 from

Change to root user.

[opc]$ sudo su -

Create /scratch shared directory.

[root]$ mkdir /scratch

Edit the /etc/fstab file.

[root]$ vi /etc/fstab

Add the internal IP address and parameters of Node1 - NFS server. Append as last row.

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Fri Feb  9 01:25:44 2018
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
UUID=7247af6c-4b59-4934-a6be-a7929d296d83 /                       xfs     defaults,_netdev,_netdev 0 0
UUID=897D-798C          /boot/efi               vfat    defaults,uid=0,gid=0,umask=0077,shortname=winnt,_netdev,_netdev,x-initrd.mount 0 0
## If you are adding an iSCSI remote block volume to this file you MUST
## include the '_netdev' mount option or your instance will become
## unavailable after the next reboot.
## Example:
## /dev/sdb /data1  ext4    defaults,noatime,_netdev    0   2
## More information:
## /scratch  nfs nfsvers=3 0 0
"/etc/fstab" 24L, 957C

Save changes. Mount the shared /scratch directory.

[root]$ mount /scratch

Restart the NFS service.

[root]$ service nfs-server restart

Type exit to end root session.

	[root]$ exit

Last step to prepare this node is to pull the store/oracle/weblogic: image from Docker store. Before issue pull command you have to login to Docker.

$ docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Login Succeeded
[opc]$ docker pull store/oracle/weblogic:
Trying to pull repository ... Pulling from
9fd8609e6e4d: Pull complete
eac7b4a33e34: Pull complete
b6f7d13c859b: Pull complete
e0ca246b2272: Pull complete
7ba4d6bfba43: Pull complete
5e3b8c4731f0: Pull complete
97623ceb6339: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:4c7ce451c093329784a2808a55cd4fc4f1e93d8444b8492a24148d283936add9
Status: Downloaded newer image for

Node2 preparation is done type exit again to end the ssh session.

[opc]$ exit
Node3 - NFS client

Log in using ssh to Node3 and configure NFS client:

$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa opc@
Oracle Linux Server 7.4
Last login: Sat Jun 16 10:51:32 2018 from

Change to root user.

[opc]$ sudo su -

Create /scratch shared directory.

[root]$ mkdir /scratch

Edit the /etc/fstab file.

[root]$ vi /etc/fstab

Add the internal IP address and parameters of Node1 - NFS server. Append as last row.

# /etc/fstab
# Created by anaconda on Fri Feb  9 01:25:44 2018
# Accessible filesystems, by reference, are maintained under '/dev/disk'
# See man pages fstab(5), findfs(8), mount(8) and/or blkid(8) for more info
UUID=7247af6c-4b59-4934-a6be-a7929d296d83 /                       xfs     defaults,_netdev,_netdev 0 0
UUID=897D-798C          /boot/efi               vfat    defaults,uid=0,gid=0,umask=0077,shortname=winnt,_netdev,_netdev,x-initrd.mount 0 0
## If you are adding an iSCSI remote block volume to this file you MUST
## include the '_netdev' mount option or your instance will become
## unavailable after the next reboot.
## Example:
## /dev/sdb /data1  ext4    defaults,noatime,_netdev    0   2
## More information:
## /scratch  nfs nfsvers=3 0 0
"/etc/fstab" 24L, 957C

Save changes. Mount the shared /scratch directory.

[root]$ mount /scratch

Restart the NFS service.

[root]$ service nfs-server restart

Type exit to end root session.

[root]$ exit

Last step to prepare this node is to pull the store/oracle/weblogic: image from Docker store. Before issue pull command you have to login to Docker.

$ docker login
Login with your Docker ID to push and pull images from Docker Hub. If you don't have a Docker ID, head over to to create one.
Login Succeeded
[opc]$ docker pull store/oracle/weblogic:
Trying to pull repository ... Pulling from
9fd8609e6e4d: Pull complete
eac7b4a33e34: Pull complete
b6f7d13c859b: Pull complete
e0ca246b2272: Pull complete
7ba4d6bfba43: Pull complete
5e3b8c4731f0: Pull complete
97623ceb6339: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:4c7ce451c093329784a2808a55cd4fc4f1e93d8444b8492a24148d283936add9
Status: Downloaded newer image for

Node3 preparation is done type exit again to end the ssh session.

[opc]$ exit

Prepare the operator and domain configuration YAML files

Customize the parameters in the input YAML files for the WebLogic cluster and WebLogic Operator. The input YAML files and scripts provided in the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator project.

Note: if you need (in the case if you don't run the tutorial from provided VirtualBox) to clone WebLogic Kubernetes Operator v1.1 repository then execute the following command:

git clone --branch v1.1

Don't forget to replace your local repository folder location in the following commands.

The WebLogic Kubernetes Operator source repository can be found (on VirtualBox image) in the /u01/content/weblogic-kubernetes-operator. Open for edit the create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml parameter file using File Browser or using the following command:

gedit /u01/content/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml &

Modify the following parameters in the create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml input file:

Parameter name Value Note
targetNamespaces domain1
weblogicOperatorImage oracle/weblogic-kubernetes-operator:1.0

Save the changes. Open for edit the create-weblogic-domain-inputs.yaml parameter file using File Browser or using the following command:

gedit /u01/content/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/create-weblogic-domain-inputs.yaml &

and modify the following parameters in the create-weblogic-domain-inputs.yaml input file:

Parameter name Value Note
domainUID domain1 uncomment if neccessary
weblogicDomainStoragePath /scratch/external-domain-home/pv001 uncomment if neccessary
exposeAdminT3Channel true
exposeAdminNodePort true
namespace domain1
loadBalancer TRAEFIK it should be the default

Save the changes.

Deploy WebLogic Kubernetes Operator and WebLogic Domain

Open a terminal and create output directory for the operator and domain scripts. (If you specify different output folder then don't forget change at every occurrence in the following commands.)

mkdir -p /u01/weblogic-output-directory

First run the create operator script, pointing it at your inputs file and the output directory.

/u01/content/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/ -i /u01/content/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/create-weblogic-operator-inputs.yaml -o /u01/weblogic-output-directory
Input parameters being used
export version="create-weblogic-operator-inputs-v1"
export serviceAccount="weblogic-operator"
export namespace="weblogic-operator"
export targetNamespaces="domain1"
export weblogicOperatorImage="peternagy/weblogic-kubernetes-operator:e77427ed82d2d3a1cb5a21e0e56720e2d24076c3"
export weblogicOperatorImagePullPolicy="IfNotPresent"
export weblogicOperatorImagePullSecretName="dockersecret"
export externalRestOption="SELF_SIGNED_CERT"
export externalRestHttpsPort="31001"
export externalSans="IP:"
export remoteDebugNodePortEnabled="false"
export internalDebugHttpPort="30999"
export externalDebugHttpPort="30999"
export javaLoggingLevel="FINER"
export elkIntegrationEnabled="false"

The WebLogic operator REST interface is externally exposed using a generated self-signed certificate that contains the customer-provided list of subject alternative names.
Checking to see if the secret dockersecret exists in namespace weblogic-operator
Generating a self-signed certificate for the operator's internal https port with the subject alternative names DNS:internal-weblogic-operator-svc,DNS:internal-weblogic-operator-svc.weblogic-operator,DNS:internal-weblogic-operator-svc.weblogic-operator.svc,DNS:internal-weblogic-operator-svc.weblogic-operator.svc.cluster.local
Generating a self-signed certificate for the operator's external ssl port with the subject alternative names IP:
Generating /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator.yaml
Running the weblogic operator security customization script
Generating YAML script /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator-security.yaml to create WebLogic Operator security configuration...
Create the WebLogic Operator Security configuration using kubectl as follows: kubectl create -f /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator-security.yaml
Ensure you start the API server with the --authorization-mode=RBAC option.
Checking to see if the namespace weblogic-operator already exists
The namespace weblogic-operator already exists
Checking the target namespace domain1
Checking to see if the namespace domain1 already exists
The namespace domain1 already exists
Checking to see if the service account weblogic-operator already exists
The service account weblogic-operator already exists
Applying the generated file /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator-security.yaml
namespace "weblogic-operator" configured
serviceaccount "weblogic-operator" unchanged
clusterrole "weblogic-operator-cluster-role" configured
clusterrole "weblogic-operator-cluster-role-nonresource" configured
clusterrolebinding "weblogic-operator-operator-rolebinding" configured
clusterrolebinding "weblogic-operator-operator-rolebinding-nonresource" configured
clusterrolebinding "weblogic-operator-operator-rolebinding-discovery" configured
clusterrolebinding "weblogic-operator-operator-rolebinding-auth-delegator" configured
clusterrole "weblogic-operator-namespace-role" configured
rolebinding "weblogic-operator-rolebinding" configured
Checking the cluster role weblogic-operator-namespace-role was created
Checking role binding weblogic-operator-rolebinding was created for each target namespace
Checking role binding weblogic-operator-rolebinding for namespace domain1
Checking the cluster role weblogic-operator-cluster-role was created
Checking the cluster role bindings weblogic-operator-operator-rolebinding were created
Applying the file /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-operators/weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator.yaml
configmap "weblogic-operator-cm" configured
secret "weblogic-operator-secrets" configured
deployment "weblogic-operator" configured
service "external-weblogic-operator-svc" unchanged
service "internal-weblogic-operator-svc" unchanged
Waiting for operator deployment to be ready...
status is 1, iteration 1 of 10
Checking the operator labels
Checking the operator pods
Checking the operator Pod status

The Oracle WebLogic Server Kubernetes Operator is deployed, the following namespaces are being managed: domain1

The following files were generated:


Check the pod status in weblogic-operator namespace:

kubectl get pod -n weblogic-operator
NAME                                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
weblogic-operator-58d944d448-jxbph   1/1       Running   0          1m

Before execute the last domain creation script you have to create the WebLogic admin credentials. The username and password credentials for access to the Administration Server must be stored in a Kubernetes secret in the same namespace that the domain will run in. The script does not create the secret in order to avoid storing the credentials in a file. To create the secret for this demo, issue the following command (you can change the password below, but don't forget later):

kubectl -n domain1 create secret generic domain1-weblogic-credentials --from-literal=username=weblogic --from-literal=password=welcome1

Now execute a similar command for the WebLogic domain creation:

/u01/content/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/ -i /u01/content/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/kubernetes/create-weblogic-domain-inputs.yaml -o /u01/weblogic-output-directory
Input parameters being used
export version="create-weblogic-domain-inputs-v1"
export adminPort="7001"
export adminServerName="admin-server"
export domainName="base_domain"
export domainUID="domain1"
export clusterType="DYNAMIC"
export startupControl="AUTO"
export clusterName="cluster-1"
export configuredManagedServerCount="2"
export initialManagedServerReplicas="2"
export managedServerNameBase="managed-server"
export managedServerPort="8001"
export weblogicDomainStorageType="HOST_PATH"
export weblogicDomainStoragePath="/scratch/external-domain-home/pv001"
export weblogicDomainStorageReclaimPolicy="Retain"
export weblogicDomainStorageSize="10Gi"
export productionModeEnabled="true"
export weblogicCredentialsSecretName="domain1-weblogic-credentials"
export t3ChannelPort="30012"
export t3PublicAddress="kubernetes"
export exposeAdminT3Channel="false"
export adminNodePort="30701"
export exposeAdminNodePort="false"
export namespace="domain1"
export loadBalancer="TRAEFIK"
export loadBalancerAppPrepath="/"
export loadBalancerWebPort="30305"
export loadBalancerDashboardPort="30315"
export javaOptions="-Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false"

Generating /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-domains/domain1/weblogic-domain-pv.yaml
Generating /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-domains/domain1/weblogic-domain-pvc.yaml
Generating /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-domains/domain1/create-weblogic-domain-job.yaml
Generating /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-domains/domain1/domain-custom-resource.yaml
Generating /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-domains/domain1/weblogic-domain-traefik-cluster-1.yaml
Generating /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-domains/domain1/weblogic-domain-traefik-security-cluster-1.yaml
Checking to see if the secret domain1-weblogic-credentials exists in namespace domain1
Checking if the persistent volume domain1-weblogic-domain-pv exists
No resources found.
The persistent volume domain1-weblogic-domain-pv does not exist
Creating the persistent volume domain1-weblogic-domain-pv
persistentvolume "domain1-weblogic-domain-pv" created
Checking if the persistent volume domain1-weblogic-domain-pv is Available
Checking if the persistent volume claim domain1-weblogic-domain-pvc in namespace domain1 exists
No resources found.
The persistent volume claim domain1-weblogic-domain-pvc does not exist in namespace domain1
Creating the persistent volume claim domain1-weblogic-domain-pvc
persistentvolumeclaim "domain1-weblogic-domain-pvc" created
Checking if the persistent volume domain1-weblogic-domain-pv is Bound
Checking if object type job with name domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job exists
No resources found.
Creating the domain by creating the job /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-domains/domain1/create-weblogic-domain-job.yaml
configmap "domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-cm" created
job "domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job" created
Waiting for the job to complete...
status on iteration 1 of 20
pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-jjssn status is ContainerCreating
Error from server (BadRequest): container "create-weblogic-domain-job" in pod "domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-jjssn" is waiting to start: ContainerCreating
status on iteration 2 of 20
pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-jjssn status is Running
status on iteration 3 of 20
pod domain1-create-weblogic-domain-job-jjssn status is Completed
Setting up traefik security
clusterrole "domain1-cluster-1-traefik" created
clusterrolebinding "domain1-cluster-1-traefik" created
Checking the cluster role domain1-cluster-1-traefik was created
Checking the cluster role binding domain1-cluster-1-traefik was created
Deploying traefik
serviceaccount "domain1-cluster-1-traefik" created
deployment "domain1-cluster-1-traefik" created
configmap "domain1-cluster-1-traefik-cm" created
service "domain1-cluster-1-traefik" created
service "domain1-cluster-1-traefik-dashboard" created
Checking traefik deployment
Checking the traefik service account
Checking traefik service
Creating the domain custom resource using /u01/content/weblogic-output-directory/weblogic-domains/domain1/domain-custom-resource.yaml
domain "domain1" created
Checking the domain custom resource was created

Domain base_domain was created and will be started by the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator

The load balancer for cluster 'cluster-1' is available at (add the application path to the URL)
The load balancer dashboard for cluster 'cluster-1' is available at

The following files were generated:


To check the status of the WebLogic cluster, run this command:

kubectl get pod -n domain1
NAME                                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
domain1-admin-server                         1/1       Running   0          9m
domain1-cluster-1-traefik-778bc994f7-7mjw6   1/1       Running   0          9m
domain1-managed-server1                      1/1       Running   0          7m
domain1-managed-server2                      1/1       Running   0          7m

You have to see four running pods similar to the result above. If you don't see all the running pods please wait and check periodically. The whole domain deployment may take up to 3-4 minutes depending on the compute shape.

The WebLogic Administration server console is exposed to the external world using NodePort. To get the external IP address of the node where the admin server pod is deployed execute the following command which returns external (public) IP addresses belong to pods:

kubectl get pod -n domain1 -o wide
NAME                                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP           NODE
domain1-admin-server                         1/1       Running   0          32m
domain1-cluster-1-traefik-55cbccb8dd-srpcb   1/1       Running   0          32m
domain1-managed-server1                      0/1       Running   4          29m
domain1-managed-server2                      0/1       Running   0          29m

Find the Node IP address belongs to the domain1-admin-server pod.

To get the port assignment retrieve the admin server service information. Execute the following:

kubectl get services -n domain1
NAME                                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
domain1-admin-server                        NodePort    <none>        7001:30701/TCP    8m
domain1-admin-server-extchannel-t3channel   NodePort    <none>        30012:30012/TCP   6m
domain1-cluster-1-traefik                   NodePort   <none>        80:30305/TCP      8m
domain1-cluster-1-traefik-dashboard         NodePort   <none>        8080:30315/TCP    8m
domain1-cluster-cluster-1                   ClusterIP   <none>        8001/TCP          6m
domain1-managed-server1                     ClusterIP   <none>        8001/TCP          6m
domain1-managed-server2                     ClusterIP   <none>        8001/TCP          6m

Find the port mapping belongs to the domain1-admin-server service. Note the second part of the mapping. It should be 30701 if you haven't changed the configuration. Construct the Administration Console's url and open in a browser:


alt text

Enter the credentials defined in the secret domain1-weblogic-credentials previously (username:weblogic, password:welcome1). Click login.

alt text

Congratulations! You have successfully deployed WebLogic domain on (OKE) Kubernetes cluster.