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Kubernetes scheduler


  • podQueue channel
  • quit channel
  • Scheduler
    • ScheduleOne:
      1. Get a Pod from podQueue.
      2. findNode
        1. Get Nodes from lister.
        2. Filter out unschedulable nodes.
        3. Give a score for each node.
        4. Get the node with the highest score.
      3. bindNode
      4. emitEvent

Getting Started

  1. Run scheduler.

    go run main.go
    2022/08/12 20:19:51 Start a scheduler
    2022/08/12 20:19:51 Run is called
    2022/08/12 20:19:51 New node is added. docker-desktop
  2. Create a Pod.

    kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
  3. Check if the pod is scheduled.

    2022/08/12 20:20:28 found a pod to schedule: [default/nginx]
    2022/08/12 20:20:28 calculated priorities: map[docker-desktop:47]
    2022/08/12 20:20:28 node docker-desktop is chosen for Pod [default/nginx]
    2022/08/12 20:20:28 pod [default/nginx] is successfully scheduled to node docker-desktop


  1. Create main, NewScheduler and Scheduler struct with Run method.

    package main
    import (
    func main()  {
        log.Println("Start a scheduler")
        podQueue := make(chan *v1.Pod, 300)
        defer close(podQueue)
        quit := make(chan struct{})
        defer close(quit)
        scheduler := NewScheduler(podQueue, quit)
    type Scheduler struct {
    func (s *Scheduler) Run() {
    func NewScheduler(podQueue chan *v1.Pod, quit chan struct{}) Scheduler {
        return Scheduler{}

    You can try running the empty scheduler:

    go run main.go
  2. Update Scheduler struct (Prepare nodeInformer, podInformer, randomPredicate, and randomPriority):

    1. Update definitions.

      type predicateFunc func(node *v1.Node, pod *v1.Pod) bool
      type priorityFunc func(node *v1.Node, pod *v1.Pod) int
      type Scheduler struct {
          clientset  *kubernetes.Clientset
          podQueue   chan *v1.Pod
          nodeLister listersv1.NodeLister
          predicates []predicateFunc
          priorities []priorityFunc
    2. Initialize clientset in NewScheduler.

    3. Define randomPredicate and randomPriority.

      func randomPredicate(node *v1.Node, pod *v1.Pod) bool {
          r := rand.Intn(2)
          return r == 0
      func randomPriority(node *v1.Node, pod *v1.Pod) int {
          return rand.Intn(100)
    4. Define initInformers.

      1. Create shared informer factory
      2. Create node informer with event handler for AddFunc (just print).
      3. Create pod informer with event handler for AddFunc.
        1. Check NodeName == "": Unscheduled Pods
        2. Check SchedulerName == scheduclerName; this scheduler is specified.
      4. Start the factory.
      5. Return the nodeInformer lister.
      func initInformers(clientset *kubernetes.Clientset, podQueue chan *v1.Pod, quit chan struct{}) listersv1.NodeLister {
          factory := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(clientset, 0)
          nodeInformer := factory.Core().V1().Nodes()
                  AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
                      node, ok := obj.(*v1.Node)
                      if !ok {
                          log.Println("this is not a node")
                      log.Printf("New node is added. %s\n", node.GetName())
          podInformer := factory.Core().V1().Pods()
                  AddFunc: func(obj interface{}){
                      pod, ok := obj.(*v1.Pod)
                      if !ok {
                          log.Println("This is not a pod")
                      if pod.Spec.NodeName == "" && pod.Spec.SchedulerName == schedulerName {
                          podQueue <- pod
          return nodeInformer.Lister()
    5. Update NewScheduler:

      func NewScheduler(podQueue chan *v1.Pod, quit chan struct{}) Scheduler {
          // In-Cluster configuration
          // config, err := rest.InClusterConfig()
          // if err != nil {
          // 	log.Fatal(err)
          // }
          kubeConfigPath := filepath.Join(homedir.HomeDir(), ".kube", "config")
          config, err := clientcmd.BuildConfigFromFlags("", kubeConfigPath)
          if err != nil {
              log.Printf("Building config from flags, %s", err.Error())
          clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)
          if err != nil {
          return Scheduler{
              clientset: clientset,
              podQueue: podQueue,
              nodeLister: initInformers(clientset, podQueue, quit),
              predicates: []predicateFunc{
              priorities: []priorityFunc{
    6. Try running the scheduler at this point. (Nothing happens as Run is still empty.)

      go run main.go
      Start a scheduler
      Run is called
  3. Find best node for a pod in ScheduleOne function.

    1. Define ScheduleOne. The role of ScheduleOne:

      1. Get a pod from podQueue.
      2. Get the fit node from findNode.
      func (s *Scheduler) ScheduleOne() {
          p := <- s.podQueue
          log.Println("found a pod to schedule:", p.Namespace, "/", p.Name)
          node, err := s.findNode(p)
          if err != nil {
              log.Println("cannot find node that fits pod", err.Error())
          log.Printf("node %s is chosen for Pod [%s/%s]\n", node, p.Namespace, p.Name)
    2. Define findNode (find the best node for a given pod. If no schedulable node, return error.) The role of findNode:

      1. Get nodes from the node lister.
      2. Return error if there's no node.
      3. Give a score with prioritize for each node.
      4. Return the node with highest score findBestNode.
      func (s *Scheduler) findNode(pod *v1.Pod) (string, error) {
          nodes, err := s.nodeLister.List(labels.Everything())
          if err != nil {
              return "", err
          if len(nodes) == 0 {
              return "", errors.New("failed to find schedulable nodes")
          priorities := s.prioritize(nodes, pod)
          return s.findBestNode(priorities), nil
    3. Define prioritize: Give a score with priorities for each node.

      func (s *Scheduler) prioritize(nodes []*v1.Node, pod *v1.Pod) map[string]int {
          priorities := make(map[string]int)
          for _, node := range nodes {
              for _, priority := range s.priorities {
                  priorities[node.Name] += priority(node, pod)
          log.Println("calculated priorities:", priorities)
          return priorities
    4. findBestNode: Get the node with the highest score.

      func (s *Scheduler) findBestNode(priorities map[string]int) string {
          var maxP int
          var bestNode string
          for node, p := range priorities {
              if p > maxP {
                  maxP = p
                  bestNode = node
          return bestNode
    5. Update Run to call ScheduleOne.

      func (s *Scheduler) Run(quit chan struct{}) {
          log.Println("Run is called")
          wait.Until(s.ScheduleOne, 0, quit)
    6. Run and check the scheduler (Just choose a node):

      Run the scheduler:

      go run main.go
      2021/12/26 17:21:06 Start a scheduler
      2021/12/26 17:21:06 Run is called
      2021/12/26 17:21:06 New node is added. kind-control-plane

      Create a pod with schedulerName: random-scheduler:

      kubectl apply -f pod.yaml

      Scheduler's log:

      2021/12/26 17:21:06 found a pod to schedule: [default/nginx]
      2021/12/26 17:21:06 calculated priorities: map[kind-control-plane:47]
      2021/12/26 17:21:06 node kind-control-plane is chosen for Pod [default/nginx]
      kubectl get pod nginx
      nginx   0/1     Pending   0          3m55s
  4. Bind Node to Pod.

    1. Add the following lines to ScheduleOne.

          err = s.bindPod(p, node)
          if err != nil {
              log.Println("failed to bind pod", err.Error())
    2. Define bindPod.

      import (
          metav1 ""
      func (s *Scheduler) bindPod(pod *v1.Pod, node string) error {
          return s.clientset.CoreV1().Pods(pod.Namespace).Bind(
                  ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Name: pod.Name, Namespace: pod.Namespace},
                  Target:     v1.ObjectReference{APIVersion: "v1", Kind: "Node", Name: node},
    3. Run the scheduler.

      1. Run the scheduler
        go run main.go
        2021/12/26 17:33:35 Start a scheduler
        2021/12/26 17:33:35 Run is called
        2021/12/26 17:33:35 New node is added. kind-control-plane
      2. Create a Pod.
        kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
      3. Check logs.
        2021/12/26 17:35:35 found a pod to schedule: [default/nginx]
        2021/12/26 17:35:35 calculated priorities: map[kind-control-plane:47]
        2021/12/26 17:35:35 node kind-control-plane is chosen for Pod [default/nginx]
        2021/12/26 17:35:35 pod [default/nginx] is successfully scheduled to node kind-control-plane
      4. Check pod.
        kubectl get pod nginx
        nginx   1/1     Running   0          26s
  5. Emit event.

    1. Add emitEvent function.
    func (s *Scheduler) emitEvent(p *v1.Pod, message string) error {
        timestamp := time.Now().UTC()
        _, err := s.clientset.CoreV1().Events(p.Namespace).Create(
                Count:          1,
                Message:        message,
                Reason:         "Scheduled",
                LastTimestamp:  metav1.NewTime(timestamp),
                FirstTimestamp: metav1.NewTime(timestamp),
                Type:           "Normal",
                Source: v1.EventSource{
                    Component: schedulerName,
                InvolvedObject: v1.ObjectReference{
                    Kind:      "Pod",
                    Name:      p.Name,
                    Namespace: p.Namespace,
                    UID:       p.UID,
                ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
                    GenerateName: p.Name + "-",
        if err != nil {
            return err
        return nil
    1. Add the following lines to the ScheduleOne.

          message := fmt.Sprintf("pod [%s/%s] is successfully scheduled to node %s", p.Namespace, p.Name, node)
          err = s.emitEvent(p, message)
          if err != nil {
              log.Println("failed to emit scheduled event", err.Error())
    2. Check.

      1. Create a Pod.

        kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
      2. Run the scheduler.

        go run main.go
        2021/12/26 17:41:24 Start a scheduler
        2021/12/26 17:41:24 Run is called
        2021/12/26 17:41:24 New node is added. kind-control-plane
        2021/12/26 17:41:43 found a pod to schedule: [default/nginx]
        2021/12/26 17:41:43 calculated priorities: map[kind-control-plane:47]
        2021/12/26 17:41:43 node kind-control-plane is chosen for Pod [default/nginx]
        2021/12/26 17:41:43 pod [default/nginx] is successfully scheduled to node kind-control-plane
      3. Check event.

        kubectl get event | grep Scheduled
        68s         Normal   Scheduled   pod/nginx   pod [default/nginx] is successfully scheduled to node kind-control-plane
