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230 lines (162 loc) · 9.58 KB

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230 lines (162 loc) · 9.58 KB

UPGRADE FROM 1.0.0-beta.1 to 1.0.0-beta.2

  • Bundles, container extensions and bundles configurations were made final and can't be extended anymore, follow Symfony best practices and do not extend them.


Addressing / AddressingBundle


  • Route sylius_admin_order_shipment_ship has been added to have specific end point only for updating via http PUT method and sylius_admin_partial_shipment_ship route is only for rendering the form.
  • Rename any sylius_admin_address_log_entry_index usages to sylius_admin_partial_log_entry_index.


  • All api routes are prefixed with version number. For example route: /api/customers has changed to /api/v1/customers.

Attribute / AttributeBundle

  • AttributeValue::$localeCode property was added to make it translatable. Now, every attribute value has a locale code to be displayed properly in different locales. All attribute values are migrated to the new concept with migration Version20170109143010. Look at this PR if you have any problems with upgrade.

Channel / ChannelBundle

Core / CoreBundle

  • ImageUniqueCode and ImageUniqueCodeValidator were deleted and replaced by UniqueWithinCollectionConstraintValidator, UniqueWithinCollectionConstraint from ResourceBundle. To use it replace name of constraint in constraint mapping file from: Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Validator\Constraints\ImageUniqueCode to: Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Validator\Constraints\UniqueWithinCollectionConstraint

  • Renamed getLastNewPayment() on OrderInterface to getLastPayment($state), where $state is target last payment state. Every getLastNewPayment() method should be replaced with getLastPayment(PaymentInterface::STATE_NEW).

  • Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderTaxesProcessor and Sylius\Component\Core\Resolver\ZoneAndChannelBasedShippingMethodsResolver have become a zone scope aware. From now, only zones with scope 'shipping' or 'all' will be considered in Sylius\Component\Core\Resolver\ZoneAndChannelBasedShippingMethodsResolver and a scope 'tax' or 'all' is required in Sylius\Component\Core\OrderProcessing\OrderTaxesProcessor. A migration file has been prepared which fill in "all" as scope for zones that didn't have it specified, so they will be resolved by new implementation.

  • State resolvers have been made final. In order to change theirs behavior please decorate them or provide your own implementation.

  • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\DependencyInjection\Compiler\RoutingRepositoryPass was removed, implement it yourself.

  • Method createQueryBuilderByChannelAndTaxonSlug from Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Doctrine\ORM\ProductRepositoryInterface was renamed to createShopListQueryBuilder and receives taxon object instead of taxon slug string as the second parameter.

  • Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Test\MySqlDriver and Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Test\PgSqlDriver were moved to test namespace, provide your own implementation or use Doctrin DBAL's Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOMySql\Driver and Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOPgSql\Driver instead.

  • Sylius\Component\Core\Test\Services\RandomInvoiceNumberGenerator was moved to Sylius\Component\Core\Payment\RandomInvoiceNumberGenerator, change your usages accordingly.

  • Sylius\Component\Core\Payment\RandomInvoiceNumberGenerator and Sylius\Component\Core\Payment\IdBasedInvoiceNumberGenerator were made final, use decoration and implement Sylius\Component\Core\Payment\InvoiceNumberGeneratorInterface instead of extending them.

Currency / CurrencyBundle

Customer / CustomerBundle


Grid / GridBundle

  • Custom options for filter form types was extracted from options to form_options in grid configuration.


                        type: entity
                            class: ""
                            fields: [channel]


                        type: entity
                            fields: [channel]
                            class: ""

Inventory / InventoryBundle

Locale / LocaleBundle

  • Locale model's $enabled field has been removed along with all logic depending on it.

Mailer / MailerBundle


Order / OrderBundle

  • Method findOrdersUnpaidSince of Sylius\Bundle\OrderBundle\Doctrine\ORM\OrderRepository has been moved to Sylius\Bundle\CoreBundle\Doctrine\ORM\OrderRepository as it depends on Core component. If you haven't been using this method, you can remove the 'CoreBundle' dependency.

Payment / PaymentBundle

  • Changed default Payment::$state from new to cart.
  • Credit Card model and all related code have been removed.
  • ->getSource() and ->setSource(PaymentSourceInterface $source) have been removed from PaymentInterface.
  • PaymentSourceInterface has been removed.


Product / ProductBundle

  • ProductVariant::$name property (and corresponding getter and setter) was removed to make it translatable. Therefore, ProductVariantTranslation was introduced with one $name property. All product variants names are migrated to new concept with migration Version2016121415313. Look at this PR if you have any problems with upgrade.
  • ProductAssociationType::$name property (and corresponding getter and setter) was removed to make it translatable. Therefore, ProductAssociationTypeTranslation was introduced with one $name property. All product association types names are migrated to new concept with migration Version20161219160441. Look at this PR if you have any problems with upgrade.

Promotion / PromotionBundle

Registry / RegistryBundle

Resource / ResourceBundle

  • Removed sylius_resource.resources.*.translation.fields configuration key, it was not used at all - if causing issues, remove your configuration under it.

Review / ReviewBundle

Service sylius.average_rating_updater name has been changed to sylius.product_review.average_rating_updater and service sylius.listener.review_change name has been changed to sylius.listener.product_review_change These services will be generated automatically based on subject name.

Shipping / ShippingBundle


Taxation / TaxationBundle

Taxonomy / TaxonomyBundle



  • Sylius\Bundle\UiBundle\Menu\AbstractMenuBuilder was removed, you should add the following code to classes previously extending it:

    use Knp\Menu\FactoryInterface;
    use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
     * @var FactoryInterface
    private $factory;
     * @var EventDispatcher
    private $eventDispatcher;
     * @param FactoryInterface $factory
     * @param EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher
    public function __construct(FactoryInterface $factory, EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher)
        $this->factory = $factory;
        $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;

    Also sylius.menu_builder service was removed, you should add the following code to services previously extending it:

    <argument type="service" id="knp_menu.factory" />
    <argument type="service" id="event_dispatcher" />

User / UserBundle


  • sylius_admin_dashboard_redirect route was removed, use sylius_admin_dashboard instead.



Some change has been made to app/config/security.yml

              csrf_token_generator: security.csrf.token_manager
              csrf_parameter: _csrf_admin_security_token
              csrf_token_id: admin_authenticate
              secret: "%secret%"
              path: /admin
              name: APP_ADMIN_REMEMBER_ME
              lifetime: 31536000 //custom lifetime
              remember_me_parameter: _remember_me
              csrf_token_generator: security.csrf.token_manager
              csrf_parameter: _csrf_shop_security_token
              csrf_token_id: shop_authenticate
              secret: "%secret%"
              name: APP_SHOP_REMEMBER_ME
              lifetime: 31536000
              remember_me_parameter: _remember_me
      - { path: "^/_partial.*", role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, ips: [, ::1] }
      - { path: "^/_partial.*", role: ROLE_NO_ACCESS }
      - { path: "^/admin/_partial.*", role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY, ips: [, ::1] }
      - { path: "^/admin/_partial.*", role: ROLE_NO_ACCESS }

From now one you need to pass csrf token to your login-check request so you need to add <input type="hidden" value={{ csrf_token('csrf_token_id') }} name="csrf_parameter"> into your login form. Example input <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_admin_security_token" value="{{ csrf_token('admin_authenticate') }}">

The remember me feature did not work properly due to missing additional configuration.


  • Sylius\Behat\Page\Admin\Crud\IndexPage, Sylius\Behat\Page\Admin\Crud\CreatePage, Sylius\Behat\Page\Admin\Crud\UpdatePage now accepts route name instead of resource name.