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The current billing period.

Model Type Info

Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
dict, frozendict.frozendict, frozendict.frozendict, The current billing period.

Dictionary Keys

Key Input Type Accessed Type Description Notes
apiKey str, str, User API Key. [optional]
subscriptionStarted decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, Datetime when the user subscribed to the plan. [optional] value must be a 64 bit integer
periodStarted decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, Datetime when the the plan's current period started. [optional] value must be a 64 bit integer
periodEnded decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, Datetime when the the plan's current period endend. [optional] value must be a 64 bit integer
stripeCurrentPeriodEnd decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, Datetime when the the plan's current period endend (in Stripe). Internal and Stripe periodicity should ~coincide. [optional] value must be a 64 bit integer
stripeCurrentPeriodStart decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, Datetime when the the plan's current period started (in Stripe). Internal and Stripe periodicity should ~coincide. [optional] value must be a 64 bit integer
billingStatus str, str, Current period billing status ex OPEN. [optional]
usage decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, Current period usage in units (NB some API endpoints use more than one unit). [optional] value must be a 64 bit integer
softLimit decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, Current period soft limit (reaching the limit sends an email notification). [optional] value must be a 64 bit integer
hardLimit decimal.Decimal, int, decimal.Decimal, Current period hard limit (reaching the limit sends an email notification and blocks the API Key). [optional] value must be a 64 bit integer
any_string_name dict, frozendict.frozendict, str, date, datetime, int, float, bool, decimal.Decimal, None, list, tuple, bytes, io.FileIO, io.BufferedReader frozendict.frozendict, str, BoolClass, decimal.Decimal, NoneClass, tuple, bytes, FileIO any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type [optional]

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