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Releases: nanocurrency/nano-node

Version 7.3.4 released

12 Mar 23:58
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This minor release fixes a user facing issue where your balance might not update if you were sent something while synchronizing requiring manual intervention.
Added colors to the status indicator to draw attention to disconnection or synchronization statuses.

Version 7.3.3 released

10 Mar 02:36
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This is a patch to fix an issue where the wallet would allow the user to insert a key in to a locked wallet. This would cause the account to be unusable when the wallet was unlocked.

This fix will rewrite out the correctly encrypted key when the wallet is unlocked.

Version 7.3.2 released

05 Mar 02:07
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This release is mostly addition of RPCs requested by exchanges.

  • Block count
  • Account count
  • Available supply
  • Mrai divider/multiplier RPC

Additionally logging for payment RPCs was improved and a copy button was added to the wallet to better indicate how to copy it.

Version 7.3.1 released

16 Feb 05:32
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We released 7.3.1 with a number of improvements today:

  • Windows uses the Visual Studio 2015 compiler and has an installer
  • Number of work and io threads can be configured in config.json
  • Fixing some crashes that could happen in the wallet on slow machines.

Version 7.3.0 released

06 Feb 18:27
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We're putting out a semi-major release today which includes a new format for addresses. All keys remain and the old account format will still be valid.

The new format looks like:


  • An xrb_ prefix to indicate this address is for RaiBlocks (XRB)
  • All lower case since speaking case sensitivity is difficult
  • Base 32 removing some hard to speak or handwriting ambiguous letters
  • Increasing check code from 32 bits to 40 bits making the chance entering an invalid address 1 in 1 trillion.
  • Address lexicographically sorts with respect to the public key making keys display in order

The key is always 64 characters and can be split in to two lines for better sizing:

The alphabet chosen is from z-base-32 by Phil Zimmerman, a lot of good information on their design is at The only deviation is we didn't permute the alphabet since that would break lexicographic sorting.

The update also has a number of internal tweaks and reduced thread usage.

Config files will automatically be updated to use the new address format.

Version 7.2.2 released

26 Jan 01:38
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We're happy to release version 7.2.2. It's recommended for anyone and strongly recommended for anyone running a node since it fixes some edge cases and performance issues with regard to RPCs.

The major feature is providing RPCs and functionality to specify work peers. This allows a node with a high amount of wallet actions to scale by delegate work generation to other machines.

Version 7.2.1 released

06 Jan 03:24
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This release features lowering work thread priority on Windows and Linux in order to maintain a more responsive GUI. A number of minor fixes were added to support running on FreeBSD.

Version 7.2.0 released

11 Dec 00:27
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This release is recommended for everyone, it includes a number of performance optimizations and fixes an issue where forks on open blocks wouldn't be resolved.

As always, be sure to keep backups of your wallet, backups are found in the RaiBlocks/backup directory.


  • Most notably the RPC system has been overhauled to handle RPCs asynchronously
  • The send RPC will no longer block until work pre generating has completed
  • Command line options to import and decrypt wallets has been added
  • The voting algorithm has been improved to limit the number of forks being resolved at a time. This has never happened in the wild but would have caused bandwidth spikes and needs to execute in a coordinated way.
  • New RPCs have been added to do common payment-processing tasks

Version 7.1.3 released

22 Nov 18:27
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This is a minor update which fixes an issue where the wallet GUI would become unresponsive while sending.

Version 7.1.2 released

12 Nov 21:42
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We put out a new release today which has a number of improvements to nodes and wallets.


  • Wallet: Improved
  • Node: Improved, upgrade config.json
  • Protocol: Unchanged
  • Ledger: Unchanged


  • Significantly improved synchronization speed, especially for machines with slow I/O
  • More aggressively clearing encryption keys out of memory after use. This along with the password fan are the mitigation strategy against memory scraping of encryption keys.
  • Reduced logging noise for locked wallets

Backup reminder:
The RaiBlocks data and your wallet keys are stored in the RaiBlocks data directory, this directory does not need to be changed but you can back up the folder "backup" which contains your wallet keys for extra assurance.
Windows: C:\Users\AppData\Local\RaiBlocks
Linux: ~/RaiBlocks
OSX: ~/Library/RaiBlocks

Wallet: Replace your RaiBlocks executable with the new version.
Node: Replace your rai_node executable with the new version. Edit your config.json and add entries for frontier_request_limit or chain_request_limit. If you don't do this you'll get an error on startup "Error loading configuration" It should look like:
"rpc": {
"address": "::ffff:",
"port": "7076",
"enable_control": "false",
"frontier_request_limit": "16384",
"chain_request_limit": "16384"