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Bioinformatics pipeline for Methylation Sequencing (Methyl-Seq) data

This document holds an overview and some example commands of how GeneLab processes bisulfite sequencing (methylseq) datasets. Exact processing commands for specific datasets that have been released are provided with their processed data in the Open Science Data Repository (OSDR).

Date: February 13, 2023
Revision: -
Document Number: GL-DPPD-7113

Submitted by:
Michael D. Lee (GeneLab Analysis Team)

Approved by:
Sylvain Costes (GeneLab Project Manager)
Samrawit Gebre (GeneLab Deputy Project Manager)
Amanda Saravia-Butler (GeneLab Data Processing Lead)
Jonathan Galazka (GeneLab Project Scientist)

Table of contents

Software used

Program Version Relevant Links
FastQC 0.11.9
MultiQC 1.12
Cutadapt 3.7
TrimGalore! 0.6.7
Bismark 0.23.1
bowtie2 2.4.4
hisat2 2.2.1
samtools 1.16.1
qualimap 2.2.2d
methylKit 1.20.0
tidyverse 1.3.2
genomation 1.26.0

General processing overview with example commands

Exact processing commands and output files listed in bold below are included with each RNAseq processed dataset in the Open Science Data Repository (OSDR).

1. Raw Data QC

1a. Raw Data QC

fastqc -o raw_fastqc_output/ *raw.fastq.gz

Parameter Definitions:

  • -o – the output directory to store results
  • *raw.fastq.gz – the input reads are specified as a positional argument, and can be given all at once with wildcards like this, or as individual arguments with spaces in between them

Input data:

  • *raw.fastq.gz (raw reads)

Output data:

  • *fastqc.html (FastQC output html summary)
  • * (FastQC output data)

1b. Compile Raw Data QC

multiqc --interactive -o raw_multiqc_data/ -n raw_multiqc -z raw_fastqc_output/

Parameter Definitions:

  • --interactive - force reports to use interactive plots
  • -o – the output directory to store results
  • -n – the filename prefix for output files
  • -z – specifies to zip the output data directory
  • raw_fastqc_output/ – the directory holding the output data from the fastqc run, provided as a positional argument

Input data:

  • raw_fastqc_output/* (FastQC output data from Step 1a)

Output data:

  • raw_multiqc.html (multiqc output html summary)
  • (zipped directory containing multiqc output data)

2. Adapter trimming/quality filtering

See trim_galore --help menu for more info on any of the below.

If not RRBS or if RRBS using MseI digestion

Note that the --rrbs option is not appropriate when RRBS (reduced representation bisulfite sequencing) libraries were prepared with MseI digestion (see trim_galore --help menu (starting at this line).

Single-end example

trim_galore --gzip \
  --cores 4 \
  --phred33 \
  --output_dir trimmed_reads_out_dir/ \

# renaming output to use GeneLab standard conventions
mv sample-1_raw_trimmed.fq.gz sample-1_trimmed.fastq.gz

Paired-end example

trim_galore --gzip \
  --cores 4 \
  --phred33 \
  --output_dir trimmed_reads_out_dir/ \
  --paired \
  sample-1_R1_raw.fastq.gz sample-1_R2_raw.fastq.gz

# renaming outputs to use GeneLab standard suffix
mv sample-1_R1_raw_val_1.fq.gz sample-1_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz
mv sample-1_R2_raw_val_2.fq.gz sample-1_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

If RRBS with MspI digestion

Note that if the library preparation was non-directional, the --non_directional flag needs to be added to this command (whether single-end or paired-end; see trim_galore --help menu e.g., here).

Single-end example

trim_galore --gzip \
  --cores 4 \
  --phred33 \
  --rrbs \
  --output_dir trimmed_reads_out_dir/ \

# renaming output to use GeneLab standard conventions
mv sample-1_raw_trimmed.fq.gz sample-1_trimmed.fastq.gz

Paired-end example

trim_galore --gzip \
  --cores 4 \
  --phred33 \
  --rrbs \
  --output_dir trimmed_reads_out_dir/ \
  --paired \
  sample-1_R1_raw.fastq.gz sample-1_R2_raw.fastq.gz

# renaming outputs to use GeneLab standard suffix
mv sample-1_R1_raw_val_1.fq.gz sample-1_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz
mv sample-1_R2_raw_val_2.fq.gz sample-1_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

If RRBS with NuGEN ovation kit

Libraries prepared with the NuGEN ovation kit need to be procesed with an additional script provided by the company's github.

Following their instructions, we first run an adapter-trimming/quality-filtering step with trimgalore. Note that the --rrbs option is not appropriate to pass to trimgalore when this kit is used (see trim_galore --help menu (starting at this line). Then we utilize the company's script to remove the random diversity sequences added by the kit.

First adapter-trimming/quality-filtering with trimgalore

Single-end example

trim_galore --gzip \
  --cores 4 \
  --phred33 \
  --output_dir trimmed_reads_out_dir/ \

# renaming output to use GeneLab standard conventions
mv sample-1_raw_trimmed.fq.gz sample-1_trimmed.fastq.gz

Paired-end example

trim_galore --gzip \
  --cores 4 \
  --phred33 \
  --paired \
  --output_dir trimmed_reads_out_dir/ \
  sample-1_R1_raw.fastq.gz sample-1_R2_raw.fastq.gz

# renaming output to use GeneLab standard conventions
mv sample-1_R1_raw_val_1.fq.gz sample-1_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz
mv sample-1_R2_raw_val_2.fq.gz sample-1_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

Now running NuGEN-specific script

The NuGEN-specific script can be downloaded from their github with the following:

curl -LO \

Single-end example

python2 \
  -1 sample-1_trimmed.fastq.gz

# renaming outputs to use GeneLab standard suffix
mv sample-1_trimmed.fastq_trimmed.fq.gz sample-1_trimmed.fastq.gz

Paired-end example

python2 \
  -1 sample-1_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz \
  -2 sample-1_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

# renaming outputs to use GeneLab standard suffix
mv sample-1_R1_trimmed.fastq_trimmed.fq.gz sample-1_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz
mv sample-1_R2_trimmed.fastq_trimmed.fq.gz sample-1_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

Parameter Definitions for trim_galore:

  • --gzip - gzip compress the output(s)
  • --cores - number of cores to use (this value is dependent on the number of threads available on the system running trim galore)
  • --phred33 - instructs cutadapt to use ASCII+33 quality scores as Phred scores for quality trimming
  • --rrbs - specific trimming suitable for RRBS data generated with MspI digestion only
  • -a - specific adapter sequence to be trimmed off of forward or single reads (applicable for libraries prepared with the NuGEN ovation kit)
  • -a2 - specific adapter sequence to be trimmed off of reverse reads (applicable for libraries prepared with the NuGEN ovation kit)
  • --paired - specifies data are paired-end
  • --output_dir - the output directory to store results
  • positional arguments represent the input read files, 2 of them if paired-end data

Parameter Definitions for :

  • -1 - forward or single input reads
  • -2 - reverse reads if paired-end data

Input Data:

  • *fastq.gz (raw reads)

Output Data:

  • *trimmed.fastq.gz (adapter-trimmed/quality-filtered reads)
  • *trimming_report.txt (trimming report)

3. Filtered/Trimmed Data QC

3a. Trimmed Data QC

fastqc -o trimmed_fastqc_output/ *trimmed.fastq.gz

Parameter Definitions:

  • -o – the output directory to store results
  • *trimmed.fastq.gz – the input reads are specified as a positional argument, and can be given all at once with wildcards like this, or as individual arguments with spaces in between them

Input data:

  • *trimmed.fastq.gz (filtered/trimmed reads, output from Step 2)

Output data:

  • *fastqc.html (FastQC output html summary)
  • * (FastQC output data)

3b. Compile Trimmed Data QC

multiqc --interactive -o trimmed_multiqc_data/ -n trimmed_multiqc -z trimmed_fastqc_output/

Parameter Definitions:

  • --interactive - force reports to use interactive plots
  • -o – the output directory to store results
  • -n – the filename prefix for output files
  • -z – specifies to zip the output data directory
  • trimmed_fastqc_output/ – the directory holding the output data from the fastqc run, provided as a positional argument

Input data:

  • trimmed_fastqc_output/* (FastQC output data from Step 3a)

Output data:

  • trimmed_multiqc.html (multiqc output html summary)
  • trimmed_multiqc_data (directory containing multiqc output data)

4. Alignment

4a. Generate reference

The reference will need to be specific to the organism that was sequenced. Bismark operates on a directory holding the target reference genome in fasta format.

# creating directory to hold reference and moving it into there
mkdir bismark_reference_genome
mv ref-genome.fasta bismark_reference_genome/

bismark_genome_preparation --bowtie2 \
  --parallel 4 \

Parameter Definitions:

  • --bowtie2 - specify bismark to create bisulfite indexes for use with Bowtie2
  • --parallel – specifies how many threads to use (note these will be doubled as it operates on both strands simultaneously)
  • positional argument specifing the directory holding the reference genome (should end in ".fa" or ".fasta", can be gzipped and including ".gz")

Input data:

  • a directory holding the reference genome in fasta format (this pipeline version uses the Ensembl fasta file indicated in the fasta column of the GL-DPPD-7110_annotations.csv GeneLab Annotations file))

Output data:

  • the reference genome directory that was provided as input will now hold indexes for the bisulfite-converted reference genome (all *.bt2 files are indexes, all *.fa files are converted versions of the reference genome)
  • bismark_reference_genome/Bisulfite_Genome/
    • CT_converion/
      • BS_CT.1.bt2
      • BS_CT.2.bt2
      • BS_CT.3.bt2
      • BS_CT.4.bt2
      • BS_CT.rev.1.bt2
      • BS_CT.rev.2.bt2
      • genome_mfa.CT_conversion.fa
    • GA_conversion/
      • BS_GA.1.bt2
      • BS_GA.2.bt2
      • BS_GA.3.bt2
      • BS_GA.4.bt2
      • BS_GA.rev.1.bt2
      • BS_GA.rev.2.bt2
      • genome_mfa.GA_conversion.fa
    • *.txt (captured standard output from the command)

If using RNA, the --hisat2 flag is added instead of --bowtie2, which specifies to use the splice-aware aligner HISAT2, and the outputs would include 8 *ht2 files in separate sub-directories along with each reference-genome conversion.

4b. Align

Note that if the library preparation was non-directional, the --non_directional flag needs to be added to this command (whether single-end or paired-end).

Single-end example

bismark --bowtie2 \
  --bam \
  --parallel 4 \
  --non_bs_mm \
  --nucleotide_coverage \
  --output_dir mapping_files_out_dir/ \
  --genome_folder bismark_reference_genome/ \

# renaming output files so they are cleaner and will work with sorted bam file/auto-detection
# of bismark2summary later
mv sample-1_trimmed_bismark_bt2_SE_report.txt sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted_SE_report.txt
mv sample-1_trimmed_bismark_bt2.nucleotide_stats.txt sample-1_bismark_bt2.nucleotide_stats.txt
mv sample-1_trimmed_bismark_bt2.bam sample-1_bismark_bt2.bam

Paired-end example

bismark --bowtie2 \
  --bam \
  --parallel 4 \
  --non_bs_mm \
  --nucleotide_coverage \
  --output_dir mapping_files_out_dir/ \
  --genome_folder bismark_reference_genome/ \
  -1 sample-1_R1_trimmed.fastq.gz \
  -2 sample-1_R2_trimmed.fastq.gz

# renaming output files so they are cleaner and will work with sorted bam file/auto-detection
# of bismark2summary later
mv sample-1_R1_trimmed_bismark_bt2_PE_report.txt sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted_PE_report.txt
mv sample-1_R1_trimmed_bismark_bt2.nucleotide_stats.txt sample-1_bismark_bt2.nucleotide_stats.txt
mv sample-1_R1_trimmed_bismark_bt2_pe.bam sample-1_bismark_bt2_pe.bam

Parameter Definitions:

  • --bowtie2 - specifies to use bowtie2 for alignment (limited to end-to-end alignments)
  • --bam - specifies to convert the default output sam format into compressed bam format
  • --parallel - allows us to specify the number of threads to use (note: will consume 3-5X this value)
  • --non_bs_mm - outputs an extra column in the bam file specifying the number of non-bisulfite mismatches each read has
  • --nucleotide_coverage - outputs a table with mono- and di-nucleotide sequence compositions and coverage values compared to genomic compositions
  • --output_dir - the output directory to store results
  • --genome_folder - specifies the directory holding the reference genome indexes (the same that was provided in Step 4a. above)
  • input trimmed-reads are provided as a positional argument if they are single-end data
  • -1 - where to specify the forward trimmed reads if paired-end data
  • -2 - where to specify the reverse trimmed reads if paired-end data

Input data:

  • bismark_reference_genome/ (directory holding indexes of reference genome)
  • gzip-compressed fastq files (adapter-trimmed/quality-filtered reads)

Output data:

  • sample-1_bismark_bt2.bam (mapping file)
  • *report.txt (bismark mapping report file)
  • genomic_nucleotide_frequencies.txt (tab-delimited table of mono- and di-nucleotide frequencies in reference genome)
  • *.nucleotide_stats.txt (tab-delimited table with sample-specific mono- and di-nucleotide sequence compositions and coverage values compared to genomic compositions

If using RNA, need to add the --hisat2 and --path_to_hisat2 flags.

4c. Sort Alignment Files

samtools sort -@ 4 \
  -o sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.bam \

Parameter Definitions:

  • sort - specifies to use the sort sub-program of samtools
  • -@ - specifies the number of threads to use
  • -o - specifies the output file name
  • sample-1_bismark_bt2.bam - the input bam file, provided as a positional argument

Input data:

  • sample-1_bismark_bt2.bam (bismark bowtie2 alignment bam file, output from Step 4b. above)

Output data:

  • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.bam (bismark bowtie2 alignment bam file sorted by chromosomal coordinates)

5. Alignment QC

qualimap bamqc -bam sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.bam \
  -gff reference.gtf \
  -outdir sample-1_bismark_bt2_qualimap/ \
  --collect-overlap-pairs \
  --java-mem-size=6G \
  -nt 4

Parameter Definitions:

  • bamqc - specifies the bamqc sub-program of qualimap
  • -bam - specifies the input bam file
  • -gff - specifices the feature file contining regions of interest for the reference genome (can be gff, gtf, or bed format)
  • -outdir - specifices the path to print the alignment QC output files to
  • --collect-overlap-pairs - instructs the program to output statistics of overlapping paired-end reads (if data were paired-end, no effect if single-end)
  • --java-mem-size=6G - specifies the amount of memory to use (here this is set to 6G; see qualimap FAQ here)
  • -nt - specifies the number of threads to use

Input data:

  • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.bam (bismark bowtie2 alignment bam file sorted by chromosomal coordinates, output from Step 4c above)
  • a feature file contining regions of interest for the reference genome in gtf format (this pipeline version uses the Ensembl fasta file indicated in the gtf column of the GL-DPPD-7110_annotations.csv GeneLab Annotations file))

Output data:

  • *sample-1_bismark_bt2_qualimap/ (subdirectory of many alignment QC output files and formatting files for presenting in an html file (see qualimap documentation)

6. Deduplicate (skip if data are RRBS)

This step should not be done if the data are RRBS (reduced representation bisulfite sequencing; see e.g., bismark documentation).

deduplicate_bismark sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.bam

Parameter Definitions:

  • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.bam - the input bam file, provided as a positional argument

Input data:

  • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.bam (bismark bowtie2 alignment bam file sorted by chromosomal coordinates, output from Step 4c above)

Output data:

  • *.deduplicated.bam (bismark bowtie2 alignment bam file sorted by chromosomal coordinates, with duplicates removed)
  • *.deduplication_report.txt (report file containing deduplication information)

7. Extract methylation calls

Single-end example

bismark_methylation_extractor --parallel 4 \
  --bedGraph \
  --gzip \
  --comprehensive \
  --output_dir methylation_calls_out_dir/ \
  --cytosine_report \
  --genome_folder bismark_reference_genome/ \
    # note, if *not working with RRBS data, input should be the 
    # deduplicated version (sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.deduplicated.bam) produced in step 6 above 

Paired-end example

bismark_methylation_extractor --parallel 4 \
  --bedGraph \
  --gzip \
  --comprehensive \
  --output_dir methylation_calls_out_dir/ \
  --cytosine_report \
  --genome_folder bismark_reference_genome/ \
  --ignore_r2 2 \
  --ignore_3prime_r2 2 \
    # note, if *not working with RRBS data, input should be the 
    # deduplicated version (sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.deduplicated.bam) produced in step 6 above

Parameter Definitions:

  • --parallel - specifies the number of cores to use for methylation extraction, note: the program will utilize ~3X the number specified
  • --bedGraph - instructs the program to generate a sorted bedGraph file that reports the position of a given cytosine and its methlyation state (by default, only methylated CpGs are reported - see bismark docs here for more info)
  • --gzip - specifies to gzip-compress the methylation extractor output files
  • --comprehensive - specifies to merge all four possible strand-specific methylation info into context-dependent output files
  • --output_dir - the output directory to store results
  • --cytosine_report - instructions the program to produce a genome-wide methylation report for all cytosines in the genome
  • --genome_folder - a directory holding the reference genome in fasta format (this pipeline version uses the Ensembl fasta file indicated in the fasta column of the GL-DPPD-7110_annotations.csv GeneLab Annotations file))
  • --ignore_r2 - specifies how many bases to ignore from the 5' end of the reverse reads (bismark docs recommend 2, see here)

    Note: The first couple of bases in the reverse read of bisulfite sequence experiments show a severe bias towards non-methylation as a result of end-reparing sonicated fragments with unmentulated cytosines, so it is recommened to remove the first couple basepairs

  • --ignore_3prime_r2 - specifies how many bases to ignore from the 3' end of the reverse reads to remove unwanted biases from the end of reads (this is utilized in the nf-core methylseq workflow, set at this line)
  • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.bam - the input bam file, provided as a positional argument

Input data:

  • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted*.bam (bismark bowtie2 alignment bam file sorted by chromosomal coordinates, output from Step 4c above if data are RRBS, or deduplicated bam file from step 6 if data are not RRBS and the bam file was deduplicated (e.g., sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.deduplicated.bam from above))
  • a directory holding the reference genome in fasta format (this pipeline version uses the Ensembl fasta file indicated in the fasta column of the GL-DPPD-7110_annotations.csv GeneLab Annotations file))

Output data:

  • *_context_*.txt.gz (bismark methylation-call files for CpG, CHG, and CHH contexts that were detected; see bismark documentation, namely here for symbols, and here for file format)
  • *.bedGraph.gz (gzip-compressed bedGraph-formatted file of methylation percentages of each CpG site; see bismark docs here)
  • *.bismark.cov.gz (gzip-compressed bedGraph-formatted file like above "*.bedGraph.gz", but also including 2 more columns of methylated and unmethylated counts at the specified position; see bismark docs here)
  • *.M-bias.txt (text file with methylation information in the context of the position in reads, helpful for investigating bias as a function of base position in the read; see bismark documentation here)
  • *_splitting_report.txt (text file containing general methylation detection information)
  • *.cytosine_context_summary.txt (tsv file of detected cytosine-methylation information summed by nucleotide context)
  • *.CpG_report.txt.gz (a genome-wide methylation report for all CpG cytosines)

8. Generate individual sample report

bismark2report --dir sample-1_bismark_report_out_dir/ \
  --alignment_report sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted_SE_report.txt \
  --splitting_report sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted_splitting_report.txt \
  --mbias_report sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.M-bias.txt

Parameter Definitions:

  • --dir - the output directory to store results
  • --alignment_report - specifies the alignment report input file
  • --splitting_report - specifies the splitting report input file
  • --mbias_report - specifies the methylation bias report input file

Input data:

  • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted_SE_report.txt (bismark mapping report file, output from Step 4b.)
  • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted_splitting_report.txt (splitting report file, output from Step 7 above)
  • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.M-bias.txt (text file with methylation information in the context of the position in reads, output from Step 7 above)

If data are not RRBS, the deduplication report from step 6 above should also be provided to the above command to the --dedup_report parameter

Output data:

  • *_report.html (a bismark summary html file for the given sample)

9. Generate combined summary report

bismark2summary sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted.bam

Input data:

  • autodetects appropriate files based on the sorted bam files
    • the positional argument(s) can either be explicitly naming the bam file(s) as done above or can be the top-level directory holding the initial bam files and relevant report files
    • the autodetected files cannot be explicitly provided, but it looks for those named like these listed here and includes them if they exist for each individual starting bam file it is given or finds
      • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted_SE_report.txt generated from Step 4b. above
      • sample-1_bismark_bt2_sorted_splitting_report.txt from Step 7 above
      • and the deduplication report files if deduplication was performed in Step 6

Output data:

  • bismark_summary_report.txt (summary table of general information on all included samples)
  • bismark_summary_report.html (html summary of general information on all included samples)

10. Generate reference genome annotation information

10a. GTF to BED conversion

A bed-formatted annotation file is needed for adding annotation information to the output from the differential methylation analysis. We utilize gtf files from Ensembl and convert them to the bed format as follows:

gtfToGenePred reference.gtf reference.genePred
genePredToBed reference.genePred reference.bed

Input data:

  • reference.gtf (genome annotation, this pipeline version uses the Ensembl gtf file indicated in the gtf column of the GL-DPPD-7110_annotations.csv GeneLab Annotations file)

Output data:

  • reference.genePred (intermediate genome annotation file in genePred format)
  • reference.bed (genome annotation file in BED format)

10b. Making a mapping file of genes to transcripts

Making a mapping file of gene names to transcript names, which we need to link functional annotations in a primary output table.

awk ' $3 == "transcript" ' reference.gtf | cut -f 9 | tr -s ";" "\t" | \
    cut -f 1,3 | tr -s " " "\t" | cut -f 2,4 | tr -d '"' \
    > reference-gene-to-transcript-map.tsv

Input data:

  • reference.gtf (genome annotation, this pipeline version uses the Ensembl gtf file indicated in the gtf column of the GL-DPPD-7110_annotations.csv GeneLab Annotations file)

Output data:

  • reference-gene-to-transcript-map.tsv (a gene-to-transcript mapping file with gene IDs in the first column and transcript IDs in the second)

11. Differential methylation analysis

The remainder of this document is performed in R.

11a. Set up R environment

### Install R packages if not already installed ###

remotes::install_version("tidyverse", version = "1.3.2")

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")

BiocManager::install("methylKit", version = "3.14")
BiocManager::install("genomation", version = "3.14")

### Import libraries (###


### Setting up variables and objects ###

# Define which organism is used in the study 
    # This should be consistent with the name in the "name" column of 
    # the GL-DPPD-7110_annotations.csv file 
organism <- "organism_that_samples_were_derived_from"

# Set path to the directory holding bismark coverage files (*.bismark.cov.gz)
coverage_files_dir_path <- file.path("bismark-coverage-files/")

# Set path to directory holding reference bed (reference.bed) and 
# transcript-to-gene-map (reference-gene-to-transcript-map.tsv) files
references_dir_path <- file.path("reference-files/")

# Create a list of unique sample names
sample.list <- list("sample-1", "sample-2", "sample-3",
                    "sample-4", "sample-5", "sample-6")

# Generate a vector holding input coverage files
input_cov_files_vec <- list.files(coverage_files_dir_path, 
                                  pattern = ".*.bismark.cov.gz$", 
                                  full.names = TRUE)

# Creating a list containing the detected input files and ensuring
# they are in the same order as the sample names 
file.list <- as.list(input_cov_files_vec[sapply(unlist(sample.list), 
                           function(x) grep(paste0(x,"_bismark.*.bismark.cov.gz$"), 
                                            input_cov_files_vec, value = FALSE))])

# Set variable for bed file
reference_bed_file <- list.files(references_dir_path, 
                                 pattern = ".*.bed$", full.names = TRUE)

# Set variable for transcript-to-gene-map file
gene_transcript_map_file <- list.files(references_dir_path, 
                                       pattern = ".*-gene-to-transcript-map.tsv$", 
                                       full.names = TRUE)

# Set variable for GL reference table
base_GL_github_link <- 
ref_tab_location <-
ref_tab_link <- paste0(base_GL_github_link, ref_tab_location)

# Read in reference table
ref_table <- read.csv(ref_tab_link)

# Set variable with organism and ensembl version number
ensembl_version <- ref_table %>% 
    filter(name == organism) %>% pull(ensemblVersion)

org_and_ensembl_version <- paste(organism, ensembl_version, sep = "_")

# Set variable with link to appropriate annotations table
annotations_tab_link <- ref_table %>% 
    filter(name == organism) %>% pull(genelab_annots_link)

# Read coverage files into R object and setting up contrast vector with the 'treatment' option
myobj <- methRead(location = file.list,
         = sample.list,
                  assembly = org_and_ensembl_version,
                  pipeline = "bismarkCoverage",
                  header = FALSE,
                  treatment = c(1,1,1,0,0,0),
                  mincov = 10)

# Example of how to store as tables if memory requirements are too high
# myobj_storage <- methRead(location = file.list,
#          = sample.list,
#                   assembly = org_and_ensembl_version,
#                   dbtype = "tabix",
#                   pipeline = "bismarkCoverage",
#                   header = FALSE,
#                   treatment = c(1,1,1,0,0,0),
#                   mincov = 10)
    # then 'myobj_storage' would be used in place of 'myobj' below

Input data:

  • *.bismark.cov.gz (gzip-compressed bedGraph-formatted files generated in Step 7)
  • reference.bed (bed file generated in Step 10a)
  • reference-gene-to-transcript-map.tsv (gene-to-transcript mapping file generated in Step 10b)

Output data:

  • reference_bed_file (variable holding the path to the reference.bed file)
  • gene_transcript_map_file (variable holding the path to the *gene-to-transcript-map.tsv file)
  • annotations_tab_link (variable holding the link to the GeneLab reference annotations table)
  • myobj (methylRawList object holding coverage information for all samples)

11b. Individual-base analysis

# Merge samples
meth <- unite(myobj)

# Calculate differential methylation
myDiff <- calculateDiffMeth(meth, mc.cores = 4)

# Get all significantly different bases
myDiff.all_sig <- getMethylDiff(myDiff, difference = 25, qvalue = 0.01)

# Getting significantly hypermethylated bases
myDiff.hyper <- getMethylDiff(myDiff, difference = 25, qvalue = 0.01, type = "hyper")

# Get significantly hypomethylated bases
myDiff.hypo <- getMethylDiff(myDiff, difference = 25, qvalue = 0.01, type = "hypo")

Input data:

  • myobj (methylRawList object created in Step 11a)

Output data:

  • meth (methylBase object, at the base-level)
  • myDiff.all_sig (object containing all significantly differentially methylated bases, based on q-value < 0.01)
  • myDiff.hyper (object containing all significantly differentially hyper-methylated bases, based on q-value < 0.01)
  • myDiff.hypo (object containing all significantly differentially hypo-methylated bases, based on q-value < 0.01)

11c. Tile-level analysis

# Create tiles object
tiles_obj <- tileMethylCounts(myobj, win.size = 1000, step.size = 1000, cov.bases = 10)

# Merge tiled samples
tiles_meth <- unite(tiles_obj)

# Calculate differential methylation on tiles
tiles_diff <- calculateDiffMeth(tiles_meth, mc.cores = 4)

# Getting all significantly different tiles
tiles_myDiff.all_sig <- getMethylDiff(tiles_diff, difference = 25, qvalue = 0.01)

# Get significantly hypermethylated tiles
tiles_myDiff.hyper <- getMethylDiff(tiles_diff, difference = 25, qvalue = 0.01, type = "hyper")

# Get signifcantly hypomethylated tiles
tiles_myDiff.hypo <- getMethylDiff(tiles_diff, difference = 25, qvalue = 0.01, type = "hypo")

Input data:

  • myobj (methylRawList object created in Step 11a)

Output data:

  • tiles_meth (methylBase object, at the tile level)
  • tiles_myDiff.all_sig (object containing all significantly differentially methylated titles, based on q-value < 0.01)
  • tiles_myDiff.hyper (object containing all significantly differentially hyper-methylated tiles, based on q-value < 0.01)
  • tiles_myDiff.hypo (object containing all significantly differentially hypo-methylated tiles, based on q-value < 0.01)

11d. Add feature information

# Read in reference bed file
gene.obj <- readTranscriptFeatures(reference_bed_file, up.flank = 1000, 
                                   down.flank = 1000, remove.unusual = TRUE, 
                                   unique.prom = TRUE)

## Add features to individual-base objects
diffAnn.all_sig <- annotateWithGeneParts(as(myDiff.all_sig, "GRanges"), gene.obj)
diffAnn.hyper <- annotateWithGeneParts(as(myDiff.hyper, "GRanges"), gene.obj)
diffAnn.hypo <- annotateWithGeneParts(as(myDiff.hypo, "GRanges"), gene.obj)

# Make base-level significance table with features 
sig_all_bases_tab_with_features <- cbind(data.frame(myDiff.all_sig), 
                                             .[, !names(.) %in% c("target.row")]

# Make base-level significantly hyper-methylated table with features
sig_bases_hyper_tab_with_features <- cbind(data.frame(myDiff.hyper), 
                                               .[, !names(.) %in% c("target.row")]

# Make base-level significantly hypo-methylated table with features
sig_bases_hypo_tab_with_features <- cbind(data.frame(myDiff.hypo), 
                                              .[, !names(.) %in% c("target.row")]

## Add features to tile objects
tiles_diffAnn.all_sig <- annotateWithGeneParts(as(tiles_myDiff.all_sig, "GRanges"), gene.obj)
tiles_diffAnn.hyper <- annotateWithGeneParts(as(tiles_myDiff.hyper, "GRanges"), gene.obj)
tiles_diffAnn.hypo <- annotateWithGeneParts(as(tiles_myDiff.hypo, "GRanges"), gene.obj)

# Make tiles significance table with features 
tiles_sig_all_out_tab_with_features <- cbind(data.frame(tiles_myDiff.all_sig), 
                                                 .[, !names(.) %in% c("target.row")]
# Make tiles significantly hyper-methylated table with features
tiles_sig_hyper_tab_with_features <- cbind(data.frame(tiles_myDiff.hyper), 
                                               .[, !names(.) %in% c("target.row")]

# Make tiles significantly hypo-methylated table with features
tiles_sig_hypo_tab_with_features <- cbind(data.frame(tiles_myDiff.hypo), 
                                              .[, !names(.) %in% c("target.row")]

Input data:

  • reference_bed_file (variable holding the path to the reference bed file created in Step 11a)
  • myDiff.all_sig, myDiff.hyper, myDiff.hypo (base-level methylDiff objects created in Step 11b)
  • tiles_myDiff.all_sig, tiles_myDiff.hyper, tiles_myDiff.hypo (tile-level methylDiff objects created in Step 11c)

Output data:

  • diffAnn.all_sig (AnnotationByGeneParts object for all significantly differentially methylated bases)
  • tiles_diffAnn.all_sig (AnnotationByGeneParts object for significantly differentially methylated tiles)
  • sig_all_bases_tab_with_features (dataframe object holding all significantly differentially methylated bases and associated features)
  • sig_bases_hyper_tab_with_features (dataframe object holding all significantly differentially hyper-methylated bases and associated features)
  • sig_bases_hypo_tab_with_features (dataframe object holding all significantly differentially hypo-methylated bases and associated features)
  • tiles_sig_all_out_tab_with_features (dataframe object holding all significantly differentially methylated tiles and associated features)
  • tiles_sig_hyper_tab_with_features (dataframe object holding all significantly differentially hyper-methylated tiles and associated features)
  • tiles_sig_hypo_tab_with_features (dataframe object holding all significantly differentially hypo-methylated tiles and associated features)

11e. Add functional annotations

# Adjust time-out to enable downloading reference annotation table
options(timeout = 600)

# Read in annotations table
functional_annots_tab <- read.table(annotations_tab_link, 
                                    sep = "\t", quote = "", 
                                    header = TRUE)

# Read in gene-to-transcript mapping file
gene_transcript_map <- read.table(gene_transcript_map_file, sep = "\t", 
                                  col.names = c("gene_ID", ""))

## Add annotations to individual-base objects ##
    # Retrieving the corresponding gene ID for each transcript ID in the
    # *_bases*tab_with_features tables, and adding it to the table

sig_all_bases_tab_with_features_and_gene_IDs <- 
    left_join(sig_all_bases_tab_with_features, gene_transcript_map)

sig_hyper_bases_tab_with_features_and_gene_IDs <-
    left_join(sig_bases_hyper_tab_with_features, gene_transcript_map)

sig_hypo_bases_tab_with_features_and_gene_IDs <-
    left_join(sig_bases_hypo_tab_with_features, gene_transcript_map)

    # now adding functional annotations and renaming column of output tables 
    # to be primary keytype instead of "gene_ID"
sig_all_bases_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
              functional_annots_tab, by = c("gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL"))
sig_all_bases_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
    rename(sig_all_bases_tab_with_features_and_annots, "gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL")

sig_hyper_bases_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
              functional_annots_tab, by = c("gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL"))

sig_hyper_bases_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
    rename(sig_hyper_bases_tab_with_features_and_annots, "gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL")

sig_hypo_bases_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
              functional_annots_tab, by = c("gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL"))

sig_hypo_bases_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
    rename(sig_hypo_bases_tab_with_features_and_annots, "gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL")

# Write out tables
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

## Add annotations to tiles objects ##
    # Retrieving the corresponding gene ID for each transcript ID in the
    # *tiles*tab_with_features tables, and adding it to the table

sig_all_tiles_tab_with_features_and_gene_IDs <- 
    left_join(tiles_sig_all_out_tab_with_features, gene_transcript_map)

sig_hyper_tiles_tab_with_features_and_gene_IDs <-
    left_join(tiles_sig_hyper_tab_with_features, gene_transcript_map)

sig_hypo_tiles_tab_with_features_and_gene_IDs <-
    left_join(tiles_sig_hypo_tab_with_features, gene_transcript_map)

    # now adding functional annotations and renaming column of output tables 
    # to be primary keytype instead of "gene_ID"
sig_all_tiles_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
              functional_annots_tab, by = c("gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL"))

sig_all_tiles_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
    rename(sig_all_tiles_tab_with_features_and_annots, "gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL")

sig_hyper_tiles_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
              functional_annots_tab, by = c("gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL"))

sig_hyper_tiles_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
    rename(sig_hyper_tiles_tab_with_features_and_annots, "gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL")

sig_hypo_tiles_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
              functional_annots_tab, by = c("gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL"))

sig_hypo_tiles_tab_with_features_and_annots <- 
    rename(sig_hypo_tiles_tab_with_features_and_annots, "gene_ID" = "ENSEMBL")

# Write out tables
            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

            sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

Input data:

  • annotations_tab_link (variable holding the link to the GeneLab reference annotations table created in Step 11a)
  • gene_transcript_map_file (variable holding the path to the *gene-to-transcript-map.tsv file created in Step 11a)
  • sig_all_bases_tab_with_features, sig_bases_hyper_tab_with_features, sig_bases_hypo_tab_with_features (dataframe objects holding significantly differentially methylated bases and associated features created in Step 11d)
  • tiles_sig_all_out_tab_with_features, tiles_sig_hyper_tab_with_features, tiles_sig_hypo_tab_with_features (dataframe objects holding significantly differentially methylated tiles and associated features created in Step 11d)

Output data:

  • *sig-diff-methylated-bases.tsv (table containing all significantly differentially methylated cytosines)
  • *sig-diff-hypermethylated-bases.tsv (table containing all cytosines with significantly elevated methylation levels)
  • *sig-diff-hypomethylated-bases.tsv (table containing all cytosines with significantly reduced methylation levels)
  • *sig-diff-methylated-tiles.tsv (table containing all significantly differentially methylated tiles)
  • *sig-diff-hypermethylated-tiles.tsv (table containing all tiles with significantly elevated methylation levels)
  • *sig-diff-hypomethylated-tiles.tsv (table containing all tiles with significantly reduced methylation levels)

In practice these will be based on a contrast listed in the filename, e.g., they will be something like "Flight_vs_Ground-sig-diff-methylated-bases.tsv".

11f. Make and write out tables of percent methylation levels

# Make and write out a table of base-level percent methylated
perc.meth <- percMethylation(meth, rowids = TRUE)
perc.meth <- perc.meth %>% data.frame(check.names = FALSE) %>% rownames_to_column("location")

write.table(perc.meth, "base-level-percent-methylated.tsv", sep = "\t", 
            quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

# Make and write out a table of tile percent methylated
tiles_perc.meth <- percMethylation(tiles_meth, rowids = TRUE)
tiles_perc.meth <- tiles_perc.meth %>% data.frame(check.names = FALSE) %>% rownames_to_column("location")

write.table(tiles_perc.meth, "tile-level-percent-methylated.tsv", sep = "\t", 
            quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)

Input data:

  • meth (base-level methylBase object created in Step 11b)
  • tiles_meth (tile-level methylBase object created in Step 11c)

Output data:

  • base-level-percent-methylated.tsv (table containing the percent methylation levels of all cytosines across all samples)
  • tile-level-percent-methylated.tsv (table containing the percent methylation levels of all tiles across all samples)

11g. Make overview figure of percent differential methylation across features

# Based on individual bases
plotTargetAnnotation(diffAnn.all_sig, precedence = TRUE, 
                     main = "% of sig. diff. methylated sites across features")

# Based on tiles
plotTargetAnnotation(tiles_diffAnn.all_sig, precedence = TRUE, 
                     main = "% of sig. diff. methylated tiles across features")

Input data:

  • diffAnn.all_sig, tiles_diffAnn.all_sig (AnnotationByGeneParts objects for all differentially methylated bases and tiles created in Step 11d)

Output data:

  • *sig-diff-methylated-bases-across-features.pdf (overview figure of the percent of significantly differentially methylated cytosines identified in specific features (promoter, exon, intron))
  • *sig-diff-methylated-tiles-across-features.pdf (overview figure of the percent of significantly differentially methylated tiles identified in specific features (promoter, exon, intron))

In practice these will be based on a contrast listed in the filename, e.g., they will be something like "Flight_vs_Ground-sig-diff-methylated-bases-across-features.pdf".