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Appendix A. The Properties File

When we discussed configuring the pipeline, we mentioned the properties file, which provides Ziggy with all of its global configuration. Let's get into detail on this now.


The properties file is a flat text file that consists of name-value pairs separated by an equals sign (=). Both the name and the value are text strings.

Property Expansion

Properties can be defined in terms of the values of other properties by use of the ${...} syntax. For example, in the file, we see these definition:

ziggy.pipeline.results.dir = ${ziggy.pipeline.home.dir}/pipeline-results

When Ziggy needs the value of ziggy.pipeline.results.dir, it first finds the value of build.dir, and then appends /pipeline-results onto the end of that string. Note that for some reason this is sometimes referred to as "interpolation."

Use of Environment Variables

The properties manager can also reach out to the environment and pull in the value of an environment variable for use in a property. This is done with the ${env:...} syntax. For example, the sample properties file defines the ziggy.root property in terms of the ZIGGY_ROOT environment variable:

hibernate.connection.username = ${env:USER}

See also the ziggy.pipeline.environment property.

Pipeline Properties vs Ziggy Properties

Ziggy actually uses two properties files.

The pipeline properties file contains the properties that you, the pipeline user, are more likely to want to edit. This is the file that PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH needs to point to. You likely seeded your file with the copy in ZIGGY_ROOT/etc/

The other properties file is the Ziggy properties file, which is stored with the main Ziggy code, at etc/ These are properties that you, the pipeline user, are unlikely to ever want to mess with. Ziggy finds the latter via -- yeah, you got it -- a property in the former, specifically ziggy.config.path.

In a real, normal pipeline, our recommendation is to put the pipeline properties file someplace outside of the directories that are under version control. This way you can modify them to your heart's content without fear that you'll accidentally commit your changes back to the Ziggy repository. The Ziggy properties file can stay in the version-controlled directories unless you decide to modify it, in which case it, too, needs to be copied out to avoid corrupting the repository.

The Properties

Without further ado, here's the list of properties that Ziggy gets from the properties files. Note that these are the properties that Ziggy itself uses. You can define any other properties you like, and define the ones in this section in terms of the new ones you've defined, if that makes your properties file easier to use or maintain.

The default value is either defined by code or by If the default value is None, you must define the property in your PIPELINE_CONFIG_PATH file.

Name Description Default
hibernate.connection.driver_class Java class used by Hibernate to manage connections. Only needed if using a database application not supported by Ziggy. Supported database default
hibernate.connection.password Password for database connections None
hibernate.connection.url URL for database connections jdbc:${}:${ziggy.database.protocol}//${}:${ziggy.database.port}/${}
hibernate.connection.username Username for use when connecting to database None
hibernate.dialect Database dialect used by Hibernate. Only needed if using a database application not supported by Ziggy. Supported database default
hibernate.format_sql "Pretty-print" generated queries written to log file true
hibernate.jdbc.batch_size Size of batches used in updates 30
hibernate.show_sql Write generated queries to log file false
hibernate.use_sql_comments Generate comments in generated queries false
java.home Location of Java used by the ziggy program to override the Java on your search path (see the article on running the cluster for more information on the ziggy program) $JAVA_HOME
ziggy.config.path Location of Ziggy's configuration file ./etc/
ziggy.database.bin.dir Location of the RDBMS executables $PATH
ziggy.database.conf.file Location of the database configuration file; not used with a system database ""
ziggy.database.connections Number of connections database will accept; not used with a system database None
ziggy.database.dir Directory used by RDBMS; if empty, the system database is used "" Hostname for RDBMS (usually localhost) None Name of the database (you're going to be stuck with this forever once you pick it, so choose wisely) None
ziggy.database.port Connection port for RDBMS. Each cluster on a given system must have its own database port. More generally, each cluster must have a port that is not already in use on the system, so you need to avoid trying to use a port that some other joker has already taken. None
ziggy.database.protocol Protocol for RDBMS if applicable plus any punctuation used before the // in the URL such as colon (:) as in hsql:. "" The flavor of database in use (postgresql, hsqldb). ""
ziggy.home.dir Location of the build directory for Ziggy None
ziggy.logoFile Location and name of the image logo file to be used as an icon (supported formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, WBMP) ""
ziggy.pipeline.binPath Colon-separated list of directories to search for algorithm executables (PATH is ignored by Ziggy) ${ziggy.pipeline.home.dir}/bin
ziggy.pipeline.classpath Java classpath for pipeline-side Java classes "" Implementation class of DataImporter used by data receipt Directory used by data receipt None Maximum percentage of files that can fail validation before DR throws an exception 100
ziggy.pipeline.datastore.dir Root directory for datastore None
ziggy.pipeline.definition.dir Location for XML files that define the pipeline None
ziggy.pipeline.environment Comma-separated list of name-value pairs of environment variables that should be provided to the algorithm at runtime. Note that whitespace around the commands is not allowed. ""
ziggy.pipeline.home.dir Top-level directory for the pipeline code. None
ziggy.pipeline.libPath Colon-separated list of directories to search for shared libraries such as files with .so or .dylib suffix (LD_LIBRARY_PATH is ignored by Ziggy) ""
ziggy.pipeline.mcrRoot Location of the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR), including the version, if MATLAB algorithm executables are used ""
ziggy.pipeline.memdrone.enabled Enable/disable memory consumption tracker false
ziggy.pipeline.memdrone.sleepSeconds Sample interval for memory consumption tracker 60
ziggy.pipeline.processing.halt.step Automatically halt pipeline after a given processing step (marshaling, submitting, etc.). Mainly for debugging. See the article on The Instances Panel for more about processing steps. C
ziggy.pipeline.results.dir Location for working directories, log files, etc. None
ziggy.pipeline.uow.defaultIdentifier.classname Class used to identify default UOWs that are defined in the pipeline (not Ziggy) DatastoreDirectoryUnitOfWorkGenerator.class or DataReceiptUnitOfWorkGenerator.class as appropriate
ziggy.pipeline.useSymlinks Use symbolic links rather than copies when staging files to working directory false Flavor of remote system used. Supported values are "NAS" (i.e., the HPC facility at NASA Ames Research Center), "AWS" (i.e., Amazon Web Services). NAS Group ID to be used when submitting jobs to batch system "" Colon-separated list of remote host names, in order from most- to least-desired ""
ziggy.remote.nasa.directorate NASA directorate to be used for calculating likely NAS queue wait times SMD
ziggy.remote.queuecommand.classname Implementation class of QueueCommandManager for use by Ziggy gov.nasa.ziggy.module.remote.QueueLocalCommandManager
ziggy.remote.user Username to be used when submitting jobs to batch system ""
ziggy.test.working.dir Allows the user to specify a working directory other than user.dir. For testing only. ${user.dir}
ziggy.worker.allowPartialTasks Allow persisting to continue although one or more subtasks failed true
ziggy.worker.heapSize Maximum cumulative size of the Java heap for all worker processes, in MB (can be overridden by the --workerHeapSize option in ziggy cluster start) 16,000
ziggy.supervisor.heartbeat.interval.millis Interval between messages from the supervisor to RMI clients to ensure that connections remain intact 15,000
ziggy.supervisor.port Port used for connections between supervisor, worker, and UI. Same conditions as for the database port (i.e., each cluster must have a port that's unique and not in use by some other joker). 1099
ziggy.worker.count Maximum number of workers (can be overridden by the --workerCount option in ziggy cluster start); set to zero to have 1 worker per CPU "core" 1

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