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Admin Commands

Admin commands allow for the bot owner to have convenient access to the bot from within Discord.

  • @Hawking admin sync_local - Syncs the bot's slash commands to the user's current guild.
  • @Hawking admin sync_global - Syncs the bot's slash commands to all guilds.
  • @Hawking admin clear_local - Removes the bot's slash commands from the user'scurrent guild.
  • @Hawking admin skip - Skip whatever's being spoken at the moment, regardless of who requested it.
  • @Hawking admin reload_phrases - Unloads, and then reloads the preset phrases (found in the phrases module). This is handy for quickly adding new presets on the fly.
  • @Hawking admin reload_cogs - Unloads, and then reloads the cogs registered to the bot (see's register_module() method). Useful for debugging.
  • @Hawking admin disconnect - Forces the bot to stop speaking, and disconnect from its current channel in the invoker's server.