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File metadata and controls

101 lines (78 loc) · 4.33 KB

Basic Usage

pygeoprocessing uses GDAL to read and write all GDAL-supported raster and vector file formats. The utility functions :func:`get_raster_info <pygeoprocessing.get_raster_info>` and :func:`get_vector_info <pygeoprocessing.get_vector_info>` read a file’s metadata into a dictionary. These values can be used as parameters for a variety of pygeoprocessing functions where properties like pixel sizes, bounding boxes, and nodata values need to be defined.

>>> import pygeoprocessing
>>> raster_a_path = 'dem_utm.tif'
>>> raster_b_path = 'mswep.tif'
>>> raster_info = pygeoprocessing.get_raster_info(raster_a_path)
>>> raster_info
{'block_size': [256, 256],
 'bounding_box': [364636.41313796316,
 'datatype': 3,
 'file_list': ['dem_utm.tif'],
 'geotransform': (364636.41313796316, 30.0, 0.0, 5362724.621510817, 0.0, -30.0),
 'n_bands': 1,
 'nodata': [-32768.0],
 'numpy_type': <class 'numpy.int16'>,
 'overviews': [],
 'pixel_size': (30.0, -30.0),
 'projection_wkt': 'PROJCS["WGS 84 / UTM zone 10N",GEOGCS["WGS '
                   '84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS '
 'raster_size': (5531, 4439)}

Aligning rasters

A basic raster-processing workflow often begins by aligning a stack of rasters.
The :func:`align_and_resize_raster_stack <pygeoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack>` function takes a list of overlapping rasters that may all have different extents, pixel sizes, and projections. The resulting stack of rasters will all be aligned and ready for use in pixel-stack operations such as :func:`raster_map <pygeoprocessing.raster_map>` or :func:`raster_calculator <pygeoprocessing.raster_calculator>`.
>>> base_raster_list = [raster_a_path, raster_b_path]
>>> target_raster_list = [x.replace('.tif', '_aligned.tif') for x in base_raster_list]
>>> pygeoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack(
...    base_raster_path_list=base_raster_list,
...    target_raster_path_list=target_raster_list,
...    resample_method_list=['bilinear', 'bilinear'],
...    target_pixel_size=raster_info['pixel_size'],
...    bounding_box_mode='intersection',
...    target_projection_wkt=raster_info['projection_wkt'])

Interfacing with files

Pygeoprocessing functions typically interact with GIS datasets via their filename. Some functions, such as :func:`align_and_resize_raster_stack <pygeoprocessing.align_and_resize_raster_stack>`, operate on all bands of a raster. Other times it is necessary to specify which band of a raster, or which layer of a vector should be used.

For example, the :func:`zonal_statistics <pygeoprocessing.zonal_statistics>` function requires the user to specify which band of the raster from which to calculate statistics. This is done using a tuple, or list, where the first element is the filepath, and the second is the band index:

>>> path_band_tuple = (raster_b_path, 1)  # band indices start at 1 (not 0), by GDAL convention
>>> stats_dict = pygeoprocessing.zonal_statistics(
...    base_raster_path_band=path_band_tuple,
...    aggregate_vector_path='watersheds.gpkg',
...    aggregate_layer_name='watersheds')  # if the vector only contains 1 layer, this can be `None`, or ommitted
An example of the path-band object when a function operates on multiple rasters, such as for :func:`raster_calculator <pygeoprocessing.raster_calculator>`:
>>> raster_path_band_list = [(raster_a_path, 1), (raster_b_path, 1)]