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IRC Bot Response Triggers

VideoMantic edited this page Apr 29, 2015 · 2 revisions

Be sure to type the bot's name follow by a colon and space before each command.
For example, to peform 2+2 if the bot's name was "CoolBot":"
"CoolBot: math 2 + 2"

#Available commands with examples:
The bots name is CoolBot in each of these examples.

Function math (Calculates a basic operation):
math [num1] [operator] [num2]
Ex: CoolBot: math 1 + 2

Function sqrt (Calculates square root of a number):
[sqrt/cbrt] [number]
Ex: CoolBot: sqrt 4

Function Hypot (Calculates the hypotenuse of a triangle):
hypot [num1] [num2]
Ex: CoolBot: hypot 3 4

Function QuadForm (Calculates the quadratic formula):
QuadForm [numA] [numB] [numC]
Ex: CoolBot: QuadForm 1 3 2

Function Trig (Calculates a trig function):
[function] [number] [deg]
Ex: CoolBot: cos 2pi Ex: CoolBot: sin 90 deg

Function: quoteAdd:
.q add [quote]
Ex: CoolBot: .q add I want to add this quote!

Function quoteDelete:
.q delete [number]
Ex: CoolBot: .q delete 1

Function quotePrint:
.q print [number]
Ex: CoolBot: .q print 1

Function quotePrintAll:
.q printall
Ex: CoolBot: .q printall

Function affectionDis (Displays bots affection towards a user):
Affection User1
Ex: CoolBot: Affection User1
Note: This function only works for User1 no other users have been added to it

Function affectionCom (The affection commands for the bot):
Ex: CoolBot: Pet bot

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