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Initiative: Setup Automatic Deployment and Testing (CI CD)

jnarlyv edited this page Mar 19, 2023 · 1 revision

Setup Automatic Deployment and Testing (CI/CD)

User Stories:

  • As a product owner, I want code to flow through my pipelines in a manner that ensures quality and reliable output for my users.
  • As a web developer, I want to automate the testing of my website's user interface and functionality, so that I can save time and ensure that my website is bug-free and functioning correctly.
  • As a product owner, I want to ensure that the software is of high quality by having automated tests in place to catch any regressions.

Risks: Pipeline failures here can result in our site being down completely or broken in some way for our users. We can mitigate this risk by using industry standards for code validation, and up-to-date and stable packages and techniques for testing before release in each stage of the pipeline; and, especially for release to Prod.

Estimated Effort: 1 Full Sprint, where Sprints are 2 Week periods. (2 Weeks)

Priority: Medium

Dependencies: Completion or in Parallel with Epic MyWebClass Site Creation

List stories related to this Epic

  1. As a product owner, I want code to flow through my pipelines in a manner that ensures quality and reliable output for my users.
  2. As a web developer, I want to automate the testing of my website's user interface and functionality, so that I can save time and ensure that my website is bug-free and functioning correctly.
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