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This is a Python3 library for building Native Format Scores.

Note: Currently this library supports building Native Format Scores for the Native Format Smart Player, however reading or deserializing scores from JSON is currently unsupported.


  • Python3
  • virtualenv


pip install nf_grapher

Getting Started

Setup a virtual environment with the following:

virtualenv -p python3 e
source ./e/bin/activate

You can use whatever environment name you'd like, e is used here because it's short.


This python library is divided into 3 modules. nf_grapher.score contains all the Score level objects defined by the Native Format Score schema. nf_grapher.typed contains useful "typed" nodes defined by the smart player contract. Because Python is not statically typed, these types are not yet enforced. nf_grapher.encoder contains a function encode for serializing grapher objects into JSON.


Run tests with the following command:

python -m unittest discover -v

Example Usage

from nf_grapher.score import *
from nf_grapher.typed import *
from nf_grapher.encoder import encode

# Build a source node for a Spotify track
# Start from 5.6 seconds into the track and play for 5.6 seconds
source = FileNode('spotify:track:4RDKrwyA9YouzL1LxvMaxH', offset=5.6e+9, duration=5.6e+9)

# Create a 5.6 second loop from the beginning of the track
loop = LoopNode(when=0, duration=5.6e+9)

# Create the full score
score = Score(Graph(
    nodes=[source, loop],


You can see a list of all supported typed nodes by using the Python help feature in a REPL. For instance,

>>> from nf_grapher import typed
>>> help(typed)