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Releases: nats-io/stan.go

v0.2.0 (MVP)

19 Jul 19:30
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go-nats-streaming v0.2.0 (MVP)

New features and enhancements

  • Added setter function for the NatsURL option, allowing users to select a non-default NATS URL: NatsURL(u string)
  • Added setter function for the MaxPubAcksInflight option:MaxPubAcksInflight(max int)
  • Added a NatsConn method to the Conn interface which allows retrieving the underlying NATS Conn object. Addresses #67.
  • Added stan-bench to match nats-bench and use the newnats/bench library
  • Performance improvements

Bug fixes

  • Miscellaneous minor bug and typo fixes
  • Corrected README to indicate that NATS Streaming server subscriptions do not support wildcards


24 Jun 04:11
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v0.1.0 Release Notes

NATS Streaming provides the following high-level feature set.

  • Log based.
  • At-Least-Once Delivery model, giving reliable message delivery.
  • Rate matched on a per subscription basis.
  • Replay/Restart
  • Last Value Semantics

See the NATS documentation site for more information.