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File metadata and controls

201 lines (159 loc) · 8.19 KB


material-ui-table is a library which help to work with material-ui tables and improve developing experience by adding fully customisable component with multiple props. Note this library required @material-ui/core.


npm install --save @naum_d/material-ui-table
yarn add @naum_d/material-ui-table


To start work, you should just import MUITable component from @naum_d/material-ui-table

import React from 'react';
import MUITable from '@naum_d/material-ui-table';

const Heroes = () => {
  const table = [
    { name: 'Tony', surname: 'Stark', nickname: 'Iron Man' },
    { name: 'Peter', surname: 'Parker', nickname: 'Spider Man' },
    { name: 'Bruce', surname: 'Banner', nickname: 'Hulk' },
    { name: 'Hank', surname: 'Pym', nickname: 'Ant Man' },

  const columns = [
    { field: 'name', label: 'Name' },
    { field: 'surname', label: 'Surname' },
    { field: 'nickname', label: 'Hero Nickname' },

  return <MUITable {...{ table, columns }} />;

export default Heroes;


Base props

Prop Type & Default Description
table array of objects: [] List of values to render in table
columns array of objects: [] List of columns to render in table
options object: {} Object of options to customise table
methods object: {} Object of functions to handle component effects
actions object: {} Object of objects to add custom actions


const columns = [
    { field: 'name', label: 'Name' },
    { field: 'surname', label: 'Surname' },
    { field: 'nickname', label: 'Hero Nickname' },
Prop Type & Default Description
field string: REQUIRED Key of object (row) in table array of objects (rows), to set a source of cell value. You can use . for nested objects like
label string: REQUIRED Label of column
lookup function: i => i You can set function to change display of data. For example, you have date string, then in lookup you can set d => moment(d).format(DD-MM-YYYY)
filterField string: undefined You can set field for filter if field differ from target for filtration
canSort boolean: true Enable column for sorting
canFilter boolean: true Enable column for filtration
canSearch boolean: true Enable column for searching
formCell boolena: true Enable column cells to become input in create or update mode


This is a function which should return custom input component for filtration. Prop types is:

props = {
    name: 'string', // name of filter
    lable: 'string', // label of filter input
    value: 'any', // value of filter
    onChange: 'func',

onChange function take two required arguments onChange('filter value', 'filter name')


This is a function which should return custom input component for create or update row form. Prop types is:

props = {
    name: 'string', // name of filter
    lable: 'string', // label of filter input
    value: 'any', // value of filter
    onChange: 'func',

onChange function take two required arguments onChange('filter value', 'filter name')


Prop Type & Default Description
size number: 5 Rows count per page
page number: 0 Setup start page
search string: '' Setup search input value
showSearch boolean: true Add search input in toolbar
order string: 'asc' Setup direction of sort. Available 'asc' & 'desc'
orderBy string: null Setup column name for sort
canSelect boolean: false Add checkboxes for each row and header
selected array: [] Setup selected rows in format: [{id: rowId}, ...]
showAll boolean: false Add button which can show all rows in table
minSize number: 5 Setup min size for showAll mode when table wrapped
tableSizes array: [5, 10, 20] Setup sizes for table size selector
showSize boolean: true Add selector of table sizes
withPaging boolean: true Add pagination buttons for table
isLoading boolean: false Activate a circle progress
showFilter boolean: false Add filter row under table header
filters object: {} Setup default filters
showRowForm boolean: false Add form row under table header
rowFormValues object: {} Setup default row form values
treeTable boolean: flase Activate tree table mode. Display children values of rows
childrenField string: 'children' Setup source of children for tree table mode
parentField string: '' If field exist, make tree table from list of values
serverPaging boolean: false When true, turn off all library methods like (search, filter), and render received table
rowsCount number: 0 Setup table size



Handle row click, when canSelect === true, return row and isCheck, else return row


Handle page change, return new page


Handle page size change, return new size


Handle order change, return order (asc or desc) and column name


Handle search change, return new search string


Handle filters change, return new filters in object {filterName: 'filterVaalue', ...otherFilters}


Handle select all, in canSelect === true, return array of selected


You can add custom actions in different places in format:

actions = {
    actionName: {
        action1: {
            onClick: () => handleClick,
            component: props => <MyButton {...props} />
        action2: {
            onClick: () => handleClick,
            component: props => <MyButton {...props} />

onClick return different values in depends from action.


Setup action for each row.

onClick return current row values and method to activate row form for update: onClick: (row, open) => open(true).

cmponent return props and row values: component: (props, row) => <MyComponent {...props} childre={}/>


Setup action for update row form.

onClick return object of input fields with values: onClick: formValues => console.log(formValues).


Setup action for table header in right top corner.


Setup action for table toolbar in right top corner.

onClick return array equal to table and searched and filtered array: onClick: (table, filtered) => console.log(table, filtered).


Setup action for table toolbar in right top corner when selected.length > 0.

onClick return array of selected rows: onClick: selectedRows => console.log(selectedRows).


Setup action for create row form.

onClick return object of input fields with values: onClick: formValues => console.log(formValues).


MIT © naum-d