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Pipeline for SQuARe

Sensitive Questions Generation

1. Question Generation

Before generating questions, you need:

  • HyperCLOVA API url and API key
  • Sensitive topic dataset reflecting your own culture or society
    • Topics we used are in pipeline/square/square_topic.json
  • Initial demonstration pool for prompting
    • Ours is in pipeline/square/demo/square_question_iter0.json

Here is a code for generating questions:

python pipeline/square/ \
    --api_url {API_url} \
    --api_key {API_key} \
    --demo_fpath pipeline/square/demo/square_question_iter0.json \
    --demo_pool_category {contentious,ethical,predictive} \
    --topic_fpath pipeline/square/square_topic.json \
    --output_dir data/generations \
    --output_fname output_questions.json

2. Filtering: Remove Objective Questions

To remove objective questions, you need a finetuned classifier, as mentioned in the paper. If there is no classifier (e.g., at the first iteration), skip the argument --filter_model_ckpt.

python pipeline/square/ \
    --input_fname data/generations/output_questions.json \
    --filter_model_ckpt {filter_model.ckpt} \
    --output_dir data/generations \
    --output_fname filtered_questions.json

3. Human Annotation

After annotated from human annotators, each data points should contain 3 labels:

  • subjective? = {0,1} : whether the question is subjective
  • sensitive? = {0,1} : whether the question is sensitive
  • category : category of sensitive question

You can see sensitive? and category in our SQuARe dataset. We remove subjective? label from our dataset because all questions are subjective.

4. Training the Filter Model

Before training your own filter model, you need to split annotated dataset into train/valid/test set.

Make sure that --task should include square_subj_q_classify.

python src/ \
    --task square_subj_q_classify \
    --wandb_project {wandb_prj} \
    --wandb_entity {wandb_entity} \
    --do_train_only True \
    --checkpoint_dirpath data/models/square_question \
    --trn_pth {train.json} \
    --val_pth {valid.json} \
    --tst_pth {test.json} \
    --epoch {epoch} \
    --lr {lr} \
    --batch_size {bs} \
    --gradient_clip_val {gc_val}

5. Augmenting Demonstrations Pool

With annotated dataset, we augment the demonstrations pool. To be used as a demonstration, each data should contain sensitive? and category labels.

Note that, at the first iteration, we replace the initial demonstrations with the annotated dataset, not augment it. (i.e., skipping --prev_demo_fname)

python pipeline/square/ \
    --input_fname data/generations/filtered_questions.json \
    --prev_demo_fname {prev_demo.json} \
    --output_dir pipeline/square/demo \
    --output_demo_fname square_question_iter1.json

Non-/Acceptable Responses Generation

1. Response Generation

Before generating responses, you need:

  • HyperCLOVA API url and API key (as same as in question generation)
  • Annotated questions dataset
  • Initial demonstration pool for prompting
    • Ours is in pipeline/square/demo/square_response_iter0.json

Here is a code for generating responses:

python pipeline/square/ \
    --api_url {API_url} \
    --api_key {API_key} \
    --demo_fpath pipeline/square/demo/square_response_iter0.json \
    --question_fpath data/generations/filtered_questions.json \
    --output_dir data/generations \
    --output_fname output_responses.json

2. Filtering: Select Ambiguous Data

To make our benchmark more challenging, we select ambiguous datapoints among generated. In the paper, we used 5 checkpoints and calculated estimated max variability.

If there are no classifiers (e.g., at the first iteration), skip the argument --filter_model_ckpt_dir.

python pipeline/square/ \
    --input_fname data/generations/output_responses.json \
    --filter_model_ckpt_dir {filter_ckpt_dir} \
    --filter_model_train_epochs 5 \
    --output_dir data/generations \
    --output_fname filtered_responses.json

3. Human Annotation

After annotated from human annotators, each data points should contain 2 labels:

  • acceptable? = {0,1} : whether the response is acceptable
  • category : category of non-/acceptable response

You can see examples in our SQuARe dataset.

4. Training the Filter Model

Before training your own filter model, you must split annotated dataset into train/valid/test sets.

It is recommended to set checkpoint_save_top_k == epoch and earlystop_patience == epoch to save all checkpoints. These checkpoints will be used for variability calculation.

Make sure that --task should include square_accept_r_classify.

python src/ \
    --task square_accept_r_classify \
    --wandb_project {wandb_prj} \
    --wandb_entity {wandb_entity} \
    --do_train_only True \
    --checkpoint_dirpath data/models/square_response \
    --trn_pth {train.json} \
    --val_pth {valid.json} \
    --tst_pth {test.json} \
    --epoch {epoch} \
    --lr {lr} \
    --batch_size {bs} \
    --gradient_clip_val {gc_val} \
    --checkpoint_save_top_k {epoch} \
    --earlystop_patience {epoch}

5. Augmenting Demonstrations Pool

With annotated dataset, we augment the demonstrations pool. To be used as a demonstration, each data should contain an acceptable? label.

As mentioned in the paper, we updated the demonstrations pool with the annotated dataset, to which all annotators agree. Therefore, raw annotations are also needed at this step. Examples of raw annotations can be found in data/SQuARe/with_raw_annotations.

Note that, at the first iteration, we replace the initial demonstrations with the annotated dataset, not augment it. (i.e., skipping --prev_demo_fname)

python pipeline/square/ \
    --input_fname data/generations/filtered_responses.json \
    --prev_demo_fname {prev_demo.json} \
    --filter_model_ckpt_dir data/models/square_response \
    --filter_model_train_epochs 5 \
    --output_dir pipeline/square/demo \
    --output_demo_fname square_response_iter1.json \
    --most_ambiguous_ratio 0.25