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188 lines (139 loc) · 6.57 KB

File metadata and controls

188 lines (139 loc) · 6.57 KB

Welcome Aboard

Thanks for showing interest in contributing to VSCode CSS Snippets 💖


Valid snippets require below 4 details,

  1. Snippet Name - A unique name to differentiate from other snippets
  2. Prefix - Trigger word for IntelliSense
  3. Body - Actula snippet as array of strings, each one will be displayed in a new line
  4. Description - Brief info about the snippets


  "container": {
    "prefix": "container",
    "body": [".container {", "  width: 100%;", "}", ""],
    "description": "A component for fixing an element's width to the current breakpoint."

Detailed Snippet Explanation

Quick Contribution Details

Feel free to contact me via Twitter, if you need any help contributing.

If you are generous, consider helping me by following the docs from here.

  1. Copy your favourite line/lines of CSS,


.grid-center {
  display: grid;
  place-items: center;
  1. Paste them in the Snippet Generator APP in the body(Your snippet...), fill the description(Desciption...) and prefix(Tab trigger...)
  2. Copy the snippet output from the app.
  3. Go the Github → snippet.json
  4. Click Edit this file - pen icon.
  5. Paste the copied snippet inside the curly braces.
  6. Submit by clicking Propose changes button in the bottom of the page.
  7. This will create a fork of my repo to your repos, so you can create a pull request to my repo.

Detailed Contribution Details

The following steps will get you setup to contribute changes to this repo:


  1. Fork the repo (click the Fork button at the top right of this page)

  2. Clone your fork locally

# in a terminal, cd to parent directory where you want your clone to be, then
git clone<your_github_username>/vscode-css-snippets.git

cd vscode-css-snippets

Uses yarn mostly and lerna just for github releases


What's in the folder

  • This folder contains all of the files necessary for your extension.
  • package.json - this is the manifest file that defines the location of each snippet file and specifies the language of the snippets contributes.snippets.
  • snippets/ - the folder containing all snippets.

Creating new snippets

Test your snippets locally

  • Press F5 to open a new window with your extension loaded.
  • Create a new file with a file name suffix matching your language.
  • Verify that your snippets are proposed on intellisense.

Make changes and reload

  • You can relaunch the extension from the debug toolbar after making changes to the files listed above.
  • You can also reload (Ctrl+R or Cmd+R on Mac) the VS Code window with your extension to load your changes.

🚨Proceed after testing your snippets inside debug window 🚨

Commit Convention

Commits should comply with the commit conventions used in this repository.

Commit using yarn commit, make sure to yarn install before running this command.

yarn commit is powered by gacp which follows with Conventional Commits and Gitmoji.

When you create a commit we kindly ask you to follow the convention category(scope or module): <emoji> message in your commit message while using one of the following categories:

Add new snippets under feat category,

  • feat / feature: all changes that introduce completely new code or new features

Rest can be used when needed,

  • fix: changes that fix a bug (ideally you will addtionally reference an issue if present)
  • refactor: any code related change that is not a fix nor a feature
  • docs: changing existing or creating new documentation (i.e. README, docs for usage of a lib or cli usage)
  • build: all changes regarding the build of the software, changes to dependencies or the addition of new dependencies
  • style: changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • perf: A code change that improves performance
  • test: all changes regarding tests (adding new tests or changing existing ones)
  • ci: all changes regarding the configuration of continous integration (i.e. github actions, ci system)
  • chore: all changes to the repository that do not fit into any of the above categories
  • revert: reverts a previous commit

If you are interested in the detailed specification you can visit Conventional Commits or check out the Angular Commit Message Guidelines

Steps to PR

Pull requests will be merged by me(@navin-moorthy) once submitted.

  • Create a new branch out of the master branch.
  • Commit your changes and push your branch with changes.
  • Visit the repo to get a prompt to submit a PR or create a PR manually.

Example PR


By contributing your code to the chakra-ui GitHub repository, you agree to license your contribution under the MIT license.