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File metadata and controls

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Acrobatic Control of a 2D Quadrotor

Acrobatic control of a 2D quadrotor refers to the ability of the quadrotor to perform complex, dynamic maneuvers such as flips and turns. In this project, we designed and implemented two controllers for a 2D quadrotor to enable it to perform acrobatic maneuvers: a Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR) controller and an iterative LQR (iLQR) controller with added line search. The LQR controller was designed to maintain a predefined position and follow a predefined trajectory, while the iLQR controller was developed to perform acrobatic maneuvers and avoid local minima.

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Following Trajectory using LQR Doing Full Flip using iLQR

Tracking Controller using LQR

For the Linearized Quadratic controller, we must compute the value of A and B at each stage of the trajectory as it is dependent on the state of the system.

To make quadrotor follow a trajectory first system dynamics have to be linearized around the desired states and desired controls are different time steps.

Linearized system dynamics can be written as - $$\bar{x_{n+1}} = A_n\bar{x_{n}} + B_n\bar{u_{n}}$$ where,

$A_n = \frac{\partial f}{\partial x}$ linearized around $x_{n}^\star, u_{n}^\star$,

$B_n = \frac{\partial f}{\partial u}$ linearized around $x_{n}^\star, u_{n}^\star$,

$x_{n}^\star, u_{n}^\star$ are the desired state and desired control to follow the trajectory.

Cost function for controller can be written as -

$$\sum_{n=0}^{N} (x_n - x^\star_n)^TQ_n(x_n-x^\star_n) + (u_n-u^\star_n)^TR_n(u_n-u^\star_n)$$

To make quadrotor follow a circle desired state at different time steps

$$x_n^\star = \begin{bmatrix}\cos{\frac{2\pi1000}{n}} \ 0\ \sin{\frac{2\pi1000}{n}} \ 0\ 0\ 0\end{bmatrix}$$

desired control was taken to as -

$$u_n^\star = \begin{bmatrix}\frac{mg}{2}\\ \frac{mg}{2}\end{bmatrix}$$

Plots of States for following circular trajectory

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without perturbations with perturbations

Plots of controls for following circular trajectory

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without perturbations with perturbations

Acrobatic Controller using iLQR

The cost function computes the total cost of trajectory $x$ with control trajectory $u$. It consists of two parts, i.e. cost to go and terminal cost. This cost function will be used in the next steps to compute $Q, R, q, r$ using Hessian and Jacobian.

The equation of time-varying cost function is given by :

The function can be found in the ipynb file with the following name:

 compute_cost(z, u, horizon_length):

The quadratic approximation is used to find the value of Q, q, R, and r. Q and R are the hessian while q and r are the jacobians of cost function J. Where, $$Q = \frac{\partial^2 J}{\partial x^2} $$ $$R = \frac{\partial^2 J}{\partial u^2} $$ $$q = \frac{\partial J}{\partial x} = Q * (x^* - x_{desired})$$ $$r = \frac{\partial J}{\partial u} = R * (u^* - u_{desired})$$

The function can be found in the ipynb file with the following name:

 get_quadratic_approximation_cost(z, u, horizon_length):

The function for iLQR algorithm can be found in the ipynb file with the following name:

 solve_iLQR(A, B, Q, R, q, r, N):

Plots for doing full flip without perturbations

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States Controls