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Service Saksi

How to


git clone
make init

Run from Source

make run


make build


To run Service Saksi with default configuration use


To run Service Saksi with configuration use

./service-saksi -c config.yaml

To run Service Saksi with environment variable

SERVER_PORT=8080 ./service-saksi

Config and Environment Variable

You can run use YAML config file or environment variable. Here are the parameters.

Config File Environment Variable Type Default Value Description
server.port SERVER_PORT String 8555 Local machine TCP Port to bind the HTTP Server to
server.prefork SERVER_PREFORK Boolean false Prefork will spawn multiple Go processes listening on the same port
server.strict_routing SERVER_STRICT_ROUTING Boolean false When enabled, the router treats /foo and /foo/ as different
server.case_sensitive SERVER_CASE_SENSITIVE Boolean false When enabled, /Foo and /foo are different routes
server.body_limit SERVER_BODY_LIMIT Integer 4194304 Sets the maximum allowed size for a request body
server.concurrency SERVER_CONCURRENCY Integer 262144 Concurrency maximum number of concurrent connections SERVER_TIMEOUT_READ Integer 5 The amount of time to wait until an HTTP server read operation is cancelled
server.timeout.write SERVER_TIMEOUT_WRITE Integer 10 The amount of time to wait until an HTTP server write operation is cancelled
server.timeout.idle SERVER_TIMEOUT_IDLE Integer 120 The amount of time to wait until an IDLE HTTP session is closed
server.log_level SERVER_LOG_LEVEL String debug Log level, available value: error, warning, info, debug REDIS_HOST String localhost The Redis IP Address to connect to
redis.port REDIS_PORT String 6379 The Redis Port to connect to
redis.max_connection REDIS_MAX_CONNECTION Integer 80 Redis maximum connection
redis.username REDIS_USERNAME String Redis username
redis.password REDIS_PASSWORD String Redis password
redis.database REDIS_DATABASE Integer 0 Redis database number
middleware.allows_origin MIDDLEWARE_ALLOWS_ORIGIN String * List of origins that allow for CORS


Sequence Diagram

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

[recruiter] {bgcolor: "#d0d080"}
  *id {label: "int(11), auto_increment"}
  member_no {label: "varchar(16), not null"}
  *prov_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *kab_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *kec_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  kel_code {label: "JSON"}
  *dtm_crt {label: "datetime, not null"}
  *dtm_upd {label: "datetime, not null"}
  log {label: "JSON"}

[saksi] {bgcolor: "#d0f0d0"}
  *id {label: "bigint(20), auto_increment"}
  member_no {label: "varchar(16), not null"}
  +recruiter_id {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *prov_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *kab_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *kec_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *kel_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  +tps_id_request {label: "bigint(20), not null"}
  +tps_id {label: "bigint(11)"}
  *status {label: "varchar(20), not null, {requested, rejected, waiting, verify, active}"}
  *dtm_crt {label: "datetime, not null"}
  *dtm_upd {label: "datetime, not null"}

[tps] {bgcolor: "#f0b0b0"}
  *id {label: "bigint(20), auto_increment"}
  *prov_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *kab_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *kec_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *kel_code {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *tps_no {label: "int(11), not null"}
  *dtm_crt {label: "datetime, not null"}
  *dtm_upd {label: "datetime, not null"}

[attendance] {bgcolor: "#b0d0f0"}
  *id {label: "bigint(20), auto_increment"}
  +saksi_dprt_id {label: "bigint(20), not null"}
  latitude {label: "number, not null"}
  longitude {label: "number, not null"}
  *dtm_crt {label: "datetime, not null"}

[document_evidence] {bgcolor: "#f0f0a0"}
  *id {label: "bigint(20), auto_increment"}
  +saksi_dprt_id {label: "bigint(20), not null"}
  *document {label: "varchar(255), not null"}
  *compensation {label: "tinyint(1), not null"}
  refused_compensation_reason {label: "text"}
  *dtm_crt {label: "datetime, not null"}

[tutorial] {bgcolor: "#f0b0f0"}
  *id {label: "int(11), auto_increment"}
  *name {label: "varchar(255), not null"}
  *role {label: "varchar(6), not null"}
  *type {label: "varchar(5), not null"}
  category {label: "varchar(6)"}
  *url {label: "varchar(1024), not null"}

recruiter 1--* saksi {label: "id ---> recruiter_id"}
saksi *--1 tps {label: "tps_id_recruiter <--- id"}
saksi *--1 tps {label: "tps_id <--- id"}
saksi 1--1 attendance {label: "id ---> saksi_dprt_id"}
saksi 1--1 document_evidence {label: "id ---> saksi_dprt_id"}


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