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Command Usage

Steve Goodhill edited this page Apr 29, 2020 · 14 revisions

The base commands for Armor+ are: /ap, /a+, /ca, /armor+, /aplus, /armor, and /armorplus. All permission nodes are configurable, these are just the default ones.

Base / Gui Command

Permission: armor+.gui
Will open the Armor+ gui for the player who issued the command. From this Gui they will be able to see all of the loaded armor sets. And can click on the icons to view the individual sets.

Set Gui Command

/<set name>, eg: /phantom
Permission: armor+.gui
This will open up the set gui for that armor set.

Help Command

/ar+ h, /a+ help
Will send the player who issued the command the help message from the messages.yml.

Reload Command

/a+ r, /a+ reload
Permission: armor+.reload
Will reload all of the configuration files for the plugin.

Give Command

/a+ g, /a+ give
Permission: armor+.give
This command is used to give a player a piece of armor without having to open the gui.
/a+ g <set name> <player> <piece> <amount>

  • <player>: String, the player who will receive this piece of armor.
  • <set name>: String, the name of the set.
  • <piece>: String, the actual item that will be given to the player from the configuration. Valid pieces are: helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, hand or all.
  • <amount>: Integer, the amount of the given item that will be given to the player, default it 1.