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74 lines (66 loc) · 5.64 KB

Python packages

Note that some of these may exist in the Alpine official repo, for python 2 and/or 3, depending which branch you're looking at. Build in this order:

Package Dependencies Alpine 3.7 status
cycler - 0.10.0 built by nbgallery
nose - 1.3.7 now in official repo
cython - 0.27.2 official for py2; nbg for py3
numpy nose, cython 1.13.3 now in official repo
matplotlib numpy, cycler 2.1.1 built by nbgallery
pandas numpy, cython 0.22.0 built by nbgallery
scipy numpy, cython 1.0.0 built by nbgallery

Octave packages

Note: in the Alpine 3.7 official repo, lapack-dev and openblas-dev conflict -- they contain some of the same header files and cannot be installed at the same time. The qrupdate package will build if lapack-dev is moved to makedepends but that may cause a problem at runtime. The nan toolkit also requires lapack-dev (specifically -lblas), but also depends on openblas-dev via octave-nbgallery-dev, so I've removed that from the toolkits metapackage for now.

Package Dependencies Alpine 3.7 status
arpack - 3.5.0 now in official repo
texlive - 20170524 (from edge)
gl2ps texlive 1.4.0 (by nbgallery)
glpk - 4.64 (by nbgallery)
gnu-units - 2.16 (by nbgallery)
hdf5 - 1.8.20 (from edge)
libtbb - 4.4.4 (from edge)
nlopt - 2.4.2 (by nbgallery)
qhull - 7.2.0 (by nbgallery)
qrupdate - 1.1.2 (by nbgallery)
qscintilla - 2.10.2 (by nbgallery)
suitesparse libtbb 4.5.6 now in official repo
octave-nbgallery everything above 4.2.1 (by nbgallery)
octave-nbgallery-communications octave-nbg 1.2.1
octave-nbgallery-data-smoothing octave-nbg 1.3.0
octave-nbgallery-fuzzy-logic-toolkit octave-nbg 0.4.5
octave-nbgallery-general octave-nbg 2.0.0
octave-nbgallery-gsl octave-nbg 2.1.0
octave-nbgallery-image octave-nbg 2.6.2
octave-nbgallery-linear-algebra octave-nbg 2.2.2
octave-nbgallery-ltfat octave-nbg 2.2.0
octave-nbgallery-miscellaneous octave-nbg, units 1.2.1
octave-nbgallery-mvn octave-nbg 1.1.0
octave-nbgallery-nan octave-nbg broken, see note above
octave-nbgallery-signal octave-nbg 1.3.2
octave-nbgallery-splines octave-nbg 1.3.2
octave-nbgallery-statistics octave-nbg 1.3.0
octave-nbgallery-strings octave-nbg 1.2.0
octave-nbgallery-struct octave-nbg 1.0.14
octave-nbgallery-tsa octave-nbg 4.4.5
octave-nbgallery-toolkits everything above 4.2.1

Everything else

Package Dependencies Alpine 3.7 status
gdal - 2.2.3 (from edge)
geos - 3.6.2 (from edge)
libpst - 0.6.71 (by nbgallery)
libspatialindex - 1.8.5 (by nbgallery)
proj4 - 4.9.3 (from edge)
ssdeep - 2.14.1 (by nbgallery)
hadoop - 2.6.5 (by nbgallery)
pig hadoop 0.16.0 (by nbgallery)
gallery-pig-kernel pig, hadoop built
gallery-go-kernel - built
gallery-nodejs-kernel - built
gallery-python3-kernel - now baked into image
gallery-R-kernel - built
gallery-ruby-kernel - built
gallery-toree-kernel - built
cling good luck! not attempted yet
gallery-cpp-kernel cling not attempted yet