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File metadata and controls

251 lines (205 loc) · 11.3 KB

IMPORTANT - This gem is under heavy development and is in extreme alpha phase. As soon as it’s in a release state (very soon), I will update the MAJOR version to 1. If you are interested in helping, please drop me a message.


Wepay-Rails allows your rails app to accept payments with Wepay (

To install it, add this to your Gemfile

gem 'wepay-rails'

Since Wepay uses Oauth2 to authenticate, wepay-rails has been built to handle this for you. You will need to add a column to one of your models to hold the authentication token. For example, if you have a user model:

Your migration:

add_column :my_model, :wepay_auth_code, :string

Now, tell wepay_rails where it should store/retrieve the auth code.

You will need a wepay.yml file added to your config directory. Please copy one from the lib/examples folder of the wepay-rails gem and modify it to your needs. In a future release, the copy will happen via a generator. For now, please manually copy it over.

Snippet of wepay.yml showing the auth_code_location directive:

  auth_code_location: MyModel.wepay_auth_code

Your model:

class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base

Now you will have some convenience methods added to your model, such as save_<your column name> (eg. save_wepay_auth_code)

You need to also create a new model called WepayCheckoutRecord. It will be updated by wepay’s IPN system as changes to the checkout change - such as the status. Wepay-rails handles those IPN notifications for you. You can write observers watching the WepayCheckoutRecord model if you need to have something specific occur when the checkout changes. In future versions, I’ll include a generator - but for now, here’s the migration to use:

class CreateWepayCheckoutRecords < ActiveRecord::Migration
    def self.up

        create_table :wepay_checkout_records do |t|
            t.integer :checkout_id
            t.integer :account_id
            t.string :auth_code
            t.string :state
            t.string :short_description
            t.text :long_description
            t.string :currency
            t.decimal :amount
            t.decimal :app_fee
            t.string :fee_payer
            t.decimal :gross
            t.decimal :fee
            t.string :reference_id
            t.text :redirect_uri
            t.text :callback_uri
            t.text :checkout_uri
            t.string :payer_email
            t.string :payer_name
            t.text :cancel_reason
            t.text :refund_reason
            t.boolean :auto_capture
            t.boolean :require_shipping
            t.text :shipping_address
            t.decimal :tax


        add_index :wepay_checkout_records, :checkout_id

    def self.down
        drop_table :wepay_checkout_records

You will have to set up a few new controllers to handle callbacks and redirects from wepay back to your app. I created one called finalize_controller and I use it for a landing page when the customer is finished paying their order. The other controller I created is a checkout_controller - this controller glues all of the auth stuff together - it checks if the user has an auth code and access token so it can do the checkout for you. I am going to look into ways to have wepay-rails do most of the heavy lifting - look for this to change in future versions. For now, here’s how to handle it…

  |_ controllers
               |_ purchase
                      |_ checkout_controller.rb
                      |_ finalize_controller.rb

The wepay-rails gem comes with an IpnController already built in for handling requests from wepay about a specific checkout. If you wish to override it, you can create an IpnController in your rails app.

class IpnController < Wepay::ApplicationController
    def index
        #Do something with the instant payment notifications back from Wepay

wepay.yml will also need these directives. See the section on wepay.yml

When you include WepayRails::Payments, you get the controller actions you need. For instance, initialize_wepay_access_token(auth_code) which completes the Oauth2 handshake with Wepay and get’s the access token for future comunications with Wepay.

Finally, your checkout controller (or some controller that will interact with the Wepay API):

class Purchase::CheckoutController < Purchase::PurchaseController
    before_filter :authenticate_account! # I am using devise - this line depends on your authentication scheme

    # Notes: (By the way, I am looking into putting most of this heavy lifting into the actual wepay-rails gem
    # it's self - stay tuned for that)
    # I am saving the wepay_auth_code in my Profile model. Somewhere in my rails app, I have a method called
    # current_profile which I use to return the Profile object of my user - this is why I can use current_profile.wepay_auth_code
    # please dress this up to work for your application.

    # Please pay attention to the flow here though (Note, I am going to find a way to move most of this pain to wepay-rails - stay tuned):
    # Step 1: check and see if we have saved a wepay_auth_code for the customer. If not, redirect them to wepay to get one
    # Step 2: check to see if we have a wepay access token to use for Oauth Communications. If not, go get one
    # Step 3: now do a checkout using the method init_checkout_and_send_user_to_wepay. When they are done paying you, they will be redirected
    # back to your application - you will set the location they will be redirected back to using the redirect_uri directive
    # either here - or in wepay.yml. Using it here overrides wepay.yml.

    def index
        if current_profile.wepay_auth_code.present? # Code used to get the Oauth Access Token
            if wepay_access_token_exists? # Temporary Oauth Access token from wepay

                cart = current_account.cart # EXAMPLE - get my shopping cart
                tx_id = cart.transaction_id # EXAMPLE - I use a column in my cart to have a way to look up the cart upon the user's return from wepay

                checkout_params = {
                    :amount => cart.grand_total,
                    :short_description => cart.short_description,
                    :long_description => cart.long_description,
                    :redirect_uri => purchase_finalize_index_url(:txID => tx_id) # Wepay redirects the user back to this url after purchase

                init_checkout_and_send_user_to_wepay(checkout_params) # Send the customer to wepay to finish payment
                initialize_wepay_access_token(current_profile.wepay_auth_code) # No access token - so go get one
            redirect_to_wepay_for_auth(current_profile) # Customer doesn't have an auth code yet from Wepay - so go get one

The controller I use for finalizing the checkout - AKA - the controller the user is sent back to after his/her trip to wepay to checkout.

class Purchase::FinalizeController < ApplicationController
    def index
        # Do something - the user has come back from wepay and need an acknowlegement or something.
        # For example - my app does something like:

        cart = Cart.find_by_transaction_id(params[:txID])
        # my redirect_uri included a txID so that I can look up the
        # cart when the customer came back.

Example Routes for these:

namespace :purchase do
    resource :cart, :has_many => :purchase_items
    resources :checkout, :only => [:index]
    resources :finalize, :only => [:index]

First, we check to see if we have saved the auth code for the user, if so, we next need to see if we have an Oauth2 access token. If not, we can initialize the access token. If it is there, go ahead and make an api call - the example above initiates a checkout.

Configuration is done through config/wepay.yml:

  client_id: <your client_id from wepay>
  client_secret: <your client_secret from wepay>
  auth_code_location: MyModel.wepay_auth_code
  redirect_uri: ""
  after_authorize_redirect_uri: ""
  scope: ['refund_payments','collect_payments','view_balance','view_user']
  #wepay_api_uri: ""
  wepay_api_uri: ""
  wepay_api_version: "v2"
  ipn_callback_uri: ""
  checkout_redirect_uri: ""
  fee_payer: Payee
  checkout_type: GOODS
  charge_tax: false
  app_fee: 0
  auto_capture: true
  require_shipping: false
  shipping_fee: 0
  charge_tax: false
  client_id: <your client_id from wepay>
  client_secret: <your client_secret from wepay>
  auth_code_location: MyModel.wepay_auth_code
  redirect_uri: ""
  after_authorize_redirect_uri: ""
  scope: ['refund_payments','collect_payments','view_balance','view_user']
  wepay_api_uri: ""
  wepay_api_version: "v2"
  ipn_callback_uri: ""
  checkout_redirect_uri: ""
  fee_payer: Payee
  checkout_type: GOODS
  charge_tax: false
  app_fee: 0
  require_shipping: false
  shipping_fee: 0
  charge_tax: false
  auto_capture: true
  client_id: <your client_id from wepay>
  client_secret: <your client_secret from wepay>
  auth_code_location: MyModel.wepay_auth_code
  redirect_uri: ""
  after_authorize_redirect_uri: ""
  scope: ['refund_payments','collect_payments','view_balance','view_user']
  wepay_api_uri: ""
  wepay_api_version: "v2"
  ipn_callback_uri: ""
  checkout_redirect_uri: ""
  fee_payer: Payee
  checkout_type: GOODS
  charge_tax: false
  app_fee: 0
  auto_capture: true
  charge_tax: false
  require_shipping: false
  shipping_fee: 0

Contributing to wepay-rails

  • Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn’t been implemented or the bug hasn’t been fixed yet

  • Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn’t requested it and/or contributed it

  • Fork the project

  • Start a feature/bugfix branch

  • Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution

  • Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.

  • Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.

Copyright © 2011 Adam Medeiros. See LICENSE.txt for further details.