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Corey-Dean Arthur edited this page Aug 22, 2017 · 3 revisions

Burp Suite Logger++

Developed by Soroush Dalili (@irsdl)

Further developed by Corey Arthur

How-To: Filters

A filter feature has been added allowing for easier identification of specific requests. These can be as simple as displaying only responses with status code 200 or post requests where the url matches a regular expression.

Basic filters follow a general format of:

field [=, ==,!=,<,<=,>,>=] value

and multiple filters can be combined using [||, &&] such as

status == 403 && method == post

status == 200 || (method == post && (status == 403 || hassetcookies == true))

Nesting filters within parenthesis is supported and allows for complex rules to be created.

Finally, to use regex in place of a static value wrap your regex in //. For example:

url == /\/ws\/.*/

List of Filter Fields

Example Filters

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