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File metadata and controls

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Needlestack allows users to index their vector spaces and search them in real-time. Below are some of the terms and design decisions.

Vector Spaces

Vector spaces are coordinate systems in which a set of vectors exists. A thing is represented in a vector space as a vector. Absolute and/or relative positions of these vectors contain information about the underlying things.


A Collection represents a particular vector space and it's set of vectors. Collections partition its vectors into one or more Shards. Performing a kNN search on a Collection will perform a kNN search on each Shard, then merge the results together. User's can specify which Shards to perform a kNN search on, ignoring those not specified.


A Shard represents a partition of vectors in a Collection. All Shards in a Collection exists in the same vector space. Each Shard can perform a kNN search over its partition of vectors. Each Shard contains a BaseIndex which implements how kNN searches are performed.

Spatial Index

A BaseIndex implements how vectors are stored and searched. This is achieved using kNN indices from third party packages like faiss and scikit-learn. A particular BaseIndex will use an algorithm like brute-force, kd-tree, voronoi tessellations, etc. Metadata about each vector is stored in the BaseIndex. Metadata for a vector includes a string id and an optional list of primitive values (string, double, float, long, int, bool).


There are three main components to run a live Needlestack cluster:

  • ClusterManager maintains the state of all worker nodes in a cluster
  • Merger splits and distributes task over multiple worker nodes and merges results
  • Searcher runs on worker nodes to perform tasks from Merger nodes

If you're from the map-reduce world, think of these as resource manager, reducer, and mapper respectively.

Cluster Manager

The ClusterManager maintains the cluster state. It is a key-value store client that exists in each Merger and Searcher. The key-value store should be accessible by every node in the Needlestack cluster. The default key-value store is Zookeeper.

The information available from the ClusterManager is:

  • All live Searcher nodes in a Needlestack cluster
  • All Collections and their Shards
  • Which Shards are hosted on which Searcher nodes
  • The status of any given Shard on a Searcher (ACTIVE, DOWN, BOOTING)

Merger gRPC Service

The Merger is a microservice that Needlestack clients interface with. Clients can make search, retrieval, and configuration requests through gRPC. On requests, it will retrieve the cluster state from the ClusterManager and determine which Searcher nodes will fulfill a task. It sends tasks to relevant Searcher nodes, waits for responses, then merges the results together.

ex. On a search requests for a Collection, a Merger node will get the cluster state from the ClusterManager and determine which Searcher nodes host Shards in that Collection. The Merger sends concurrent requests to relevant Searcher nodes to perform kNN searches on those Shards. It waits for all concurrent requests to complete, then merges the results together. The client gets a list of search results from the Merger, as if all vectors in the collection were hosted on it.

Searcher gRPC Service

The Searcher is a microservice that hosts the Shards. It is responsible for the compute heavy task of doing kNN search algorithms. In a multi-node Needlestack cluster, each Searcher node might only host a subset of all Shards.

A Searcher node will register itself with the ClusterManager on startup. It is visible to the rest of the Needlestack cluster and is available to host Shards. An instance of a Shard on a Searcher node is called a Replica.

A Merger node can send a Searcher tasks as a gRPC requests. The task could be something like performing a kNN search over a specific set of Shards hosted on that node.

Service Nodes

The ClusterManager will use an external key-value store, separate from the Needlestack cluster.

The Merger and Searcher microservices may exists on either the same or different nodes. Each node in the Needlestack cluster runs a gRPC server where a Merger and Searcher servicer can be added. Deciding between whether to run them on the same server or keep them isolated will depend on the constraints of your particular system.