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File metadata and controls

147 lines (100 loc) · 5.31 KB

Getting Started

Sample Usage

The following code is an example of a controller for Google's search engine:

from pyscc import Controller, Component, component_element, \
    component_elements, component_group

class Home(Component):

    _ = 'body > app'  # optional root selector to be applied to all component items

    def search_bar(self):
        # we only need to return the selector
        # pyscc will automatically determine whether it's xpath or css
        return 'input#lst-ib'

    def search_button(self):
        # the element wrapper allows us to format our selectors
        # ref.search_button.fmt(value='Google Search')
        return '//input[@type="submit"][@value="{value}"]'

class Results(Component):

    def results(self):
        return 'div.g'

class Google(Controller):

    def __init__(self, browser, base_url):
        super(Product, self).__init__(browser, base_url, {
            'home': Home,
            'results': Results

    def search(self, query, redirect=False):
        # navigate to base url
        # create reference to our home component
        home = self.components.home
        # wait 5 seconds for search bar to be visible
        # write query in the search bar
            .wait_visible(5, error=True)\

        # target the search button with the text "Google Search"
        # click on the search button
            .fmt('Google Search')\

    def number_of_results():
        return self.components.results.results.count()

The sample above can be utilized like so:

from selenium import webdriver

google = Google(webdriver.Chrome(), '')'py-component-controller')
# ensure at least one result is available within 5 seconds
assert google.components.results.results\
    .wait_for(5, length=1)

# terminate our controller's webdriver

Example Explained

As seen in the example above, components can be defined relatively quickly without any hassle. Simply import Component from pyscc and define your class. When specifying your component properties, the following decorators can be used to construct Element and Elements wrappers.

  • @component_element: Expects a single css or xpath selector, will return an Element object when referenced.
  • @component_elements: Expects a single css or xpath selector, will return an Elements object when referenced.
  • @component_group: Expects a dictionary of element name and selector pairs, will return a resource with attributes relevant to your provided pairs returning Element objects when referenced.

Using the intended design pattern, Component instances should never be instantiated outside of the scope of the controller. When the controller is intantiated, it will take the provided component name pairs and automatically instantiate them in a components attribute.

Writing Tests

The pyscc framework works very well for creating scrapers and other automation tools, but it was designed with end to end testing in mind. Controllers were also designed to allow developers to easily export their work into client packages for larger suites. The following is an example as to how one may structure tests:

from project import Google
from selenium import webdriver
from unittest import TestCase

class GoogleBaseTest(TestCase):

    def setUp(self): = Google(webdriver.Chrome(), '')

    def tearDown(self):


class TestGoogleHome(GoogleBaseTest):

    def test_search(self):'py-component-controller')
        # ensure at least one result is available within 5 seconds
            .wait_for(5, length=1))

    def test_search_autocomplete(self):
        home =
            .wait_visible(5, error='Google search bar was not visible')\
        # ensure autocomplete popup appears

As can be seen in the example above, our product logic is actually loosely coupled with the test. Our controller allows us to define shorthand functionality ie; search, but we can still directly access each individual component and their respective elements. The controller and component have also been designed to work on any webdriver across any platform (excluding mobile forks) using polyfills, so you can write your code once and provision it to run in any environment you please!