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Advanced Custom Field

Fulvio Notarstefano edited this page Jun 19, 2015 · 3 revisions

Advanced Customs Field (ACF) is a WordPress plugin to handle custom meta fields. If you use this plugin, WP Currencies introduces a new type of field called Currency.

The Currency field is a select type of field with a list of currencies available. In ACF UI panel when adding the field to a group, you can also enable the multiselect type, which allows you to choose more than one currency when prompted in a metabox panel.

You can then retrieve the saved field value as you would normally in ACF, by using get_field( 'your_field_name' ) function. The value returned will match the currency code (or codes) selected.

Disable ACF support

If you don't wish to use this feature, you can deactivate it by returning false to wp_currencies_enable_acf_support. For example:

add_filter( 'wp_currencies_enable_acf_support', '__return_false' );
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