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Tempesta FW

Tempesta FW

What it is?

Tempesta FW is a hybrid solution that combines a reverse proxy and a firewall at the same time. It accelerates Web applications and provides high performance framework with access to all network layers for running complex network traffic classification and blocking modules.

Tempesta FW is built into Linux TCP/IP stack for better and more stable performance characteristics in comparison with TCP servers on top of common Socket API or even kernel sockets.



  • Linux CentOS/RHEL 7 or Debian 8;
  • x86-64 CPU with at least 1GB RAM, SSE 4.2 and preferably 2MB huge pages enabled (check pse and sse4_2 flags in your /proc/cpuinfo);
  • RSS capable network adapter;
  • GNU Make 3.82 or higher;
  • GCC and G++ compilers of versions 4.8 or higher;
  • Boost library of version 1.53 or higher;

Tempesta DB requires fallocate(2). Please use filesystems that support this system call, such as ext4, btrfs, or xfs. Other filesystems such as ext3 don't support this system call, so they can't be used with Tempesta.


Tempesta requires that the following Linux kernel configuration options are switched on:


We suggest that CONFIG_PREEMPT_NONE is used for better throughput. However, please use CONFIG_PREEMPT_VOLUNTARY for debugging since this mode causes additional stress to synchronization of several algorithms. Also note that CONFIG_PREEMPT is not supported at all.


To build the module you need to do the following steps:

  1. Patch Linux kernel 4.1.12 with linux-4.1-tfw.patch or just download an already patched kernel

  2. Build and load the kernel

  3. Run make to build Tempesta FW and Tempesta DB modules:

     $ cd tempesta && make

Run & Stop

Use script to run and stop Tempesta. The script provides help information with --help switch. Usage example:

    $ ./scripts/ --start
    $ ./scripts/ --stop


Tempesta is configured via plain-text configuration file.

The file location is determined by the TFW_CFG_PATH environment variable:

    $ TFW_CFG_PATH="/opt/tempesta.conf" ./scripts/ --start

By default, the tempesta_fw.conf from this directory is used.

See tempesta_fw.conf for the list of available options and their descriptions.

Listening address

Tempesta listens to incoming connections on specified address and port. The syntax is as follows:

listen <PORT> | <IPADDR>[:PORT]

IPADDR may be either IPv4 or IPv6 address. Host names are not allowed. IPv6 address must be enclosed in square brackets (e.g. "[::0]" but not "::0"). If only PORT is specified, then address (but not [::1]) is used. If only IPADDR is specified, then default HTTP port 80 is used.

Tempesta opens one socket for each listen directive. Multiple listen directives may be defined to listen on multiple addresses/ports. If listen directive is not defined in the configuration file, then by default Tempesta listens on IPv4 address and port 80, which is an equivalent to listen 80 directive.

Below are examples of listen directive:

listen 80;
listen [::0]:80;
listen [::1]:8001;

Keep-alive timeout

Tempesta may use a single TCP connection to send and receive multiple HTTP requests/responses. The syntax is as follows:

keepalive_timeout TIMEOUT

TIMEOUT is a timeout in seconds during which a keep-alive client connection will stay open in Tempesta. The zero value disables keep-alive client connections. Default value is 75.

Below are examples of keepalive_timeout directive:

keepalive_timeout 75;


Tempesta caches Web-content by default, i.e. works as reverse proxy. Configuration option cache manages the cache befavior:

  • 0 - no caching at all, pure proxying mode;
  • 1 - cache sharding when each NUMA node contains independent shard of whole cache. This mode has the smallest memory requirements;
  • 2 - (default) replicated mode when each NUMA node has whole replica of the cache. It requires more RAM, but delivers the highest performance.

cache_db specifies path to a cache database files. The PATH must be absolute and the directory must exist. The database file must end with .tbd. E.g. cache_db /opt/tempesta/db/cache.tdb is the right Tmpesta DB path. However, this is the only path pattern rather than real path. Tempesta creates per NUMA node database files, so if you have two processor packages on modern hardware, then follwoing files will be created (one for earch processor package) for the example above:


cache_size defines size (in bytes, suffixes like 'MB' are not supported yet) of each Tempesta DB file used as Web cache storage. The size must be multiple of 2MB (Tempesta DB extent size). Default value is 268435456 (256MB).

Server Load Balancing


A back end HTTP server is defined with server directive. The full syntax is as follows:

server <IPADDR>[:<PORT>] [conns_n=<N>]

IPADDR can be either IPv4 or IPv6 address. Hostnames are not allowed. IPv6 address must be enclosed in square brackets (e.g. "[::0]" but not "::0"). PORT defaults to 80 if not specified. conns_n=<N> is the number of parallel connections to the server. N defaults to 4 if not specified.

Multiple back end servers may be defined. For example:

server [fc00::1]:80;

Server Groups

Back end servers can be grouped together into a single unit for the purpose of load balancing. Servers within a group are considered interchangeable. The load is distributed evenly among servers within a group. If a server goes offline, other servers in a group take the load. The full syntax is as follows:

srv_group <NAME> [sched=<SCHED_NAME>] {
	server <IPADDR>[:<PORT>] [conns_n=<N>];

NAME is a unique identifier of the group that may be used to refer to it later. SCHED_NAME is the name of scheduler module that distributes load among servers within the group. Default scheduler is used if sched parameter is not specified.

Servers that are defined outside of any group implicitly form a special group called default.

Below is an example of server group definition:

srv_group static_storage sched=hash {
	server [fc00::3]:8081 conns_n=1;


Scheduler is used to distribute load among known servers. The syntax is as follows:

sched <SCHED_NAME>

SCHED_NAME is the name of a scheduler available in Tempesta.

Currently there are two schedulers available:

  • round-robin - Rotates all servers in a group in round-robin manner so that requests are distributed uniformly across servers. This is the default scheduler.
  • hash - Chooses a server based on a URI/Host hash of a request. Requests are distributed uniformly, and requests with the same URI/Host are always sent to the same server.

If no scheduler is defined, then scheduler defaults to round-robin.

The defined scheduler affects all server definitions that are missing a scheduler definition. If srv_group is missing a scheduler definition, and there is a scheduler defined, then that scheduler is set for the group.

Multiple sched directives may be defined in the configuration file. Each directive affects server groups that follow it.

HTTP Scheduler

HTTP scheduler plays a special role as it distributes HTTP requests among groups of back end servers. Then requests are futher distributed among individual back end servers within a chosen group.

HTTP scheduler is able to look inside of an HTTP request and examine its contents such as URI and headers. The scheduler distributes HTTP requests depending on values of those fields. The work of HTTP scheduler is controlled by pattern-matching rules that map certain header field values to server groups. The full syntax is as follows:

sched_http_rules {
	match <SRV_GROUP> <FIELD> <OP> <ARG>;

SRV_GROUP is the reference to a previously defined server group. FIELD is an HTTP request field, such as uri, host, etc. OP is a string comparison operator, such as eq, prefix, etc. ARG is an argument for the operator, such as /foo/bar.html,, etc.

A match entry is a single instruction for the load balancer that says: take FIELD of an HTTP request, compare it with ARG using OP. If they match, then send the request to the specified SRV_GROUP. For every HTTP request, the load balancer executes all match instructions sequentially until it finds a match. If no match is found, then the request is dropped.

The following FIELD keywords are supported:

  • uri Only a part of URI is looked at that contains the path and the query string if any. (e.g. /abs/path.html?query&key=val#fragment).
  • host The host part from URI in HTTP request line, or the value of Host header. Host part in URI takes priority over the Host header value.
  • hdr_host The value of Host header.
  • hdr_conn The value of Connection header.
  • hdr_raw The contents of any other HTTP header field as specified by ARG. ARG must include contents of an HTTP header starting with the header field name. Processing of hdr_raw may be slow because it requires walking over all headers of an HTTP request.

The following OP keywords are supported:

  • eq FIELD is fully equal to the string specified in ARG.
  • prefix FIELD starts with the string specified in ARG.

Below are examples of pattern-matching rules that define the HTTP scheduler:

srv_group static { ... }
srv_group foo_app { ... }
srv_group bar_app { ... }

sched_http_rules {
	match static   uri       prefix  "/static";
	match static   host      prefix  "static.";
	match foo_app  host      eq      "";
	match bar_app  hdr_conn  eq      "keep-alive";
	match bar_app  hdr_host  prefix  "bar.";
	match bar_app  hdr_raw   prefix  "X-Custom-Bar-Hdr: ";

There's a special default match rule that matches any request. If defined, the default rule must come last in the list of rules. All requests that didn't match any rule are routed to the server group specified in the default rule. If a default match rule is not defined, and there's the group default with servers defined outside of any group, then the default rule is added implicitly to route requests to the group default. The syntax is as follows:

match <SRV_GROUP> * * *

By default no rules are defined. If there's the group default, then the default match rule is added to route HTTP requests to the group default. Otherwise, requests don't match any rule, and therefore they're dropped.

Sticky Cookie

Sticky cookie is a special HTTP cookie that is generated by Tempesta. It allows for unique identification of each client, and it is part of Tempesta core module.

When used, Tempesta sticky cookie is expected in HTTP requests. Otherwise, Tempesta asks in an HTTP response that sticky cookie is present in HTTP requests from a client. Default behaviour is that Tempesta sticky cookies are not used.

The use and behaviour of Tempesta sticky cookies is controlled by a single configuration option that can have several parameters. The full form of the option and parameters is as follows:

sticky [name=<COOKIE_NAME>] [enforce];

name parameter specifies a custom Tempesta sticky cookie name COOKIE_NAME for use in HTTP requests. It is expected that it is a single word without whitespaces. When not specified explicitly, a default name is used.

enforce parameter demands that Tempesta sticky cookie is present in each HTTP request. If it is not present in a request, a client receives HTTP 302 response from Tempesta that redirects the client to the same URI, and prompts that Tempesta sticky cookie is set in requests from the client.

Below are examples of Tempesta sticky cookie option.

  • sticky; Enable Tempesta sticky cookie. Default cookie name is used. Tempesta expects that Tempesta sticky cookie is present in each HTTP request. If it is not present, then Tempesta includes Set-Cookie header field in an HTTP response, which prompts that Tempesta sticky cookie with default name is set in requests from the client.

  • sticky enforce; Enable Tempesta sticky cookie. Default cookie name is used. Tempesta expects that Tempesta sticky cookie is present in each HTTP request. If it is not present, Tempesta sends HTTP 302 response that redirects the client to the same URI and includes Set-Cookie header field, which prompts that Tempesta sticky cookie with default name is set in requests from the client.

  • sticky name=__cookie__; Enable Tempesta sticky cookie. The name of the cookie is __cookie__. Tempesta expects that Tempesta sticky cookie is present in each HTTP request. If it is not present, then Tempesta includes Set-Cookie header field in an HTTP response, which prompts that Tempesta sticky cookie with the name __cookie__ is set in requests from the client.

  • sticky name=__cookie__ enforce; Enable Tempesta sticky cookie. The name of the cookie is __cookie__. Tempesta expects that Tempesta sticky cookie is present in each HTTP request. If it is not present, Tempesta sends HTTP 302 response that redirects the client to the same URI and includes Set-Cookie header field, which prompts that Tempesta sticky cookie with the name __cookie__ is set in requests from the client.


Frang is a separate Tempesta module for HTTP DoS and DDoS attacks prevention. It uses static limiting and checking of ingress HTTP requests. The main portion of it's logic is at HTTP layer, so it's recommended that ip_block option (enabled by default) is used to block malicious users at IP layer.

Use -f command key to start Tempesta with Frang:

$ ./scripts/ -f --start

Frang has a separate section in the configuration file, "frang_limits". The list of available options:

  • ip_block - if the option is switched on, then Frang will add IP addresses of clients who reaches the limits to filter_db table, so that the clients traffic will be dropped much earlier. See also Filter section.

  • request_rate - maximum number of requests per second from a client;

  • request_burst - maximum number of requests per fraction of a second;

  • connection_rate - maximum number of connections per client;

  • connection_burst - maximum number of connections per fraction of a second;

  • concurrent_connections - maximum number of concurrent connections per client;

  • client_header_timeout - maximum time for receiving the whole HTTP message header of incoming request;

  • client_body_timeout - maximum time between receiving parts of HTTP message body of incoming request;

  • http_uri_len - maximum length of URI part in a request;

  • http_field_len - maximum length of a single HTTP header field of incoming request;

  • http_body_len - maximum length of HTTP message body of incoming request;

  • http_header_cnt - maximum number of HTTP header in a HTTP message;

  • http_header_chunk_cnt - limit number of chunks in all headers for HTTP request;

  • http_body_chunk_cnt - limit number of chunks for HTTP request body;

  • http_host_required - require presence of Host header in a request;

  • http_ct_required - require presence of Content-Type header in a request;

  • http_ct_vals - the list of accepted values for Content-Type header;

  • http_methods - the list of accepted HTTP methods;

Various back end servers may differ in interpretation of certain aspects of the standards. Some may follow strict standards, whereas others may allow a more relaxed interpretation. An example of this is the Host: header field. It must be present in all HTTP/1.1 requests. However, the Host: field value may be empty in certain cases. Nginx is strict about that, while Apache allows an empty Host: field value in more cases. This can present an opportunity for a DoS attack. Frang's http_host_required option should be used in this case. That would leave handling of the Host: header field to Tempesta. Invalid requests would be denied before they reach a back end server.


Let's see a simple example to understand Tempesta filtering.

Run Tempesta with Frang enabled and put some load onto the system to make Frang generate a blocking rule:

$ dmesg | grep frang
[tempesta] Warning: frang: connections max num. exceeded for ::ffff:7f00:1: 9 (lim=8)

::ffff:7f00:1 is IPv4 mapped loopback address Frang's rate limiting calls the filter module that stores the blocked IPs in Tempesta DB, so now we can run some queries on the database (you can read more about tdbq):

# ./tdbq -a info

Tempesta DB version: 0.1.14
Open tables: filter

INFO: records=1 status=OK zero-copy

The table filter contains all blocked IP addresses.

Performance Statistics

Tempesta has a set of performance statistics counters that show various aspects of Tempesta operation. The counters and their values are self-explanatory. Performance statistics can be shown when Tempesta is loaded and running. Below is an example of the command to show the statistics, and the output:

$ cat /proc/tempesta/perfstat
Client messages received                : 450
Client messages forwarded               : 450
Client messages parsing errors          : 0
Client messages filtered out            : 0
Client messages other errors            : 0
Client connections total                : 30
Client connections active               : 0
Client RX bytes                         : 47700
Server messages received                : 447
Server messages forwarded               : 447
Server messages parsing errors          : 0
Server messages filtered out            : 0
Server messages other errors            : 0
Server connections total                : 2220
Server connections active               : 4
Server RX bytes                         : 153145

Build Status
