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355 lines (279 loc) · 8.34 KB

Realtime GraphQL Subscriptions

Subscription is a GraphQL feature that allows a server to send data to its client when a specific event happens

Subscriptions with Prisma

Prisma comes with out-of-the-box support for subscriptions. For each model in the Prisma datamodel you can subscribe to the following events:

  • A new model is created
  • An existing model updated
  • An existing model is deleted

You can subscribe to these events using the $subscribe method of the Prisma client.

$subscribe property proxies the subscriptions from the Prisma API. It is used to resolve subscriptions and push the event data

Subscribing to new Link elements

  1. Extend the GraphQL schema

    Just like queries and mutations, the first step to implement a subscription is to extend the GraphQL schema definition. Add the following Subscription type definition in schema.graphql file:

    // -------------------
    // src/schema.graphql
    // -------------------
    type Subscription {
      newLink: Link
  2. Add the resolver for subscriptions

    The resolvers for subscriptions are slightly different from queries and mutations:

    • They return an AsyncIterator rather than a data
    • They are wrapped inside an object and need to be provided as the value for a subscribe key in the object. You also need to provide another key called resolve that returns the data from the data emitted by the AsyncIterator

    Create a new file called Subcription.js and add the following implementation in the file:

    // -------------------
    // src/resolvers/Subcription.js
    // -------------------
    function newLinkSubscribe(parent, args, context, info) {
      return context.prisma.${ mutation_in: ['CREATED'] }).node();
    const newLink = {
      subscribe: newLinkSubscribe,
      resolve: payload => {
        return payload;
    module.exports = {
  3. Include Subscription resolver in the main resolvers object

    Import the module at the top of index.js file:

    // -------------------
    // src/index.js
    // -------------------
    const Subscription = require('./resolvers/Subscription');

    Still on the same file, update the definition of the resolvers object to look as follows:

    const resolvers = {

Testing subscriptions

Again, restart the GraphQL server...

Open a new Playground and send the following subscription:

subscription {
  newLink {
    postedBy {

You'll not immediately see the result of the operation, instead you get a loading spinner indicating that it's waiting for an event to happen. Also a text "Listening..." is displayed below the pane.

Now send the following post mutation in another Playground to trigger a subscription event. Make sure the request is authenticated:

mutation {
    url: ""
    description: "Curated GraphQL content coming to your email inbox every Friday"
  ) {

You should see a result in the Playground where the subscription is running.

Adding a voting feature

Implementing a vote mutation

  1. Extend the Prisma datamodel to represent votes in the database. To do so, adjust datamodel.prisma file to look as follows:

    // -------------------
    // prisma/datamodel.prisma
    // -------------------
    type Link {
      // ...
      votes: [Vote!]!
    type User {
      // ...
      votes: [Vote!]!
    type Vote {
      id: ID! @unique
      link: Link!
      user: User!

    Vote type has one-to-many relationships to the User and Link types.

  2. To apply the changes and update the Prisma client API to add CRUD operations for Vote type, don't forget to deploy the service again with:

    $ prisma deploy
  3. Extend the GraphQL schema definition to expose a vote mutation in the GraphQL server:

    // -------------------
    // src/schema.graphql
    // -------------------
    type Mutation {
      // ...
      vote(linkId: ID!): Vote

    The referenced Vote type also needs to be defined in there:

    type Vote {
     id: ID!
     link: Link!
     user: User!

    It should also be possible to query all votes from a Link, so adjust the Link type:

    type Link {
      // ...
      votes: [Vote!]!

Implementing Vote resolver

  1. Add the following resolver implementation to Mutation.js file:

    // -------------------
    // src/resolvers/Mutation.js
    // -------------------
    async function vote(parent, { linkId }, context, info) {
      // 1
      const userId = getUserId(context);
      // 2
      const linkExists = await context.prisma.${
        user: { id: userId },
        link: { id: linkId }
      if (linkExists) {
        throw new Error(`Already voted for link: ${linkId}`);
      // 3
      return context.prisma.createVote({
        user: { connect: { id: userId } },
        link: { connect: { id: linkId } }
      module.exports = {
        // ...
        // 4
    • 1 - similar to post resolver, it validates the incoming JWT with getUserId(). If it's valid the function returns the userId of the User, otherwise it throws an error
    • 2 - $exists function is generated per model by Prisma client instance. It takes a where filter object where you can specify a condition that applies to an element of that type. In this case, is to verify if the requesting User (user:{id:userId}) has not yet voted the Link (link:{id:args.linkId})
    • 3 - createVote is used to create a new Vote that's connected to the User and the Link
    • 4 - exports the resolver
  2. Account for the new relations in the GraphQL schema:

    • votes on Link

      Add the following function to Link.js file:

      // -------------------
      // src/resolvers/Link.js
      // -------------------
      function votes(parent, args, context) {
        return{ id: }).votes();
      module.exports = {
        // ...
    • user and link on Vote

      Create a new file called Vote.js inside resolvers folder, and add the following code to it:

      // -------------------
      // src/resolvers/Vote.js
      // -------------------
      function link(parent, args, context) {
        return{ id: }).link();
      function user(parent, args, context) {
        return{ id: }).user();
      module.exports = {
  3. Finally, include Vote resolver in the main resolvers object in index.js file:

    // -------------------
    // src/index.js
    // -------------------
    const Vote = require('./resolvers/Vote');
    const resolvers = {
      // ...

Subscribing to new votes

The approach is analogous to the newLink query.

  1. Add a new field called newVote to the Subscription type of the GraphQL schema:

    // -------------------
    // src/schema.graphql
    // -------------------
    type Subscription {
      newLink: Link
      newVote: Vote
  2. Add its resolver in Subscription.js file:

    // -------------------
    // src/resolvers/Subscription.js
    // -------------------
    // ...
    function newVoteSubscribe(parent, args, context, info) {
      return context.prisma.${ mutation_in: ['CREATED'] }).node();
    const newVote = {
      subscribe: newVoteSubscribe,
      resolve: payload => payload
    module.exports = {
      // ...

Testing the newVote subscription

Use the following subscription:

subscription {
  newVote {
    link {
    user {

Test it with the following vote mutation. Make sure to replace __LINK_ID__ placeholder with the id of an actual Link from the database and that the request is authenticated:

mutation {
  vote(linkId: "__LINK_ID__") {
    link {
    user {