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API server for RoboRally Java Game Agile course

This repository serves as the server for the Java game RoboRally:

User Endpoints Description Response
POST /createUser/[username] Creates a user status 400 - user already exists
status 200 - user created successfully
PUT /chooseRobot/[username]/[robot_name] Assigns user a robot status 404 - user not found
status 200 - robot chosen successfully
PUT /joinRoom/[username]/[room_number] User joins a room status 404 - user not found
status 200 - user joins a room successfully
status 400 - room does not exist
PUT /exitRoom/[username] User exits a room status 404 - user not found
status 401 - user is not currently in any room
status 200 - user exits room => response body contains code of the room user has exited
DELETE /deleteUser/[username] Deletes a user status 404 - user not found
status 200 - user deleted successfully
Room Endpoints Description Response
POST /createRoom/[username]/[map_name] Creates a room status 200 - room created successfuly => response body contains code of the new room
status 404 - user not found
status 400 - User already in a room
GET /roomInfo/[room_number] List of players in a room status 404 - room not found
status 401 - room owner not found
status 200 - response body contains the list of players in the room, the time the request was made and the status of the game in the room
DELETE /deleteRoom/[room_number] Deletes a room status 404 - room not found
status 200 - deletes the room
PUT /updateStatus/[room_number]/[status] Updates the status of a game room status 200 - status has been updated
status 404 - room not found
Robot Endpoints Description Response
PUT /updateRobotPosition/[username]/[pos_x]/[pos_y] Updates robot position status 200 - robot position has been updated
status 404 - user not found
status 401 - user does not have any robot
PUT /updateRobotDirection/[user]/[direction] Updates robot direction status 200 - robot direction has been updated
status 404 - user not found
status 401 - user does not have any robot
GET /getRobotInfo/[username] Get coordinates of users's robot and robot's name status 200 - response body contains name of the robot, coordinates x, y and direction of the robot
status 401 - user does not have any robot
status 404 - user not found
DELETE /deleteRobot/[username] Deletes a robot from the DB status 200 - robot deleted successfully
status 400 - robot not found
status 404 - user not found
ProgrammingRecord Enpoints Description Response
GET /getProgrammingRecords/:roomNumber/:round All players playing in a room in a certain round status 200 - list of player names returned and the request time
status 404 - room not found
POST /createProgrammingRecord request body contains: username, roomNumber, round, register1, register2, register3, register4, register5 Creates a new programming record in a specific room in a specific round status 200 - record created
status 400 - user not found
status 401 - room not found
status 402 - user not joined the room

DataBase Design

image of a database


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