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CreateDeprecationAcceptanceTest and deprecate rule planner
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fickludd committed Oct 9, 2018
1 parent 1ba199a commit 8fb6edd
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* Copyright (c) 2002-2018 "Neo4j,"
* Neo4j Sweden AB []
* This file is part of Neo4j.
* Neo4j is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package org.neo4j.cypher.internal.javacompat;

import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import org.neo4j.graphdb.InputPosition;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Notification;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Result;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.SeverityLevel;
import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction;
import org.neo4j.kernel.impl.proc.Procedures;
import org.neo4j.procedure.Procedure;

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.any;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains;
import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.neo4j.graphdb.impl.notification.NotificationCode.DEPRECATED_PLANNER;

public class DeprecationAcceptanceTest extends NotificationTestSupport

public void deprecatedRulePlanner()
// when
Result result = db().execute( "CYPHER planner=rule RETURN 1" );
InputPosition position = InputPosition.empty;

// then
assertThat( result.getNotifications(), containsItem( deprecatedPlanner ) );


public void deprecatedToInt()
Stream.of( "CYPHER 3.1", "CYPHER 3.5" )
.forEach( version -> assertNotifications( version + " EXPLAIN RETURN toInt('1') AS one", containsItem( deprecatedFeatureWarning ) ) );

public void deprecatedUpper()
Stream.of( "CYPHER 3.1", "CYPHER 3.5" )
.forEach( version -> assertNotifications( version + " EXPLAIN RETURN upper('foo') AS one", containsItem( deprecatedFeatureWarning ) ) );

public void deprecatedLower()
Stream.of( "CYPHER 3.1", "CYPHER 3.5" )
.forEach( version -> assertNotifications( version + " EXPLAIN RETURN lower('BAR') AS one", containsItem( deprecatedFeatureWarning ) ) );

public void deprecatedRels()
Stream.of( "CYPHER 3.1", "CYPHER 3.5" )
.forEach( version -> assertNotifications( version + " EXPLAIN MATCH p = ()-->() RETURN rels(p) AS r", containsItem( deprecatedFeatureWarning ) ) );

public void deprecatedProcedureCalls() throws Exception
db().getDependencyResolver().provideDependency( Procedures.class ).get().registerProcedure( TestProcedures.class );
Stream.of( "CYPHER 3.1", "CYPHER 3.5" ).forEach( version ->
assertNotifications( version + "explain CALL oldProc()", containsItem( deprecatedProcedureWarning ) );
assertNotifications( version + "explain CALL oldProc() RETURN 1", containsItem( deprecatedProcedureWarning ) );
} );


public void deprecatedProcedureResultField() throws Exception
db().getDependencyResolver().provideDependency( Procedures.class ).get().registerProcedure( TestProcedures.class );
Stream.of( "CYPHER 3.5" ).forEach(
version -> assertNotifications(
version + "explain CALL changedProc() YIELD oldField RETURN oldField",
containsItem( deprecatedProcedureReturnFieldWarning )
) );


public void deprecatedStartAllNodeScan()
assertNotifications( "EXPLAIN START n=node(*) RETURN n", containsItem( deprecatedStartWarning ) );

public void deprecatedStartNodeById()
assertNotifications( "EXPLAIN START n=node(1337) RETURN n", containsItem( deprecatedStartWarning ) );

public void deprecatedStartNodeByIds()
assertNotifications( "EXPLAIN START n=node(42,1337) RETURN n", containsItem( deprecatedStartWarning ) );

public void deprecatedStartNodeIndexSeek()
try ( Transaction ignore = db().beginTx() )
db().index().forNodes( "index" );
assertNotifications( "EXPLAIN START n=node:index(key = 'value') RETURN n", containsItem( deprecatedStartWarning ) );

public void deprecatedStartNodeIndexSearch()
try ( Transaction ignore = db().beginTx() )
db().index().forNodes( "index" );
assertNotifications( "EXPLAIN START n=node:index('key:value*') RETURN n", containsItem( deprecatedStartWarning ) );

public void deprecatedStartAllRelScan()
assertNotifications( "EXPLAIN START r=relationship(*) RETURN r", containsItem( deprecatedStartWarning ) );

public void deprecatedStartRelById()
assertNotifications( "EXPLAIN START r=relationship(1337) RETURN r", containsItem( deprecatedStartWarning ) );

public void deprecatedStartRelByIds()
assertNotifications( "EXPLAIN START r=relationship(42,1337) RETURN r", containsItem( deprecatedStartWarning ) );

public void deprecatedStartRelIndexSeek()
try ( Transaction ignore = db().beginTx() )
db().index().forRelationships( "index" );
assertNotifications( "EXPLAIN START r=relationship:index(key = 'value') RETURN r", containsItem( deprecatedStartWarning ) );

public void deprecatedStartRelIndexSearch()
try ( Transaction ignore = db().beginTx() )
db().index().forRelationships( "index" );
assertNotifications( "EXPLAIN START r=relationship:index('key:value*') RETURN r", containsItem( deprecatedStartWarning ) );


public void deprecatedFutureAmbiguousRelTypeSeparator()
List<String> deprecatedQueries = Arrays.asList( "explain MATCH (a)-[:A|:B|:C {foo:'bar'}]-(b) RETURN a,b", "explain MATCH (a)-[x:A|:B|:C]-() RETURN a",
"explain MATCH (a)-[:A|:B|:C*]-() RETURN a" );

List<String> nonDeprecatedQueries =
Arrays.asList( "explain MATCH (a)-[:A|B|C {foo:'bar'}]-(b) RETURN a,b", "explain MATCH (a)-[:A|:B|:C]-(b) RETURN a,b",
"explain MATCH (a)-[:A|B|C]-(b) RETURN a,b" );

for ( String query : deprecatedQueries )
assertNotifications( "CYPHER 3.5 " + query, containsItem( deprecatedSeparatorWarning ) );

for ( String query : nonDeprecatedQueries )
assertNotifications( "CYPHER 3.5 " + query, containsNoItem( deprecatedSeparatorWarning ) );

public void deprecatedBindingVariableLengthRelationship()
assertNotifications( "CYPHER 3.5 explain MATCH ()-[rs*]-() RETURN rs", containsItem( deprecatedBindingWarning
) );

assertNotifications( "CYPHER 3.5 explain MATCH p = ()-[*]-() RETURN relationships(p) AS rs", containsNoItem(
deprecatedBindingWarning ) );


public static class ChangedResults
public final String oldField = "deprecated";
public final String newField = "use this";

public static class TestProcedures

@Procedure( "newProc" )
public void newProc()

@Procedure( name = "oldProc", deprecatedBy = "newProc" )
public void oldProc()

@Procedure( "changedProc" )
public Stream<ChangedResults> changedProc()
return Stream.of( new ChangedResults() );

private Matcher<Notification> deprecatedFeatureWarning =
notification( "Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning", containsString( "The query used a deprecated function." ),
any( InputPosition.class ), SeverityLevel.WARNING );

private Matcher<Notification> deprecatedPlanner =
notification( "Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning", containsString( "The rule planner, which was used to plan this query, is deprecated and will be discontinued soon. If you did not explicitly choose the rule planner, you should try to change your query so that the rule planner is not used" ),
any( InputPosition.class ), SeverityLevel.WARNING );

private Matcher<Notification> deprecatedStartWarning = notification( "Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning",
containsString( "START has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " ), any( InputPosition.class ), SeverityLevel.WARNING );

private Matcher<Notification> deprecatedProcedureWarning =
notification( "Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning", containsString( "The query used a deprecated procedure." ),
any( InputPosition.class ), SeverityLevel.WARNING );

private Matcher<Notification> deprecatedProcedureReturnFieldWarning =
notification( "Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning", containsString( "The query used a deprecated field from a procedure." ),
any( InputPosition.class ), SeverityLevel.WARNING );

private Matcher<Notification> deprecatedBindingWarning = notification( "Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning",
containsString( "Binding relationships to a list in a variable length pattern is deprecated." ), any( InputPosition.class ),
SeverityLevel.WARNING );

private Matcher<Notification> deprecatedSeparatorWarning = notification( "Neo.ClientNotification.Statement.FeatureDeprecationWarning", containsString(
"The semantics of using colon in the separation of alternative relationship " +
"types in conjunction with the use of variable binding, inlined property " +
"predicates, or variable length will change in a future version." ), any( InputPosition.class ), SeverityLevel.WARNING );

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