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grpc_logrus is a gRPC logging middleware backed by Logrus loggers

It accepts a user-configured logrus.Entry that will be used for logging completed gRPC calls. The same logrus.Entry will be used for logging completed gRPC calls, and be populated into the context.Context passed into gRPC handler code.

You can use Extract to log into a request-scoped logrus.Entry instance in your handler code. The fields set on the logger correspond to the grpc_ctxtags.Tags attached to the context.

This package also implements request and response payload logging, both for server-side and client-side. These will be logged as structured jsonbp fields for every message received/sent (both unary and streaming). For that please use Payload*Interceptor functions for that. Please note that the user-provided function that determines whetether to log the full request/response payload needs to be written with care, this can significantly slow down gRPC.

Logrus can also be made as a backend for gRPC library internals. For that use ReplaceGrpcLogger.

Please see examples and tests for examples of use.


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x := func(ctx context.Context, ping *pb_testproto.PingRequest) (*pb_testproto.PingResponse, error) {
	    // Add fields the ctxtags of the request which will be added to all extracted loggers.
	    grpc_ctxtags.Extract(ctx).Set("custom_tags.string", "something").Set("", 1337)
	    // Extract a request-scoped zap.Logger and log a message.
	    grpc_logrus.Extract(ctx).Info("some ping")
	    return &pb_testproto.PingResponse{Value: ping.Value}, nil
	return x


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// Logrus entry is used, allowing pre-definition of certain fields by the user.
	logrusEntry := logrus.NewEntry(logrusLogger)
	// Shared options for the logger, with a custom gRPC code to log level function.
	opts := []grpc_logrus.Option{
	// Make sure that log statements internal to gRPC library are logged using the zapLogger as well.
	// Create a server, make sure we put the grpc_ctxtags context before everything else.
	server := grpc.NewServer(
	        grpc_logrus.UnaryServerInterceptor(logrusEntry, opts...),
	        grpc_logrus.StreamServerInterceptor(logrusEntry, opts...),
	return server


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// Logrus entry is used, allowing pre-definition of certain fields by the user.
	logrusEntry := logrus.NewEntry(logrusLogger)
	// Shared options for the logger, with a custom duration to log field function.
	opts := []grpc_logrus.Option{
	    grpc_logrus.WithDurationField(func(duration time.Duration) (key string, value interface{}) {
	        return "grpc.time_ns", duration.Nanoseconds()
	server := grpc.NewServer(
	        grpc_logrus.UnaryServerInterceptor(logrusEntry, opts...),
	        grpc_logrus.StreamServerInterceptor(logrusEntry, opts...),
	return server

client_interceptors.go context.go doc.go grpclogger.go noop.go options.go payload_interceptors.go server_interceptors.go

var (
    // SystemField is used in every log statement made through grpc_logrus. Can be overwritten before any initialization code.
    SystemField = "system"

    // KindField describes the log gield used to incicate whether this is a server or a client log statment.
    KindField = "span.kind"
var DefaultDurationToField = DurationToTimeMillisField

DefaultDurationToField is the default implementation of converting request duration to a log field (key and value).

var (
    // JsonPBMarshaller is the marshaller used for serializing protobuf messages.
    JsonPbMarshaller = &jsonpb.Marshaler{}
func DefaultClientCodeToLevel(code codes.Code) logrus.Level

DefaultClientCodeToLevel is the default implementation of gRPC return codes to log levels for client side.

func DefaultCodeToLevel(code codes.Code) logrus.Level

DefaultCodeToLevel is the default implementation of gRPC return codes to log levels for server side.

func DurationToDurationField(duration time.Duration) (key string, value interface{})

DurationToDurationField uses the duration value to log the request duration.

func DurationToTimeMillisField(duration time.Duration) (key string, value interface{})

DurationToTimeMillisField converts the duration to milliseconds and uses the key grpc.time_ms.

func Extract(ctx context.Context) *logrus.Entry

Extract takes the call-scoped logrus.Entry from grpc_logrus middleware.

If the grpc_logrus middleware wasn't used, a no-op logrus.Entry is returned. This makes it safe to use regardless.

func PayloadStreamClientInterceptor(entry *logrus.Entry, decider grpc_logging.ClientPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.StreamClientInterceptor

PayloadStreamServerInterceptor returns a new streaming client interceptor that logs the paylods of requests and responses.

func PayloadStreamServerInterceptor(entry *logrus.Entry, decider grpc_logging.ServerPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.StreamServerInterceptor

PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor returns a new server server interceptors that logs the payloads of requests.

This only works when placed after the grpc_logrus.StreamServerInterceptor. However, the logging can be done to a separate instance of the logger.

func PayloadUnaryClientInterceptor(entry *logrus.Entry, decider grpc_logging.ClientPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor

PayloadUnaryClientInterceptor returns a new unary client interceptor that logs the paylods of requests and responses.

func PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor(entry *logrus.Entry, decider grpc_logging.ServerPayloadLoggingDecider) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor

PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor returns a new unary server interceptors that logs the payloads of requests.

This only works when placed after the grpc_logrus.UnaryServerInterceptor. However, the logging can be done to a separate instance of the logger.

func ReplaceGrpcLogger(logger *logrus.Entry)

ReplaceGrpcLogger sets the given logrus.Logger as a gRPC-level logger. This should be called before any other initialization, preferably from init() functions.

func StreamClientInterceptor(entry *logrus.Entry, opts ...Option) grpc.StreamClientInterceptor

StreamServerInterceptor returns a new streaming client interceptor that optionally logs the execution of external gRPC calls.

func StreamServerInterceptor(entry *logrus.Entry, opts ...Option) grpc.StreamServerInterceptor

StreamServerInterceptor returns a new streaming server interceptor that adds logrus.Entry to the context.

func UnaryClientInterceptor(entry *logrus.Entry, opts ...Option) grpc.UnaryClientInterceptor

UnaryClientInterceptor returns a new unary client interceptor that optionally logs the execution of external gRPC calls.

func UnaryServerInterceptor(entry *logrus.Entry, opts ...Option) grpc.UnaryServerInterceptor

PayloadUnaryServerInterceptor returns a new unary server interceptors that adds logrus.Entry to the context.

type CodeToLevel func(code codes.Code) logrus.Level

CodeToLevel function defines the mapping between gRPC return codes and interceptor log level.

type DurationToField func(duration time.Duration) (key string, value interface{})

DurationToField function defines how to produce duration fields for logging

type Option func(*options)
func WithCodes(f grpc_logging.ErrorToCode) Option

WithCodes customizes the function for mapping errors to error codes.

func WithDurationField(f DurationToField) Option

WithDurationField customizes the function for mapping request durations to log fields.

func WithLevels(f CodeToLevel) Option

WithLevels customizes the function for mapping gRPC return codes and interceptor log level statements.

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