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Testing and Performance

neomerx edited this page May 27, 2015 · 6 revisions


$ phpunit

Performance test

Sample application includes performance test. It can be run with default parameters

$ php sample.php -t

or with execution time measurement and specified number of iterations

$ php time sample.php -t=10000

If your system has debug assertions enabled it is recommended to turn them off. Just to give you an idea that debug assert are not free here is the execution time comparison

Debug asserts mode Command Execution time
Enabled $ php -d sample.php -t=10000 7.589s
Disabled $ php -d sample.php -t=10000 2.884s

The following command could be used for performance profiling with

$ blackfire --slot <slot number here> --samples 1 run php -d sample.php -t=100

Are you in a mood to optimize performance? You can start from this performance baseline profile.

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