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556 lines (252 loc) · 16.3 KB

Media ViewHelper Reference

This reference was automatically generated from code on 2016-06-07

Renders an <img> HTML tag for a filetype icon for a given Neos.Media's asset instance



  • additionalAttributes (array, optional): Additional tag attributes. They will be added directly to the resulting HTML tag.
  • data (array, optional): Additional data-* attributes. They will each be added with a "data-" prefix.
  • file (NeosMediaDomainModelAssetInterface)
  • width (integer|null, optional)
  • height (integer|null, optional)
  • class (string, optional): CSS class(es) for this element
  • dir (string, optional): Text direction for this HTML element. Allowed strings: "ltr" (left to right), "rtl" (right to left)
  • id (string, optional): Unique (in this file) identifier for this HTML element.
  • lang (string, optional): Language for this element. Use short names specified in RFC 1766
  • style (string, optional): Individual CSS styles for this element
  • title (string, optional): Tooltip text of element
  • accesskey (string, optional): Keyboard shortcut to access this element
  • tabindex (integer, optional): Specifies the tab order of this element
  • onclick (string, optional): JavaScript evaluated for the onclick event


Rendering an asset filetype icon:

< asset="{assetObject}" alt="a filetype icon" height="16" />

Expected result:

(depending on the asset, no scaling applied)
<img src="_Resources/Static/Packages/TYPO3/Media/Icons/16px/jpg.png" height="16" alt="a filetype icon" />

View Helper which creates a simple checkbox (<input type="checkbox">).



  • additionalAttributes (array, optional): Additional tag attributes. They will be added directly to the resulting HTML tag.
  • data (array, optional): Additional data-* attributes. They will each be added with a "data-" prefix.
  • checked (boolean, optional): Specifies that the input element should be preselected
  • multiple (boolean, optional): Specifies whether this checkbox belongs to a multivalue (is part of a checkbox group)
  • name (string, optional): Name of input tag
  • value (string): Value of input tag. Required for checkboxes
  • property (string, optional): Name of Object Property. If used in conjunction with <f:form object="...">, "name" and "value" properties will be ignored.
  • disabled (string, optional): Specifies that the input element should be disabled when the page loads
  • errorClass (string, optional): CSS class to set if there are errors for this view helper
  • class (string, optional): CSS class(es) for this element
  • dir (string, optional): Text direction for this HTML element. Allowed strings: "ltr" (left to right), "rtl" (right to left)
  • id (string, optional): Unique (in this file) identifier for this HTML element.
  • lang (string, optional): Language for this element. Use short names specified in RFC 1766
  • style (string, optional): Individual CSS styles for this element
  • title (string, optional): Tooltip text of element
  • accesskey (string, optional): Keyboard shortcut to access this element
  • tabindex (integer, optional): Specifies the tab order of this element
  • onclick (string, optional): JavaScript evaluated for the onclick event



< name="myCheckBox" value="someValue" />

Expected result:

<input type="checkbox" name="myCheckBox" value="someValue" />


< name="myCheckBox" value="someValue" checked="{object.value} == 5" />

Expected result:

<input type="checkbox" name="myCheckBox" value="someValue" checked="checked" />
(depending on $object)

Bind to object property:

< property="interests" value="TYPO3" />

Expected result:

<input type="checkbox" name="user[interests][]" value="TYPO3" checked="checked" />
(depending on property "interests")

Renders a DateTime formatted relative to the current date



  • date (DateTime, optional)

Renders an <img> HTML tag from a given Neos.Media's image instance



  • additionalAttributes (array, optional): Additional tag attributes. They will be added directly to the resulting HTML tag.
  • data (array, optional): Additional data-* attributes. They will each be added with a "data-" prefix.
  • image (NeosMediaDomainModelImageInterface, optional): The image to be rendered as an image
  • width (integer, optional): Desired width of the image
  • maximumWidth (integer, optional): Desired maximum width of the image
  • height (integer, optional): Desired height of the image
  • maximumHeight (integer, optional): Desired maximum height of the image
  • allowCropping (boolean, optional): Whether the image should be cropped if the given sizes would hurt the aspect ratio
  • allowUpScaling (boolean, optional): Whether the resulting image size might exceed the size of the original image
  • async (boolean, optional): Return asynchronous image URI in case the requested image does not exist already
  • preset (string, optional): Preset used to determine image configuration
  • class (string, optional): CSS class(es) for this element
  • dir (string, optional): Text direction for this HTML element. Allowed strings: "ltr" (left to right), "rtl" (right to left)
  • id (string, optional): Unique (in this file) identifier for this HTML element.
  • lang (string, optional): Language for this element. Use short names specified in RFC 1766
  • style (string, optional): Individual CSS styles for this element
  • title (string, optional): Tooltip text of element
  • accesskey (string, optional): Keyboard shortcut to access this element
  • tabindex (integer, optional): Specifies the tab order of this element
  • onclick (string, optional): JavaScript evaluated for the onclick event
  • alt (string): Specifies an alternate text for an image
  • loading (string, optional): Specifies the loading attribute for an image, defaults to lazy
  • ismap (string, optional): Specifies an image as a server-side image-map. Rarely used. Look at usemap instead
  • usemap (string, optional): Specifies an image as a client-side image-map
  • asset (NeosMediaDomainModelAssetInterface, optional): The asset to be rendered - DEPRECATED, use the "image" argument instead


Rendering an image as-is:

< image="{imageObject}" alt="a sample image without scaling" />

Expected result:

(depending on the image, no scaling applied)
<img src="_Resources/Persistent/b29[...]95d.jpeg" width="120" height="180" alt="a sample image without scaling" />

Rendering an image with scaling at a given width only:

< image="{imageObject}" maximumWidth="80" alt="sample" />

Expected result:

(depending on the image; scaled down to a maximum width of 80 pixels, keeping the aspect ratio)
<img src="_Resources/Persistent/b29[...]95d.jpeg" width="80" height="120" alt="sample" />

Rendering an image with scaling at given width and height, keeping aspect ratio:

< image="{imageObject}" maximumWidth="80" maximumHeight="80" alt="sample" />

Expected result:

(depending on the image; scaled down to a maximum width and height of 80 pixels, keeping the aspect ratio)
<img src="_Resources/Persistent/b29[...]95d.jpeg" width="53" height="80" alt="sample" />

Rendering an image with crop-scaling at given width and height:

< image="{imageObject}" maximumWidth="80" maximumHeight="80" allowCropping="true" alt="sample" />

Expected result:

(depending on the image; scaled down to a width and height of 80 pixels, possibly changing aspect ratio)
<img src="_Resources/Persistent/b29[...]95d.jpeg" width="80" height="80" alt="sample" />

Rendering an image with allowed up-scaling at given width and height:

< image="{imageObject}" maximumWidth="5000" allowUpScaling="true" alt="sample" />

Expected result:

(depending on the image; scaled up or down to a width 5000 pixels, keeping aspect ratio)
<img src="_Resources/Persistent/b29[...]95d.jpeg" width="80" height="80" alt="sample" />

Renders an <img> HTML tag from a given Neos.Media's asset instance



  • additionalAttributes (array, optional): Additional tag attributes. They will be added directly to the resulting HTML tag.
  • data (array, optional): Additional data-* attributes. They will each be added with a "data-" prefix.
  • asset (NeosMediaDomainModelAssetInterface, optional): The asset to be rendered as a thumbnail
  • width (integer, optional): Desired width of the thumbnail
  • maximumWidth (integer, optional): Desired maximum width of the thumbnail
  • height (integer, optional): Desired height of the thumbnail
  • maximumHeight (integer, optional): Desired maximum height of the thumbnail
  • allowCropping (boolean, optional): Whether the thumbnail should be cropped if the given sizes would hurt the aspect ratio
  • allowUpScaling (boolean, optional): Whether the resulting thumbnail size might exceed the size of the original asset
  • async (boolean, optional): Return asynchronous image URI in case the requested image does not exist already
  • preset (string, optional): Preset used to determine image configuration
  • class (string, optional): CSS class(es) for this element
  • dir (string, optional): Text direction for this HTML element. Allowed strings: "ltr" (left to right), "rtl" (right to left)
  • id (string, optional): Unique (in this file) identifier for this HTML element.
  • lang (string, optional): Language for this element. Use short names specified in RFC 1766
  • style (string, optional): Individual CSS styles for this element
  • title (string, optional): Tooltip text of element
  • accesskey (string, optional): Keyboard shortcut to access this element
  • tabindex (integer, optional): Specifies the tab order of this element
  • onclick (string, optional): JavaScript evaluated for the onclick event
  • alt (string): Specifies an alternate text for an asset


Rendering an asset thumbnail:

< asset="{assetObject}" alt="a sample asset without scaling" />

Expected result:

(depending on the asset, no scaling applied)
<img src="_Resources/Persistent/b29[...]95d.jpeg" width="120" height="180" alt="a sample asset without scaling" />

Rendering an asset thumbnail with scaling at a given width only:

< asset="{assetObject}" maximumWidth="80" alt="sample" />

Expected result:

(depending on the asset; scaled down to a maximum width of 80 pixels, keeping the aspect ratio)
<img src="_Resources/Persistent/b29[...]95d.jpeg" width="80" height="120" alt="sample" />

Rendering an asset thumbnail with scaling at given width and height, keeping aspect ratio:

< asset="{assetObject}" maximumWidth="80" maximumHeight="80" alt="sample" />

Expected result:

(depending on the asset; scaled down to a maximum width and height of 80 pixels, keeping the aspect ratio)
<img src="_Resources/Persistent/b29[...]95d.jpeg" width="53" height="80" alt="sample" />

Rendering an asset thumbnail with crop-scaling at given width and height:

< asset="{assetObject}" maximumWidth="80" maximumHeight="80" allowCropping="true" alt="sample" />

Expected result:

(depending on the asset; scaled down to a width and height of 80 pixels, possibly changing aspect ratio)
<img src="_Resources/Persistent/b29[...]95d.jpeg" width="80" height="80" alt="sample" />

Rendering an asset thumbnail with allowed up-scaling at given width and height:

< asset="{assetObject}" maximumWidth="5000" allowUpScaling="true" alt="sample" />

Expected result:

(depending on the asset; scaled up or down to a width 5000 pixels, keeping aspect ratio)
<img src="_Resources/Persistent/b29[...]95d.jpeg" width="80" height="80" alt="sample" />

Renders the src path of a thumbnail image of a given Neos.Media image instance



  • image (NeosMediaDomainModelImageInterface, optional)
  • width (integer, optional): Desired width of the image
  • maximumWidth (integer, optional): Desired maximum width of the image
  • height (integer, optional): Desired height of the image
  • maximumHeight (integer, optional): Desired maximum height of the image
  • allowCropping (boolean, optional): Whether the image should be cropped if the given sizes would hurt the aspect ratio
  • allowUpScaling (boolean, optional): Whether the resulting image size might exceed the size of the original image
  • async (boolean, optional): Return asynchronous image URI in case the requested image does not exist already
  • preset (string, optional): Preset used to determine image configuration
  • asset (NeosMediaDomainModelAssetInterface, optional): The image to be rendered - DEPRECATED, use the "image" argument instead


Rendering an image path as-is:

{ imageObject)}

Expected result:

(depending on the image)

Rendering an image path with scaling at a given width only:

{ imageObject, maximumWidth: 80)}

Expected result:

(depending on the image; has scaled keeping the aspect ratio)

Renders the src path of a thumbnail image of a given Neos.Media asset instance



  • asset (NeosMediaDomainModelAssetInterface, optional)
  • width (integer, optional): Desired width of the thumbnail
  • maximumWidth (integer, optional): Desired maximum width of the thumbnail
  • height (integer, optional): Desired height of the thumbnail
  • maximumHeight (integer, optional): Desired maximum height of the thumbnail
  • allowCropping (boolean, optional): Whether the thumbnail should be cropped if the given sizes would hurt the aspect ratio
  • allowUpScaling (boolean, optional): Whether the resulting thumbnail size might exceed the size of the original asset
  • async (boolean, optional): Return asynchronous image URI in case the requested image does not exist already
  • preset (string, optional): Preset used to determine image configuration


Rendering an asset thumbnail path as-is:

{ assetObject)}

Expected result:

(depending on the asset)

Rendering an asset thumbnail path with scaling at a given width only:

{ assetObject, maximumWidth: 80)}

Expected result:

(depending on the asset; has scaled keeping the aspect ratio)