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File metadata and controls

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Neos SEO Documentation

This documentation covering version has been rendered at:



Install the package through composer:

composer require neos/seo

Page title

The default <title> tag rendering in the Neos.Neos:Page Fusion object is a "reverse breadcrumb" of the regular title field(s). This is done in Neos.Seo:TitleTag with a configurable separator.

A new field titleOverride is added to Neos.Neos:Document via the Neos.Seo:TitleTagMixin. The new field is used as the <title> tag content if it is filled (see Neos.Seo:TitleTag).

By default the sites name will be added as suffix. You can also configure this behavior in Neos.Seo:TitleTag.

Basic meta tags

The fields for keywords and description are added to Neos.Neos:Document via the Neos.Seo:SeoMetaTagsMixin

If they are filled in, <meta> tags for their contents will be rendered (see Neos.Seo:MetaKeywordsTag and Neos.Seo:MetaDescriptionTag).

Two checkboxes allow to set the content for the <meta name="robots"> tag to any combination of the possible values follow, nofollow, index and noindex.

Twitter Cards

The Neos.Seo:TwitterCardMixin (added to Neos.Neos:Document by default) provides a new inspector tab to configure Twitter Cards on any document. If a Twitter Card is enabled, the related meta tags will be rendered as needed and useful.

The twitter:site handle can be configured with the setting Neos.Seo.twitterCard.siteHandle by providing a valid Twitter handle:

      siteHandle: '@neoscms'

Check the documentation on for more on Twitter Cards.

Also check out the defined fallback-definitions for the individual tags.


The optional fb:profile_id, fb:admins and fb:pages tags can be configured with the settings in Neos.Seo.facebook and by providing valid Facebook user/channel ids:

      profileId: 'myUserId'
        - 'myAdmin1'
        - 'myAdmin2'
        - 'myChannelId1'
        - 'myChannelId2'

Check the documentation on for more on facebook specific tags.

You can add further tags if needed by extending the Neos.Seo:FacebookMetaTags prototype via Fusion in your own package.

Open Graph

The Neos.Seo:OpenGraphMixin (added to Neos.Neos:Document by default) provides a new inspector tab to configure Open Graph on any document. The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. The essential ones are:

  • og:type
  • og:site_name
  • og:title
  • og:locale
  • og:description
  • og:image
  • og:url

Also check out the defined fallback-definitions for the individual tags as most fields will be prefilled with values from other fields.

For more information about Open Graph please have a look at

Define image fallback for Twitter Cards or Open Graph

The fusion object of this package defines Case-Objects that you can use to add your fallback. Here are some examples how to do so:

Example: Add a document property headerImage as fallback, if no Twitter Card image is present:

prototype(Neos.Seo:TwitterCard) {
    image {
        asset {
            headerImage {
                condition = ${Type.instance(q(node).property('headerImage'), 'Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface')}
                renderer = ${q(node).property('headerImage')}

Example: Add the image of the first content node found that has an image property as fallback, when no Twitter Card image is present:

prototype(Neos.Seo:OpenGraphMetaTags) {
    image {
        contentImage {
            firstContentWithImage = ${q(node).children('[instanceof Neos.Neos:ContentCollection]').find('[instanceof Neos.Neos:Content][image instanceof "Neos\Media\Domain\Model\ImageInterface"]')}
            condition = ${this.firstContentWithImage.count()}
            renderer = ${'image')}

Structured data

This package provides basic prototypes for structured data and some already implemented elements. You can activate and configure them according to your needs.

The prototypes are also meant to be a very basic standard for your own structured elements. So feel free to adjust and reuse them.

Google Search Console

When you activate structured data elements and have them on your live site you should use the Google Search Console to verify that they work as expected:

You can verify site ownership for the Google Search Console with the following setting:


siteVerification: 'yourVerificationProperty'

Or if you prefer having a property to edit in the Neos backend (or on multi site setups), add the following nodeType to the nodeType definition of your site node:


'Neos.Seo:GoogleSiteVerificationMixin': true

Both options will add a meta tag required for Google to verify the ownership.


Search engines can output breadcrumbs by passing a structured data representation of a documents rootline. More information is available here:

These are enabled by default.

To output general information including url and name of your site you can enable the Website object:

prototype(Neos.Seo:StructuredData.Container).website.@if.enabled = true

Additionally if you have a local search on your site you can enable the Sitelinks Searchbox object. More information is available here:

You can enable this feature with the following code and by adjusting `targetNode`:

prototype(Neos.Seo:StructuredData.Website) {
    potentialAction.targetNode = ${<reference to your search page>}

Social profile

Search engines can output information about the social profile by passing a structured data representation of a documents rootline. Depending whether the site is run by a person or organization some parts need to be configured.

More information is available here: * *

You can enable this feature with the following code:

prototype(Neos.Seo:StructuredData.Container).socialProfile.@if.enabled = true

To adjust the profile configure this according to your requirements in your `Settings.yaml`:

      type: 'set either to "Person" or "Organization"'
      logo: 'resource://Vendor.Site/Public/Images/MyLogo.png'
        twitter: 'your twitter name'
        facebook: 'your facebook name'
        instagram: 'your instagram name'
        linkedIn: 'your linkedin name'
        youTube: 'your YouTube channel identifier'

XML sitemap

The generation of an XML sitemap to submit to search engines can be used as follows:

The change frequency and priority for each sitemap entry are used as specified in the respective fields added to the SEO tab in the inspector of Neos.Neos:Document nodes via the Neos.Seo:XmlSitemapMixin. For priority the default value is 0.5 (neutral) and the change frequency is omitted unless specified.

The necessary route to make the sitemap available is automatically included via Settings.yaml and will provide the sitemap via your.domain/sitemap.xml. See Settings on how to disable or change the route.

To include contained images of pages in the xml sitemap use the following fusion code:

prototype(Neos.Seo:XmlSitemap) {
    body.includeImageUrls = true

Be aware that the sitemap will output all images referenced in a page and it's content. If you reference images that should not render in the frontend you might need to adjust the sitemap according to your needs.

By default all shortcuts are ignored in the sitemap. They inherit from the prototype Neos.Seo:NoindexMixin. If you have other document types that should not appear in the sitemap you can also let them inherit from that prototype.

To include alternate language links of pages in the xml sitemap use the following fusion code:

prototype(Neos.Seo:XmlSitemap) {
    body.includeAlternateLanguageLinks = true

Be aware of possible performance issues. Rendering the sitemap with all optional features might be slow for larger installations and needs an optimized XmlSitemapImplementation which could use ElasticSearch for example. Alternatively you can change the caching behavior and have a cron job that recreates the sitemap for example once per day.

Alternate Language Tag

The Alternate Language Tag provides information that the site is also available in other languages. By default the tags are rendered with the Neos.Neos:DimensionMenu and the language dimension. Given the Neos Demo Site Package as an example the rendered tags for the homepage would be.

<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en_US" href=""/>
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en_UK" href=""/>

According to the following dimension settings, there would be a lot more tags expected. However only two variants of the homepage exists, thus only en_US and its fallback en_UK are rendered.

In case the dimension that contains the language is not named language you have to set the alternative name with the property ContentRepository.dimensionTypes.language.

      label: 'Language'
      icon: 'icon-language'
      default: 'en_US'
      defaultPreset: 'en_US'
        'all': ~
          label: 'English (US)'
          values: ['en_US']
          uriSegment: 'en'
          label: 'English (UK)'
          values: ['en_UK', 'en_US']
          uriSegment: 'uk'
          label: 'German'
          values: ['de']
          uriSegment: 'de'
          label: 'French'
          values: ['fr']
          uriSegment: 'fr'
          label: 'Dutch'
          values: ['nl', 'de']
          uriSegment: 'nl'
          label: 'Danish'
          values: ['dk']
          uriSegment: 'dk'
          label: 'Latvian'
          values: ['lv']
          uriSegment: 'lv'
    language: 'language'

You can exclude presets by overriding Neos.Seo:AlternateLanguageLinks.

Dynamic robots.txt

To activate the automatic robots.txt you have to delete the robots.txt inside the /Web folder. You also have to edit the `.htaccess`:: Change the line RewriteRule ^(_Resources/Packages/|robots.txt|favicon.ico) - [L] to RewriteRule ^(_Resources/Packages/|favicon.ico) - [L].

If you don't want to delete `robots.txt` after every update, you should add following lines to your `.htaccess`::

# Use Neos robots.txt RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/robots.txt RewriteRule (.*) index.php [L]

If you use nginx you should disable the following entry if you have it::

location = /robots.txt {

allow all; log_not_found off; access_log off;


If you only want to render a subset of the available language dimensions (e.g., if the content is not yet ready) you can configure this in the `Settings.yaml`:

      # Activate only English and German
      dimensionsPresets: ['en','de']
      # Or show all but exclude French
      excludedDimensionsPresets: ['fr']

You can also add your own definitions to the robots.txt. They can be passed by adding them to definitions array. For example to block the GoogleBot from a directory use this fusion code:

prototype(Neos.Seo:RobotsTxt) {
    data {
        userAgentGoogleBot = 'User-agent: Googlebot'
        disallowAll = 'Disallow: /private'
        disallowAll.@position = 'after userAgentGoogleBot'

You should work with the position argument to ensure that everything is where you want it. By default a definition is preconfigured that blocks /neos for all user agents.

Disabling not needed features

The package provides a number of mixins to help rendering SEO metadata. By default, they are enabled in the Configuration/NodeTypes.yaml file, along with an inspector tab:

    'Neos.Seo:TitleTagMixin': true
    'Neos.Seo:SeoMetaTagsMixin': true
    'Neos.Seo:TwitterCardMixin': true
    'Neos.Seo:CanonicalLinkMixin': true
    'Neos.Seo:OpenGraphMixin': true
    'Neos.Seo:XmlSitemapMixin': true
          label: 'Neos.Seo:NodeTypes.Document:tabs.seo'
          position: 30
          icon: 'icon-bullseye'

    'Neos.Seo:TitleTagMixin': false
    'Neos.Seo:SeoMetaTagsMixin': false
    'Neos.Seo:NoindexMixin': true
    'Neos.Seo:TwitterCardMixin': false
    'Neos.Seo:CanonicalLinkMixin': false
    'Neos.Seo:OpenGraphMixin': false
    'Neos.Seo:XmlSitemapMixin': false

Then to enable rendering of all SEO meta tags, the following code is used:

prototype(Neos.Neos:Page) {
  htmlTag.attributes.lang = Neos.Seo:LangAttribute
  head {
    titleTag >
    titleTag = Neos.Seo:TitleTag
    metaDescriptionTag = Neos.Seo:MetaDescriptionTag
    metaKeywordsTag = Neos.Seo:MetaKeywordsTag
    metaRobotsTag = Neos.Seo:MetaRobotsTag
    canonicalLink = Neos.Seo:CanonicalLink
    alternateLanguageLinks = Neos.Seo:AlternateLanguageLinks
    twitterCard = Neos.Seo:TwitterCard
    openGraphMetaTags = Neos.Seo:OpenGraphMetaTags
    facebookMetaTags = Neos.Seo:FacebookMetaTags
    structuredData = Neos.Seo:StructuredData.Container

If not all of the features are needed in a project, they can be disabled as needed. This example removes OpenGraph support.


    'Neos.Seo:OpenGraphMixin': false


prototype(Neos.Neos:Page).head.openGraphMetaTags >