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Releases: neovim/pynvim


10 May 13:52
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This version has experimental support for python plugins on windows.

Changes since 0.1.7:

  • 44fb250 vim compatible behavior for vim.eval("[1, 2]")
  • 16cdbc5 fix bang and register command modifiers
  • d6669ab better handling of invalid utf-8 in python3
  • 96c721a Don't error out on :UpdateRemotePlugins when there is no plugins.
  • 5f80a55 Use pyuv instead of asyncio on Windows to support stdio.


02 Apr 19:29
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Add back compatibility for nvim.session.threadsafe_call which is quite common.


02 Apr 16:18
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This release contains some breaking changes, primarily for using this package as a client to remote nvim instances. Most python plugins (both legacy and rplugins) are expected to be unaffected.

This version requires recent master version of neovim (or 0.1.3 when it gets released).

nvim.session is unexported. Upgrade clients as follows:

nvim.session.threadsafe_call -> nvim.async_call
nvim.session.next_message -> nvim.next_message -> nvim.run_loop
nvim.session.stop -> nvim.stop_loop
nvim.session.request -> nvim.request (or nvim.api.method )

nvim.with_hook is gone. This was mostly used by clients to configure decoding on python3. With this release, neovim.attach will activate decoding for python3, so str is returned by default on both python2 and python3. attach takes an optional boolean keyword argument decode, to force decoding on or off. Decoding behavior can be changed with
nvim2 = nvim.with_decode(True/False)

Changes since 0.1.5:

  • b192bae make nvim.current.range.start/end behave like in Vim
  • 9498b38 more robust way to find the script host
  • 6655ced remove SessionHook and move public session api to the nvim object
  • 22537a2 introduce nvim.api.some_method and buffer.api.some_method to call the msgpack API directly
  • 69d6d0f allow nosetests without needing to set envirionment varibles to find nvim
  • 0886e84 remove DecodeHook
  • 02e28e7 change neovim.attach to setup decoding for python3

Also some bugs regarding line indexing are fixed in neovim master (not the python-client), for instance buffer.append("line", i), when the line is inserted after the last existing line, is no longer an error.


17 Mar 19:57
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Previously, when implementing an rplugin as a package, an empty dummy file was needed like this:

rplugin/python3/ # empty file
rplugin/python3/mypackage/ # contains spec

This is no longer neccessary and can be deleted.

Changes since 0.1.4:

  • df0f428 fix missing files in source distribution
  • 3f86eb0 add more info to
  • 0d5b388 fix formatting of
  • 5744bbe search for package dirs
  • c960e32 be more verbose about import errors


08 Mar 19:48
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This release introduces no new features or bugfixes, and is a compatibility release. Neovim master will soon require this version (or later) being installed.

Changes since 0.1.3

  • 79721e6 move to this repository.


02 Mar 13:41
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The gui was removed in this release, and is now available at neovim/python-gui and as the pip package neovim_gui

Changes since 0.1.2:

  • c3789fb move test/ to test/ to include it in release tarballs
  • 1020b45 remove the gui
  • 4be9207 better handling of exceptions in async (notification) handlers
  • 57747f6 allow $NVIM_PYTHON_LOG_FILE also when running the nosetests


25 Feb 23:14
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I published 0.1.1 incorrectly.


25 Feb 21:19
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Changes since 0.1.0:

  • dea5427 don't use deprecated logging.warn() method
  • 94c4240 fix typos in the gtk gui key definitions
  • 2cc7314 support attaching on windows
  • 62e347a add wrappers for add_highlight/clear_highlight buffer methods
  • 2db6bee don't use BaseException.message which is removed in python3

0.1.0: Bump

09 Dec 09:11
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Bump to 0.1.X, to follow the version scheme of main neovim repo.

Changes since 0.0.38:

  • 66617ca doc: Add embedding example to readme.
  • 0dce6a8 Change supported python3 versions to 3.3-3.5
  • d6f2c7a Don't override the encoding of msgpack strings
  • e94201f ui: convert byte strings in python3. Fixes #145


06 Aug 21:46
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Changes since 0.0.37: