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Getting Started

The code is structured for mainly three functionality: pre-processing (shape_det), proposal generation (gss), weakly-supervised recognition (wypr).

Shape Detection

We use the open-source CGAL librabry to detecte shapes from points clouds. This pre-precessing step needs to be done before computing proposals or launch training.

# Complie our modified C++ code, this will require CGAL
# Clone the repo in recursice model so that cgal will be downloaded
# To learn more:
# Use Cmake 3.1 to 3.15 (e.g., module load cmake/3.13.3/gcc.7.3.0)
cd shape_det
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -DCGAL_DIR="$(realpath ../../3rd_party/cgal/)" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../ 
# Usage: ./region_growing_on_point_set_3 input(*.xyz) output(*.ply) output(*.txt)
# To test whether it's built correctly
./region_growing_on_point_set_3 ../data/ point_set_3.ply point_set_3.txt
# You can visualize ../data/ and point_set_3.ply using tools like meshlab.
# The index assignment is saved as point_set_3.txt where 
# each row represents one shape and the last row is the un-assigned points.
cd ../..

Known Issues

  1. Make sure eigen is installed sudo apt install libeigen3-dev.
  2. Could NOT find GMP (missing: GMP_LIBRARIES GMP_INCLUDE_DIR), solve with sudo apt-get install libgmp10 libgmp-dev.
  3. Could NOT find MPFR (missing: MPFR_LIBRARIES MPFR_INCLUDE_DIR), solve with sudo apt install libcgal-dev. (source)
  4. fatal error: GL/gl.h: No such file or directory, try sudo apt install mesa-common-dev

To pre-process the ScanNet dataset, do

# 1st: Convert data from *.ply into *.xyz which CGAL can use
#      You should open some *.xyz files in meshlab to make sure things are correct
# 2nd: Generate running scripts
# Note: you need to change the `data_path` to be the absolute path of output
python shape_det/

# Running
cd shape_det/build
# Use the generated *.sh files here to detect shapes
sh *.sh
# Results will be saved in *.txt files under shape_det/build/

# Pre-compute the adjancency matrix between detected shapes
python shape_det/

For S3DIS dataset, please check the

The pre-computed detected shapes can be downloaded from:

Dataset url
ScanNet link
S3DIS link

Geometric Selective Search (GSS)

We provide standalone code to compute 3D box proposals in an unsupervised manner, together with the evaluation, and visualizaztion code.

To generate proposals for ScanNet, do

cd gss
# Compute proposals for a single policy
# Change the setting in main funtion to different policies
# eg., scannet, default policy: size
# set policy name and mask in line 150-151
python \
   --split trainval \
   --dataset scannet \
   --data_path ${DATA_PATH} \
   --cgal_path ${CGAL_PATH} \
   --seg_path ${SEG_PATH} \
   --n_proc ${NUM_PROC}

# [Optional] Ensemble multiple runs

# Evaluate the MABO and AR
python \
   --dataset scannet \
   --policy ${NAME_OF_POLICY} \
   --split val

The pre-computed 3D proposals using GSS can be found at:

Dataset Methods MABO AR url
ScanNet GSS (unsupervised) 0.378 86.2 link
ScanNet GSS 0.409 89.3 link

WyPR Running

We use Hydra to for configuration. For a single-run of training (e.g., Scannet):

python tools/ model=seg_det_net_ts \
    distrib_backend=ddp backbone=pointnet2 num_point=40000 \
    batch_size=32 learning_rate=0.003 seg_pseudo_label_th=0.9 \

For sweeping parameters (e.g., batch_size)

python tools/ model=seg_det_net_ts \
    distrib_backend=ddp backbone=pointnet2 num_point=40000 \
    batch_size=32,24,48 learning_rate=0.003 seg_pseudo_label_th=0.9 \
    hydra.sweep.dir=/path/to/outputs/ -m

The pre-trained WyPR models are provided here. Numbers are evaluated on validation set.

Dataset Methods mIoU AP@IoU=0.25 url
ScanNet WyPR 29.6 18.3 link
S3DIS WyPR 22.3 19.3 link