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ian edited this page May 12, 2020 · 26 revisions

Lina Mainnet

  • ckb version: >= v0.25.2 (latest stable is recommended)
  • genesis hash: 0x92b197aa1fba0f63633922c61c92375c9c074a93e85963554f5499fe1450d0e5
  • init command: ckb init --chain mainnet
  • launched at: 2019-11-15 21:11:00 UTC

Aggron Testnet

  • ckb version: >= v0.30.1 (latest stable is recommended)
  • genesis hash: 0x63547ecf6fc22d1325980c524b268b4a044d49cda3efbd584c0a8c8b9faaf9e1
  • init command: ckb init --chain testnet
  • launched at: 2020-03-23 04:00:00 UTC

We are going to deploy a PoA (Proof of Authority) algorithm to create blocks in the testnet. However, it will take some time to develop. Before that we will reset the testnet regularly whenever there's no new blocks in an hour.

We'll publish a new version of CKB which bundles the new testnet chain spec. You also can download the latest testnet.toml and init from the downloaded spec

ckb init --chain testnet --import-spec ./testnet.toml

Please confirm that the genesis hash matches the one published here.

Aggron Testnet v4

  • ckb version: >= v0.32.0 (latest stable is recommended)
  • genesis hash: 0x10639e0895502b5688a6be8cf69460d76541bfa4821629d86d62ba0aae3f9606
  • init command: ckb init --chain testnet
  • launched at: 2020-05-15 04:00:00 UTC

The Testnet will use a different PoW function. It requires version v0.32.0 or above.

If you want to test Eaglesong, please start a dev chain and change the PoW function to Eaglesong.

First initialize a dev chain with a test miner account:

// Replace 0x5406f5abe8e3a7eba641f79556688c226d...... with your own pubkey hash
ckb init -c dev --ba-arg 0x5406f5abe8e3a7eba641f79556688c226d......

Edit specs/dev.toml and change to last line to

func = "Eaglesong"

Edit ckb-miner.toml and change the whole [[miner.workers]] section to

worker_type = "EaglesongSimple"
threads     = 1