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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 1, 2023. It is now read-only.

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Bug report
Create a report to help improve PuPHPeteer

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

Reproducible example

// Provide a full example reproducing the bug

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Generated logs Provide the logs generated by your example, see how to get them in the guidelines for contributing to this repository:

The generated logs

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. Windows 10, macOS 10.13.2, Ubuntu 18.04]
  • Node version: [e.g. 10.4.0]
  • PHP version [e.g. 7.2.6]

My Node package manager is:

  • NPM (specify the version)
  • Yarn (specify the version)
  • Other (specify the name and version)

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.