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File metadata and controls

83 lines (55 loc) · 3.67 KB


Below are the commands, their functionality and the args/expected results.

Format: command (alias) - Description

Expected Args: Required Args:

about (abt) - Returns information about the developers, the bot, and any other pertinent information.

access (acc) - Grants users access to the server by comparing their uuid to the uuidv4 format, then by sending the code for manual verification. For additional usage information, see the verify-confirm command.

Expected Args: caseID (uuidv4) Optional Args: userType (r)

announce (an) - Sends an announcement embed to previously defined channels. Adds a role ping depending on the role ID you put in the second argument.

Expected Args: server (predefined codewords), rolepingID (role ID), color, message (string)

appeal (ap) - Starts the appeal process via a thread within the command channel. This is also the source of the generated UUIDv4 code that is needed for entry. Use "a" for an Appeals case, and "g" for a General case

Expected Args: apType (a/g)

avatar (icon, av, pfp, profilepic) - Displays a user's profile picture, or your's if no argument is provided.

Optional Args: userID (id)

decision (dec) - Used by the Chief Justice / Appeals Court to send decisions to users involved.

Expected Args: userID (id), caseID (uuid), decision (app/den), cond (boolean) Optional Args: comments (string)

eval (ev) - Owner-only command.

lock (lc) - Locks a channel from communication for an indeterminate time. The channel is only available for messaging for admins.

Optional Args: reason (string)

lsc-setbio (setbio) - Sets a user's profile bio. THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL AS OF v1.0.0!

Expected Args: bio (string)

lsc-addserver (addserver) - Appends a new server to a member's server employment resume. THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL AS OF v1.0.0!

Expected Args: server (string)

profile (me) - Displays a user's profile. THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL AS OF v1.0.0!

Expected Args: userID (id)

lsc-register (lscr) - Registers a new user profile. THIS IS EXPERIMENTAL AS OF v1.0.0!

ping (p) - Responds with the bot's ping and a corresponding color/message about stability.

purge (pu) - Mass-deletes messages within a channel.

Expected Args: number (1 < n < 100)

question (q) - Sends a message, along with user details, to the Appeals Council.

Expected Args: question (string)

report (rc) - Used for report management within LSC.

Expected Args: status (verify | invalidate), messageid (id)

role-create (roc) - Used by staff to create new server roles and append them to the role list.

Expected Args: member (id), color (hex), name (string)

roles (r) - Used in Appeals to add certain roles to members.

Expected Args: target (id), type (def/rep/obs)

setroles (sr) - Adds or removes LSC ping roles from members at their own discretion.

Expected Args: type (announcements/developer/alert/appeals/security/all)

unlock (ulc) - Reverses the effects of Lock.

Expected Args: reason (string)

unrole (ur) - Takes Appeals roles away, counteracts the effects of Roles.

Expected Args: target (id), type (def/rep/obs)

verify (verifi) - Manages LSC temporary verification.

verify-confirm (vc) - Confirms UUID verification as per the Access command. Can only be used by the Chief Justice.

Expected Args: userID (id), placement (number)

**whois (who, who?, userinfo, user-info, lookup) - Looks up a global information file on a certain user.

Expected Args: userID (id) Optional Args: -mobile

Current as of Version 1.0.0

For any inquiries, contact the Project Manager, Blizzy#8953